Our Extension efforts aim to translate findings from our applied research to end users and stakeholders. We also use extension venues as a listening tool to develop applied research projects that benefit the turfgrass industry and as an avenue for training students to become the next generation of academic extension specialists. Our goal is to provide seamless delivery of information across multiple platforms in order to arm stakeholders with readily accessible, timely, data-driven, support.
Click here for additional bulletins related to turfgrass insects.
Mobile App
A mobile app created to help homeowners and land managers diagnose and address turfgrass disorders, and improve communication with customers.
Purdue Turf DoctorDistance Learning
A newly revised, comprehensive training program focusing on turfgrass management and integrated pest management in cool- and warm-season turfgrass. Approved for certification, recertification, or continuing education credits in 36 states.
Turfgrass IPM