Category: Botany & Plant Pathology

NSF funds Purdue researcher’s study of fundamental signals between plants and their environment

Stomata respond to light, pathogens, changes in humidity and, most important for his study, drought conditions. McAdam will investigate if stomatal function varies across plants, and whether this variation might determine where species grow and how well they survive stress.…

Multiscale imaging illuminates the big picture of plant protection

A fter decades in pursuit of plant cellular signaling, a researcher returns to questions raised by his early work — now equipped with advanced technology and the establishment of a $12.5 million institute. In 1998, a Purdue University study challenged…

Working with students and fungi help plant sciences major grow

By Kayla Sweatland DNA extractions and polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) are just a couple things that Mia Brann, a junior majoring in plant sciences from Schererville, Indiana, loves to do in her day-to-day mycology research lab. “Doing those PCRs are…