Make your own spotted lanternfly! Includes spotted lanternfly pattern, instructions, and a link to an instructional video. Instructions and pattern here Video instructions here
Bold spotted lanternfly poster. Free to use for noncommercial purposes. Please contact us if you would like to adapt it for your program.
Yard sign style sign with spotted lanternfly information. Free to use for noncommercial purposes. Please contact us if you would like to adapt it for your program.
Other names: Spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula Plants susceptible: Over 100 species but especially tree of heaven, grapes, fruit trees, black walnuts, hops, roses, red maple, and river birch. Where did it come from? It was first introduced on imported stone from south eastern Asia and was found in Pennsylvania in 2014. It is currently found […]
Information about identification and biology of an emerging invasive species.
Other names: Tree of heaven, Chinese sumac, varnish tree, Ailanthus altissima Where did it come from? Tree of heaven was introduced multiple times from China in the late 1800s. It was planted both as a strictly ornamental tree and for medical use. Why is it invasive? Tree of heaven has a strong unpleasant smell and […]
Information about identifying a new invasive species: the spotted lanternfly.