Site Archive

ASEC professor awarded Fulbright to conduct research project in rural Australia

May 27, 2020
Pork Research guide in gloved hands

Teacher of Purdue’s first meat science course reflects on lifetime of research

May 27, 2020

After 75 years, Max Judge still recalls a simple question that set the course for decades of progress in meat science.

Growing up on a farm in Henry County, Judge showed pigs through 4-H. “In 1945, I had the opportunity to host the county pig tour,” Judge recalled. “Lo and behold, leading the tour was Hobe Jones.” Jones taught animal sciences at Purdue for 38 years. “I was excited to tell Hobe that my brother had worked with pigs at Purdue under Cliff Breeden. My brother had told me that Cliff kept his pigs from getting too fat by feeding them by hand instead of on a feeder.”


NRES and recent Udall scholar fueled by passion for her hometown

May 22, 2020

Indiana State Chemist retires after a career spent serving Hoosiers

May 21, 2020
Zac Brown Teaching

ASEC student elected MANRRS National Graduate Student President

May 19, 2020

As an undergraduate student, Zachary Brown studied animal science and played football at Southern University and A&M College. “Sports kept me busy. I didn’t have the time to pursue internships or join club activities like other students did.” With his focus largely on the team, Brown was not involved in other organizations.

Chapman in front of Ross-Ade Stadium

Senior’s legacy is an award-winning example of leadership

May 14, 2020

“I don’t know that I’ve ever called myself a leader. I just try to inspire people and give them the tools they need to succeed,” said Dane Chapman, a senior who majored in agribusiness.

While Chapman is hesitant to place the title of leader on himself, others who have worked with him call Chapman an ideal example, as did the 2020 France A. Córdova Leadership in Action Award’s selection committee, comprised of staff involved in leadership and student development programming.


The Asian giant hornet isn’t coming to Indiana but other invasive species pose a risk

May 13, 2020
Stephen Schwartz and his father

Homeschooled student excels through collaboration

May 13, 2020

Stephen Schwartz experienced a bizarre sense of deja vu in his final weeks at Purdue, finding them oddly similar to his high school years: finishing his degree online while at the top of his class. However, Schwartz admits his satisfaction at being selected for the 2020 G.A. Ross Award as the top male student in Purdue’s graduating class of roughly 8,000 students outshines his accomplishments in his homeschool class of one.


What COVID-19 could mean for the environment

May 8, 2020
Theoneste Nzaranyimana

Student teaches agriculture to improve children’s lives

May 6, 2020

“I had heard about Purdue when I was in Africa; how it requires you to be smart and to work extra hard, but that the university is unique,” said Theoneste Nzaranyimana, “I was inspired that if I get into this university, my dream could come true.”

3 Award Winners

Award-winning College of Agriculture mentors follow in others’ footsteps — and leave imprints of their own

May 5, 2020

The College of Agriculture’s outstanding student mentors and teaching assistant have one thing in common: Each benefited from impactful mentoring along their own paths to academic and personal success.

MS student Liz Alexander and PhD student Samira Fatemi are recipients of the 2020 Pathmaker Awards, sponsored by the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association to recognize effective mentoring of undergraduate researchers-in-training and fellow graduate students. PhD candidate Jon Knott has been named the College of Agriculture’s 2020 Outstanding Teaching Assistant. Here, each award winner shares insights into the benefits of mentoring, both to their mentees and to themselves.

Alyson and Peyton at last year's ceremony

Soy-based herbicide takes top honors

May 4, 2020

Let’s do that again!” thought Alyson Chaney and Peyton Clark as they stood on stage holding a $10,000 check. On March 27, 2019, after a challenging eight-month competition hosted by the Indiana Soybean Alliance, the pair was already planning their next moves.


Mentorship helps students find balance during crisis

April 30, 2020

How a diagnostic tool used on cows might unlock a key to COVID-19 testing

April 28, 2020

What do cows and COVID-19 have in common? Unless you’re Mohit Verma, assistant professor in Purdue University’s Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, the answer is probably not much.

Rachel exploring the intertidal zone

Wildlife and forestry student branches out

April 28, 2020

Rachel Brummet’s passion for forestry and wildlife led her to Alaskan islands, wildfires in Montana, city streets where she used pyrotechnics to help people and wildlife coexist, and, of course, to Purdue’s forestry and natural resources department.

And it all began with a discussion about blueberries.

Roads leading to a building

The Road from Farm to Table

April 28, 2020

The following questions and answers provide background and insight into how COVID-19 is impacting the food supply chain and animal welfare. The information is provided by Jayson Lusk, distinguished professor and head of the Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University, and Candace Croney, professor of animal behavior and well-being, and director of the Center for Animal Welfare Science, Purdue University.


When teachers become the students: Four takeaways from the virtual classroom

April 24, 2020

When courses went online this FNR professor had lab equipment delivered to students

April 23, 2020

It’s extremely unlikely mosquitoes can transmit COVID-19 according to entomology professor

April 21, 2020

The College of Agriculture names five new University Faculty Scholars

April 17, 2020

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