Meet the Team
In 2002, Purdue Extension hosted the first Midwest Women in Agriculture conference. Due to its popularity over the next several years, the annual event led to the formation of the Purdue Women in Agriculture Team in 2006. The team's goal is to help address the educational needs of women employed in or involved with the agricultural industry. The team is composed of Purdue Extension Educators and Specialists.
Team Members
Veronica Bullock - Extension Educator, Franklin County
Emily Evers - Extension Educator, St. Joseph County
Ed Farris - Extension Educator, Huntington County
Sandy Hacker - Bippus State Bank
Kelly Heckaman - Purdue Extension Area XI Director
Tricia Herr - Purdue Extension, Montgomery County
Michele Jones - Extension Educator, Morgan County
Mathias Ingle - Extension Educator, Howard County
Jenna Nees - Extension Educator, Putnam County, chair
Danielle Nylund - Extension Educator, Henry County
Jessica Outcalt - Extension Educator, Cass County
Elysia Rodgers, Extension Educator, DeKalb County
Courtney Schmidt - Extension Educator, Maimi County
Beth Vansickle - Extension Educator, Madison County
Bec Wicker - Wicker Family Farms
Reba Wicker - Extension Educator, Steuben County
Amber Wolfe - Indiana Agriculture & Technology School
Our Team Mission
To recognize and empower women to fully integrate into agriculture.
Our Team Vision
The Purdue Women in Agriculture Team is committed to providing educational opportunities, current resources and a network of support to position all women for success in the agriculture industry through skill development, confident decision making and personal well being.