Spring Fest 2025 map

2025 - Spring Fest Map

Purdue University’s annual Spring Fest is scheduled for Saturday, April 12, offering a variety of family-friendly activities from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. across 36 sites on campus. For more details, including a full list of activities and demonstrations, visitors are encouraged to visit the official Spring Fest website.

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Event Sites

2. College of Agriculture
3. Department of Horticulture & Landscape Architecture
4. Department of Agricultural Sciences Education & Communication
5. Agricultural Economics
6 - 7. Bug Bowl – Department of Entomology
8. Bug Bowl – Department of Entomology Smith Hall
9. Department of Botany & Plant Pathology
10. Department of Agronomy/Department of Botany & Plant Pathology
11. Biological Sciences, Herbaria, Envision Center
12. Boiler Barnyard
13. Department of Animal Sciences
14. College of Health & Human Sciences/Indiana University School of Medicine-West Lafayette
15. Department of Agricultural & Biological Engineering
16. Department of Forestry and Natural Resources
17. Office of Indiana State Chemist
18. Biochemistry Club
19. Department of Food Science

20. College of Veterinary Medicine
College of Veterinary Medicine (10:00–3:00)
Purdue Horticulture Society & Purdue Student Farm Organization Plant Sale
College of Pharmacy, Phi Lambda Sigma24. John Martinson Honors College
25. Auditory Neuroscience at Purdue (ANAP)
26. College of Health & Human Sciences/Research Registry
27. Department of Human Development & Family Science
28. The Gifted Education Research & Resource Institute
29. College of Science
30. Purdue University Interdisciplinary Life Science Program (PULSe)
31. Institute for a Sustainable Future & AO Sustainability
32. Daniels School of Business/Brock-Wilson Center for Women in Business
33–35. College of Liberal Arts
36. Purdue Memorial Union
37. Purdue Student Union Board

Event Information

Site 7.   9:00-3:30 Cockroach Colosseum, shows every 30 minutes

Site 21. 10:00–3:00 Purdue Vet Med Petting Zoo

Site 3.   10:00–3:00 Biochemistry demonstrations, every hour on the hour

Site 19. 10:00–12:00 Freeze-dried candy handout

Site 8.   10:00 Sandra Yover Haas String Quartet, Rm 108

Site 21. 10:30 Police K9 demonstration

Site 19. 11:00–12:00 Sample aquaponics lettuce

Site 3.   11:00 Container gardening demonstration

Site 21. 11:00 Veterinary Admissions discussion

Site 8.   12:00 Sandra Yover Haas String Quartet, Rm 108

Site 21. 12:30 Purdue Veterinary Medicine spaying demonstration, Lynn 1136

Site 19. 1:00–2:00 Sample aquaponics tilapia

Site 3.  2:00 Container gardening demonstration

Site 21. 2:00 Police K9 demonstration

Site 19. 2:00–4:00 Cotton candy demonstration

Site 2. Baked goods

Site 6. Chocolate-covered crickets

Site 9. Hot dogs/vegetarian hot dogs, walking tacos/vegetarian walking tacos, hamburgers, chips

Site 10. Popcorn

Site 13. Hamburgers, hot dogs, grilled cheese, ice cream, cotton candy, drinks

Site 15. Popcorn

Site 19. Chicken nuggets, ice cream/ice cream floats, popcorn, Boilermaker Hot Sauce, drinks

Site 20. Beyond Burgers, pork burgers, hamburgers, beef hot dogs, baked beans, applesauce, chips, drinks

visit the information tent throughout the day - site #1

Please visit The Spring Fest Information Tent (Site 1 - on the day of the event) in front of the Agricultural Administration building on the corner of Mitch Daniels Boulevard and Marsteller Street for event information, updates and pocket maps. Also, view the site FAQ for more information on parking, road construction and other helpful information.

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