Learn more about our research and outreach by viewing the publications below.
1. Abel, S., and R. Williams. 2023. Identifying, addressing, and overcoming institutional barriers to reward engaged scholars. In The Handbook of Broader Impacts, L.A. Van Egeren and S. Renoe (eds). In press
2. Burgmeier, N., E. McCallen, E. Kenison, and R.N. Williams. 2022. Comparing the effects of environmental enrichment, seasonality, and soft-release on site retention and survivorship of captive-reared eastern hellbenders (Cryptobranchus allegeniansis). Herpetelogica. 78(4):225-234.
3. Kimble, S.J.A., S.D. Unger, and R.N. Williams. 2022. Genetically derived effective population size estimates of herpetofaunal species should be used with caution. Journal of Wildlife Management. 2022:e22340:1-19. DOI 10.1002/jwmg.22340.
4. Macke, M.J., S.M. Royal, N.G. Burgmeier, B.J. Tornabene, and R.N. Williams. 2022. Juvenile eastern hellbender (Cryptobranchus allegeniansis) preference among juvenile hut designs. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 17(2):218-228.
5. Wuerthner, V., S.J.A. Kimble, Z. H. Olson, N.G. Burgmeier, and R.N. Williams. 2021. High gene flow in eastern red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus) from forests in south-central Indiana. Journal of North American Herpetology 2021(2):1-7.
6. Koetz, R., and R.N. Williams. 2021. Evaluating the effects of education on student knowledge, attitudes, and behavior regarding food waste. Journal of Extension. 59(4) DOI 10.34068/joe.59.04.10.
7. Burgmeier, N., R. Koetz, V. Yager, and R.N. Williams. 2021. Expanding reach of Extension programming through partnerships with state park naturalists. Journal of Extension. 59(4) DOI 10.34068/joe.59.04.16
8. Williams, R. N., Brooke, J. M., Hunt, M., Koetz, R., Pedigo, L., & Cordes, R. 2021. Addressing Nature-Deficit Disorder Using A Multi-program Area, Multi-State Approach. Journal of Extension. 59(4) DOI 10.34068/joe.59.04.15
9. Bylsma, R., and R.N. Williams. 2021. How humans impact gene flow and genetic diversity. FNR-619-W.
10. Kenison, E.K., O. Hernandez-Gomez, R.N. Williams. 2020. A novel bioaugmentation technique effectively increases the skin-associated microbial diversity of captive eastern hellbenders. Conservation Physiology 8:
11. Billet, L., Hoverman, J., Koetz, R., and R.N. Williams. 2020. Ecotoxicology. FNR-595W.
12. Billet, L., Hoverman, J., Koetz, R., and R. Williams. 2020. Disease ecology. FNR-594W.
13. Callahan, J., Clark, M., Duncan, H., Leffel, K., Mehan, L., Rhoden, C., Wasserman, D., Koetz, R., and R.N. Williams. 2020. Resources animal relationships. FNR-578-W.
14. Hullinger, K., Koedel, K., Widner, B., Palm, B., Busse, R., and R.N. Williams. 2020. What a waste of food. FNR-557-W.
15. Haynes, B., Louden, C., Rhine, A., Short, S., Thomas, R., Koetz, R., and R.N. Williams. 2020. Transporting food waste. FNR-609-W.
16. Osinski, B.L., J.M. Getson, B.Bentlage, G.Avery, Z. Glas, L.A. Esman, R.N. Williams & L.S. Prokopy. 2019. What’s the draw?: illustrating the impacts of cartoons versus photographs on attitudes and behavioral intentions for wildlife conservation, Human Dimensions of Wildlife, DOI: 10.1080/10871209.2019.1587649
17. Busse, R. and R.N. Williams. 2019. Food waste solutions. FNR-574-W.
18. Busse, R. and R.N. Williams. 2019. Food waste and the environment. FNR-576-W.
19. Yager, V., Burgmeier, N., and R.N. Williams. 2019. Adaptations for aquatic amphibians. FNR- 573-W.
20. Abel, S., and R.N. Williams. 2019. The Guide: documenting, evaluating and recognizing engaged scholarship. Purdue University, Office of Engagement. 38 pp.
