When you've gone through the application process, it's important to prepare for your trip.
A passport is an official travel document issued by the government that proves the identity and nationality of a person. Students need a passport before studying abroad and should apply for it as soon as possible. If students already have a passport, they should check the expiration date to make sure it is valid.
Passport instructions for U.S. citizens are available in AGAD 104, post office or through the US Department of State.
- New passport applicants must apply in person with all of these documents and pictures:
- Completed passport application
- Proof of U.S. citizenship (certified copy of a birth certificate)
- Social Security number
- Proof of identity (driving license, state identification card or military identification)
- Two photographs.Passport pictures can be taken in AGAD 104 for free to those students studying abroad through International Programs in Agriculture. Passport pictures are taken during office hours Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Photos can also be taken at CVS and Walgreens.
- Passport fee of $165 (cash, personal check or debit card)
Students should turn in their passport application to the Lafayette post office at 3450 State Road 26 E. To locate other passport application acceptance facilities look at the US Department of State.
Once the passport arrives, a student should:
- Sign their passport
- Fill out the emergency contact information in pencil (not ink)
- Keep it safe
- Leave copies of the picture and signature page with family members to put in a safe place
If a passport is lost or stolen, the student should report it immediately to the Passport Services office at the US Department of State in Washington. If abroad, it should be reported to the nearest US consulate or embassy, police, and the program coordinator.
Some governments require a visa allowing permission to enter and stay in their country. If a visa is required, the International Programs in Agriculture office will assist in the process. It is ultimately the students responsibility to obtain a visa.
Health & Safety
A primary concern is the health and safety of students while abroad. Studying abroad is neither safer nor more dangerous than studying within the US. The same acts that happen abroad can happen in the US. While every effort is made to ensure safety, Purdue cannot guarantee the safety of the participants or eliminate all the risk that is involved. Purdue cannot prevent students from engaging in illegal, dangerous, unwise activities or monitor or control all the daily personal decisions, choices and activities of each participant. Most of the student's safety depends on their level of maturity, the decisions that are made, and responsibility. A required orientation is for students to learn about the health and safety precautions. The best way students can prepare for a healthy and safe study abroad experience is to inform themselves about basic information before leaving. Here are some resources about health and safety overseas:
- Purdue study abroad safety and security pages
- Purdue policy on security
- Country specific advice and warnings
- Safety tips for American travelers
- Tips for traveling abroad
- Center for Disease Control Travel Info
- World Health Organization
Physical Exams
Although immunizations are not required for most programs, every study abroad participant should discuss overseas travel immunization recommendations with their personal physician. The national Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends polio, tetanus and diphtheria boosters. It is recommended to have dental, eye and physical check-ups before going abroad. The Purdue Student Health Center provides exams, inoculations, and prescriptions.
Prescription Drugs
Bring any necessary medications and keep them in the original, labeled containers. Take the amount of prescription needed while abroad. Make sure all medications are in a carry-on. If wearing glasses or contact lens, it would be wise to take the lens prescription as well as an extra pair of glasses or lenses.
While the drinking age may be lower, the laws more lenient, or the cost cheaper in the host country than in the States, it is important to remember the risks involved. Even in countries where social drinking is the norm on a daily basis, it is never safe or acceptable to "binge" drink. Remember the defenses are down when drinking.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment can be defined as any unwanted sexual advances from anyone with power over any aspect during the overseas experience. Sometimes it is difficult to evaluate whether or not students have been harassed or if it is a matter of cultural differences. For example, Americans sometimes react with discomfort to the normal conversational distance between people in a culture they are exploring, and they should be aware of their feelings within that context. However, no one, male or female, studying abroad should have to suffer from unwelcome sexual pressure.
All study abroad participants are automatically insured through Gallagher, a Purdue group medical insurance policy. The cost for this insurance is included in the program fee
Emergency Contact Number
Each country has their emergency contact number like ‘911’. Make sure to become aware of the correct emergency number. The Purdue police number is 765-494-8221. The International Programs in Agriculture office number is 765-494-6876.