A grain drill is used to deposit hemp seeds at the appropriate depth. For clay-heavy soils, we aim for 1/4"-1/2" depth.
Hemp seeds can vary in size based on variety. They are small, with some varieties containing over 30,000 seeds per pound.
Leah Sandler conducted research on different varieties and how they perform in West Central Indiana.
June 14, 2016
Seedlings have developed their first set of true leaves.
As the soil begins to dry out, a crust will form on the upper surface. This crust can prevent seedlings from emerging.
It is unclear what has caused the yellowing of the seedling on the left. It could be genetic.
June 28, 2016
Soil has become dry and formed a crust. This has resulted in poor stand establishment.
This plot has poor establishment and numerous blank areas.
Hemp can be attacked by many different root pathogens. This causes plants to wilt. While the soil can appear to be very dry on top due to a crust, there can still be soil moisture underneath the crust.
July 16, 2016
Some hemp varieties perform better than others. This variety has poor establishment.
Hemp varieties are becoming easier to distinguish from each other at this stage.
August 1-4, 2016
Two different varieties can be observed in this photo. The variety on the left has begun to release large amounts of pollen. Male and female plants are easily distinguishable. The variety on the right has not begun to release pollen.
At this stage, the male plants are releasing pollen. Hemp is wind pollinated. The female plants have dense flower buds that will produce copious amounts of seeds.
Weed management can be challenging in hemp. Both grasses and broadleaves are growing in this plot, competing for resources.
Hemp pollen travels through the wind to reach female plants. A simple agitation, like a flick of a finger can cause pollen to release.
While hemp does not produce nectar rewards, it does provide a protein source for pollinators. Honey bees can be observed on hemp.
Bumble bees will also collect the pollen from hemp plants.
Hemp will stay in the vegetative phase until a specific day length is reached. Hemp is a short-day plant, with flower development triggered as days become shorter and nights become longer.
Female plants will develop seeds after pollination.
Many hemp researchers and growers place no trespassing signs in their fields. Sometimes hemp can attract unwanted attention.
Dr. Ron Turco stands next to a hemp plot with plants over 6 feet tall.
August 17, 2016
Hemp research takes a team of faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students to plant, maintain, and collect data from.
Grasshoppers are often found in hemp fields. In Indiana, they don't seem to feed on the hemp plants. Grasshoppers have caused excessive damage in western states.
Hemp is susceptible to pathogens that can cause molding in the flowering buds and seed heads.
Hemp is susceptible to many different leaf spot-causing pathogens.