21. McCallen, E., B. Kraus, N. Burgmeier, S. Fei., R.N. Williams. 2018. Movement and habitat use of Eastern Hellbenders (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis) following population augmentation. Herpetologica 74:283-293.
22. Hernandez-Gomez, O., J. T. Briggler, R.N. Williams. 2018. Captivity-induced changes in the skin microbial communities of hellbenders (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis). Microbial Ecology. (1st tier, IF = 3.614)
23. Hernandez-Gomez, O., J. T. Briggler, R. N. Williams. 2018. Influence of immunogenetics, sex and body condition on the cutaneous microbial communities of two giant salamanders. Molecular Ecology
24. Unger, S.D., and R.N. Williams. 2018. Genetic confirmation of filial cannibalism in North America’s giant salamander, the Eastern hellbender Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis. Ethology, Ecology & Evolution 30:187-193
25. Kenison, E.K., and R.N. Williams. 2018. Training for Translocation: Predator Conditioning Induces Behavioral Plasticity and Physiological Changes in Captive Eastern Hellbenders (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis) (Cryptobranchidae, Amphibia). Diversity 2018, 10(1), 13; doi:10.3390/d10010013
26. Kenison, E.K., and R.N. Williams. 2018. Rearing captive Eastern hellbenders (Cryptobranchus a. alleganiensis) with moving water improves swim performance.
27. Kenison, E.K., P.Y. Weldy, and R.N. Williams. 2018. There must be something in the water: assessing the behavioral responses of rusty crayfish (Orconectes rusticus) to fish and amphibian predator kairomones. J Ethol 36: 77.
28. Burgmeier, N., J.D. Grove, N. Shields, D. Plis, D. McGinnity, C. Piropato, and R.N. Williams. 2018. How Zoos Help Hellbenders. FNR-544.
29. Busse, R., and R.N. Williams. 2018. Food waste and natural resources. FNR-558-W.
30. Osinski, R., and R.N. Williams. 2018. The scientific process of conservation biology: analyze, design, debate. FNR-552-W.
31. Hernandez-Gomez, O., J.T. Hoverman, and R. N. Williams. 2017. Cutaneous Microbial Community Variation across Populations of Eastern Hellbenders (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis). Front. Microbiol.,
32. Kimble, S.J.A., A.J. Johnson, J.T. Hoverman, and R.N. Williams. 2017. A Severe Ranavirus Outbreak in Captive, Wild-Caught Box Turtles. EcoHealth (2017) 14: 810.
33. Kraus, B., E. McCallen, and R.N. Williams. 2017. Evaluating the Survival of Translocated Adult and Captive-reared, Juvenile Eastern Hellbenders (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis). Herpetologica 73(4):271-276.
34. Williams, R.N., B.J. MacGowan, Z. Walker, J. Hoverman, and N. Burgmeier. 2017. Frogs and Toads of Indiana. 52pp. FNR-516.
35. Hernandez-Gomez, O., S. J. A. Kimble, J. T. Briggler, R. N. Williams. 2016. Characterization of the cutaneous bacterial communities of two giant salamander subspecies. Microbial Ecology DOI: 10.1007/s00248-016-0859-9
36. Burgmeier, N.G., R.N. Williams, and S.Klueh-Mundy. 2016. One hell of a tale: a holistic model for hellbender conservation in Indiana. Wildlife Professional 10(3):32-35
37. Winzeler, M.E., R.N. Williams, and S. J.A. Kimble. 2016. Surveying for ranavirus in green frogs (Lithobates clamitans) at five locations in Indiana. Journal of North American Herpetology 1:24-26
38. Kenison, E.K., Z.H. Olson, and R.N. Williams. 2016. A novel transport system for Hellbender salamanders (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis). Herpetological Conservation and Biology 11(2):355-361.
39. Unger, S.D. E.J. Chapman, D.J. Regester, and R.N. Williams. 2016. Genetic signature follow dendritic patterns in the eastern hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis). Herpetological Conservation and Biology 11(1):40-51
40. Burgmeier, N., S. Unger, B. Osinski, and R. Williams. 2016. Help the Hellbender, North America’s Giant Salamander 536-W.
41. Busse, R., and R. Williams. 2016. Hellbenders Rock! 532-W.
42. *Busse, R., and R. Williams. 2016. Healthy Water, Happy Home, 527-W.
43. Hunt, M., L. Pedigo, K. Zuber, and R.N. Williams. 2016. Benefits of Connecting to Nature. FNR-539-W.
44. Unger, S.D., and R.N. Williams. 2015. Genetic analysis reveals multiple parentage in captive reared eastern hellbender salamanders (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis). Zoo Biology 9999:1- 3.
45. *Kimble, S.J.A., A.K. Karna, A.J. Johnson, J.T. Hoverman, and *R.N. Williams. 2015. Mosquitoes as a potential vector of ranavirus transmission in terrestrial turtles. EcoHealth. 12:334-338.
46. Olson, Z., B.J. MacGowan, M.T. Hamilton, A.F.T. Currylow, and R.N. Williams.
2015. Survival of timber rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus): investigating individual, environmental, and ecological effects. Herpetologica 71:274-279.
47. Kimble, S.J.A., R.N. Williams, and J.T. Hoverman. 2015. Ranavirus detected in Lithobates clamitans and L. catesbeianus in Indiana. Herpetological Review 46(4):532-534
48. Williams, R.N., and N. Carroll. 2015. Wildlife Habitat Evaluation Program: Preparing for the Wildlife Challenge. FNR 509-W.
49. Carroll, N., and R.N. Williams. 2015. Developing a Wildlife Habitat Management Plan. 4-H-991-W.
50. Cordes, R.C., R. Chapman, and R.N. Williams. 2015. National guide to the Wildlife Habitat Evaluation Program Challenge. FNR-515-W.
51. Hoverman, J.T. Z. Olson, S. LaGrange, J. Grant, and R.N. Williams. 2015. A guide to larval amphibian identification in the field and laboratory. FNR-496.
52. Kimble, S.J.A., O.E. Rhodes, Jr., and R.N. Williams. 2014. Unexpectedly low rangewide population genetic structure of the imperiled eastern box turtle Terrapene c. carolina. PLoS ONE 9:e92274. (1st tier, Impact Factor 4.092)
53. Prokopy, L.S., A. Thompson, R.N. Williams, and L. Bowling. 2014. Service learning in natural resources classes: measuring the impacts on university students. NACTA September 2014:202-207.
54. Kimble, S.J.A. O.E. Rhodes, Jr., and R.N. Williams. 2014. Relatedness and other finescale genetic population processes in a declining forest-dwelling turtle, terrapene c. carolina. Conservation Genetics. 15:967-979 (1st tier, Impact Factor = 2.183)
55. LaGrange, S.M., S.J.A. Kimble, B.J. MacGowan, and R.N. Williams. 2014. Seasonal variance in hematology and blood plasma chemistry values of the timber rattlesnake. Journal of Wildlife Diseases Journal of Wildlife Diseases 50(4):990-993
56. Currylow, A.F., A.J., Johnson, and R.N.Williams. 2014. Ranavirus infections among sympatric populations of larval amphibians and Eastern Box Turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina). Journal of Herpetology 48:117-121. (2nd tier, Impact Factor = 1.078)
57. Mullendore, N., A.S. Mase, K. Mulvaney, R. Perry-Hill, A. Reimer, L. Behbehani, R.N. Williams, and L. Stalker Prokopy. 2014. From surveys to the stream: Using social science research to conserve the eastern hellbender salamander. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 19:166-178. (Impact Factor = 1.381)
58. MacNeil, J. E., R. N. Williams. 2014. Effects of timber harvests and silvicultural edges on terrestrial salamanders. PLoS ONE DOI: 10.1371\journal.pone.0114683
59. MacNeil, J.E., and R.N. Williams. 2013. Effectiveness of two artificial cover objects in sampling terrestrial salamanders. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 8:552-560. (2nd tier, Impact Factor = 0.67)
60. Unger, S.D., O.E. Rhodes, Jr., T. Sutton, and R.N. Williams. 2013. Projected population persistence of eastern hellbenders, Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis, using a stage- structured life-history model and population viability analysis. Journal for Nature Conservation 21:423-432. (1st tier, Impact Factor = 1.864)
61. Unger, S.D., O.E. Rhodes, Jr., T. Sutton, and R.N. Williams. 2013. Population genetics of a cryptic, lotic species, the eastern hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis) across multiple spatial scales. PLoS ONE 8:e74180. (1st tier, Impact Factor 4.092)
62. Currylow, A.F., M.S. Tift, J.L. Meyer, D.E. Crocker, and R.N. Williams. 2013. Seasonal variation in plasma reproductive markers of male and female Box Turtles, Terrapene c. carolina. General and Comparative Endocrinology 180:48-55. (1st tier, Impact Factor = 3.061)
63. Currylow, A.F., B.J. MacGowan, and R.N.Williams. 2013. Hibernal thermal ecology of Terrapene c. carolina within a managed forest landscape. Journal of Wildlife Management 77(2):326-335. (1st tier, Impact Factor = 1.555)
64. Olson, Z.H., N.G. Burgmeier, P.A. Zollner, and R.N. Williams. 2013. Survival estimates for adult eastern hellbenders and their utility for conservation. Journal of Herpetology 47:71-74. (2nd tier, Impact Factor = 1.078)
65. MacNeil, J.E., and R.N. Williams. 2013. Effectiveness of two aritificial cover objects in sampling terrestrial salamanders. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 8:552-560
66. MacGowan, B., and R.N. Williams. 2013. Enjoying Reptiles and Amphibians. FNR 478.
67. MacNeil, J., A. Currylow, R.N. Williams, and B. MacGowan. 2013. Forest Management for Reptiles and Amphibians: A Technical Guide for the Midwest. FNR 480.
68. Olson, Z., J. Briggler, and R.N. Williams. 2012. An eDNA approach to detect eastern hellbenders. Wildlife Research 39:629-636. (2nd tier, Impact Factor 1.323)
69. Currylow, A.F., B.J. MacGowan, and R.N. Williams. 2012. Short-term forest management effects on the long-lived reptile, Terrapene c. carolina. PLoS ONE 7(7):e40473. doi:10.1371 (1st tier, Impact Factor 4.092)
70. Unger, S.D., N.G. Burgmeier, and R.N. Williams. 2012. Genetic markers reveal high PIT tag retention rates in giant salamanders. Amphibia-Reptilia 33:313-317. (2nd tier, Impact Factor = 0.976)
71. J. Brooke, K. Dishmen, D. Hamilton, J. Hubley, K. McCaughland and R.N. Williams. 2012. Ashes to Ashes we all Grow Up. FNR-472-W.
72. K. Boyles, H. Fink, E. Kapitan, S. Lyttle, N.Pakan, A. Pfeifer, S. Tuttle, and R.N. Williams. 2012. Coloration Exploration. FNR-470-W.
73. Kapitan, E., S. Lyttle, and R.N. Williams. 2012. Discovering the Watershed. FNR 476W.
74. Unger, S. and R.N. Williams. 2012. North America’s Giant Salamander, the Eastern Hellbender. FNR-471.
75. Kimble, S.J.A., and R.N. Williams. 2012. Temporal variance in hematologic and plasma biochemical reference intervals for free-ranging eastern box turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 48:799-802. (1st tier, Impact Factor = 1.415)
76. MacGowan, B.J., and R.N. Williams. 2012. Snakes and Lizards of Indiana. 96pp. FNR-469
77. MacNeil, J., G. Dhjarmadon, and R.N. Williams. 2011. SalaMarker: A code generator for use of visible implant elastomers. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 6(2):260- 265 (2nd tier, Impact Factor = 0.67)
78. Burgmeier, N.G., S. Unger, T.M. Sutton, and R.N. Williams. 2011. Health and habitat quality assessment for the eastern hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis) in Indiana. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 47:836-848. (1st tier, Impact Factor = 1.415)
79. Burgmeier, N.G., S. Unger, T.M. Sutton, and R.N. Williams. 2011. Spatial ecology of the eastern hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis). Herpetologica 67(2):135-145. (1st tier, Impact Factor = 1.667)
80. Burgmeier, N.G., T.M. Sutton, and R.N. Williams. 2011. Population status of the eastern hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis) in Indiana. Journal of Herptetology 45(2):195-201. (2nd tier, Impact Factor = 1.078)
81. Kimble, S.J.A., J.A. Fike, O.E. Rhodes, Jr., and R.N. Williams. 2011. Identification of 12 polymorphic microsatellite loci for the eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina). Conservation Genetics Resources 3:65-67.
82. VanLaeken, C., R. Chapman, and R. Williams. 2011. Mammals and Ecosystems. FNR-432-W.
83. Woody, L., H. Powell, E. Coffin, and R.N. Williams. 2011. Reptiles, Amphibians, and the Scientific Method. FNR-430-W.
84. Callahan, J., M. Bradt, A. Gordon, and R.N. Williams. 2011. Ecollapse. FNR-431-W
85. Currylow, A.F., P.A. Zollner, B.J. MacGowan, and R.N. Williams. 2010. A survival estimate of Midwestern adult eastern box turtles using radio telemetry. American Midland Naturalist 165:143-149. (3rd tier, Impact Factor = 0.526)
86. Unger, S.D., J. Fike, T. Sutton, O.E. Rhodes, Jr., and R.N. Williams. 2010. Isolation and development of 12 polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite markers for the eastern hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis). Conservation Genetics Resources 2:89-91.
87. Burgmeier, N.G., S.D. Unger, T. Sutton, and R.N. Williams. 2010. The bender board: a new design for the restraint and measurement of hellbenders. Herpetological Review 41(3):319-320.
88. Woody, L.T., and R.N. Williams. 2010. Study Guide for the National FFA Environmental and Natural Resources CDE Identification Practicum. FNR-424-W.
89. Burgmeier, N., S. Unger, T. Sutton, and R.N. Williams. 2010. The Hellbender. FNR-419.
90. Bos, D.H. Bos, R.N. Williams, D. Gopurenko, Z. Bulut, J.A. DeWoody. 2009. Condition- dependent female choice and a reproductive disadvantage for MHC-divergent male tiger salamanders. Molecular Ecology 18:3307-3315. (1st tier, Impact Factor = 6.457)
91. Williams, R.N., D. Gopurenko, K. R. Kemp, B.C. Williams, and J.A. DeWoody. 2009. Breeding chronology, sexual dimorphism, and genetic diversity of congeneric Ambystomatid salamanders under different sexual selection regimes. Journal of Herpetology 43:438-449.
92. Williams, R.N., and J.A. DeWoody. 2009. Reproductive success and sexual selection in tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum). Evolutionary Biology 36:201-213. (2nd tier, Impact Factor = 2.736)
93. Williams, R.N., and R.N. Chapman. 2009. Animal Diversity and Tracking. FNR-417-W.
94. Williams, R.N., and R. N. Chapman. 2009. Food Webs. FNR-418-W.
95. Williams, R.N., and N. Carroll. 2009. Wildlife Habitat Evaluation Program: Wildlife ID & Equipment Flash Cards. 31pp. FNR-205.
96. Chapman, R.N., and R.N. Williams. 2009. Natural History of Indiana Mammals. FNR 413.
97. Williams, R.N., and R.N. Chapman. 2009. Becoming a Tooth Sleuth. FNR-408.
98. Carroll, N., and R.N. Williams. 2009. Teaching Wildlife Habitat Evaluation. 4-H-992.
99. Bulut, Z., C.R. McCormick, D. Gopurenko, R.N. Williams, D.H. Bos, and J.A. DeWoody. 2009. Microsatellite mutation rates in the eastern tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum tigrinum). Genetica 136:501-504. (2nd tier, Impact Factor = 2.358)
100. Williams, R. N., D. H. Bos, D. Gopurenko, and J.A. DeWoody. 2008. Inbreeding and amphibian malformations. Biology Letters 4:549-552. (1st tier, Impact Factor = 3.651)
101. Bos, D. H., D. Gopurenko, R.N. Williams, and J. A. DeWoody. 2008. Inferring population history and demography using microsatellites, mitochondrial DNA, and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes. Evolution 62:1458-1468. (1st tier, Impact Factor = 5.659)
102. MacGowan, B.J., R.N. Williams, and Z. Walker. 2008. Snakes of the Central and Northeastern United States. 124pp. FNR-405
103. Gopurenko, D., R.N. Williams, and J.A. DeWoody. 2007. Reproductive and mating success in the small-mouthed salamander Ambystoma texanum estimated via microsatellite parentage analysis. Evolutionary Biology 34:130-139. (2nd tier, Impact Factor = 2.736)
104. Gopurenko, D., R.N. Williams, C.R. McCormick, and J.A. DeWoody. 2006. Insights into the aggregate breeding biology of the tiger salamander (Ambystoma t. tigrinum) as revealed by genetic parentage analyses. Molecular Ecology. 15:1917-1928. (1st tier, Impact Factor = 6.457)
105. Williams, R.N., B.J. MacGowan, B.A. Kingsbury, and Z. Walker. 2006. Salamanders of Indiana. 91pp. FNR-261
106. Williams, R.N., and B.J. MacGowan. 2004. Natural History Data on the Mole Salamander in Indiana. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science. 113:147-150. (3rd tier, Impact Factor = 0.382)
107. Williams, R.N., and B.J. MacGowan. 2004. Geographic Distribution. Mole Salamander. Herpetological Review. 35(3):279.
108. MacGowan, B.J., B.A. Kingsbury, and R.N. Williams. 2004. Turtles of Indiana. 63pp. FNR-243
109. Williams, R.N., and J.A. DeWoody. 2004. Fluorescent dUTP helps characterize 10 novel tetranucleotide microsatellites from an enriched salamander (Ambystoma texanum) genomic library. Molecular Ecology Notes. 4:17-19. (3rd tier, Impact Factor = 1.251)
110. Williams, R.N., T.L. Serfass, and O.E. Rhodes, Jr. 2000. Assessment of genetic variance in source and reintroduced fisher populations. Journal of Mammalogy. 81:221-233. (1st tier, Impact Factor = 1.541)
111. Beheler, A.S., R.N. Williams, O.E. Rhodes, Jr., E.P. Reat, A.M. Fedynich, D.B. Pence, and J.F. Bergan. 2000. Genetic polymorphisms in two species of whistling-ducks from Texas. The Southwestern Naturalist. 45:234-238. (3nd tier, Impact Factor = 0.417)
112. Williams, R.N., L.K. Page, T.L. Serfass, and O.E. Rhodes, Jr. 1999. Genetic polymorphisms in the fisher (Martes pennanti). American Midland Naturalist. 141:406-410. (3rd tier, Impact Factor = 0.526)
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