Dr. Osvaldo H. Campanella

Dr. Osvaldo H. Campanella
Staff: Theresa Parr, Lorena Silva Pinho , Shengyue Shan , Chong Teng, Ankur Upadhyay , Ana M. Velásquez-Giraldo, Dan Zhang
General Research Areas
- Process modeling
- Rheology
- Material structure and texture
- Extrusion
Specific Research Areas
- Application of rheology to food science and food engineering
- Mathematical modeling of food process operations
- On-line rheological techniques
- Rheology of biomaterials
- Dough rheology
- Rheology of dairy products
- Characterization of material structure and texture; relationship to rheological properties
- Effect of glass transition on product texture
- Extrusion; role of rheology in the extrusion process
- 1. Campanella, O.H. and Cerro, R.L. 1984. Viscous flow on the outside of a horizontal cylinder. The roll coating regime with a single fluid. Chemical Engineering Science, 39, 1443-1449.
- 2. Campanella, O.H., Galazzo, J.L. and Cerro, R.L. 1986. Flow of a non-Newtonian fluid on the outside of a horizontal rotating cylinder. II. Chemical Engineering Science, 41(11), 2707-2713.
- 3. Campanella, O.H. and Cerro, R.L. 1986. Viscous flow on the outside of a horizontal rotating cylinder. III. Selective coating of two immiscible fluids. Chemical Engineering Science, 41(11), 2715-2721.
- 4. Campanella, O.H. and Peleg, M. 1987. Squeezing flow viscometry of peanut butter. Journal of Food Science, 52(1), 180-184.
- 5. Campanella, O.H. and Peleg, M. 1987. Determination of the yield stress of semi-liquid foods from squeezing flow data. Journal of Food Science, 52(1), 214-217.
- 6. Campanella, O.H. and Peleg, M. 1987. A note on the relationship between the dynamic viscosity and the relaxation modulus of viscoelastic liquids. Journal of Rheology, 31(6), 511-513.
- 7. Campanella, O.H. and Peleg, M. 1987. Analysis of the transient flow of mayonnaise in a coaxial viscometer. Journal of Rheology, 31(6), 439-452.
- 8. Campanella, O.H., Popplewell, M.L., Rosenau, J.R, Peleg, M. 1987. Elongational viscosity measurements of melting American process cheese. Journal of Food Science, 52(5), 1249-1251.
- 9. Campanella, O.H. and Peleg, M. 1987. Lubricated squeezing flow of a Newtonian liquid between elastic and rigid plates. Rheologica Acta, 26(4), 396-400.
- 10. Rebouillat, S., Campanella, O.H. Peleg, M. 1987. Mechanical characteristics of raw and processed peat. Powder Technology, 51, 273-275.
- 11. Campanella, O.H. and Peleg, M. 1988. On food compression by soft machines. Journal of Texture Studies, 19, 39-50.
- 12. Peleg, M. and Campanella, O.H. 1988. On the mathematical form of psychophysical relationships with special focus on the perception of mechanical properties of solid objects. Perception and Psychophysics, 44(5), 451-455.
- 13. Popplewell, L.M., Campanella, O.H. and Peleg, M. 1988. Comparison between a modified beta and a modified normal distribution function for the description of populations with a finite size range. Powder Technology, 54, 157-160.
- 14. Popplewell, L.M., Campanella, O.H., Normand, M.D. and Peleg, M. 1988. Description of normal, log-Normal and Rosin-Rammler particle population by a modified version of the beta distribution function. Powder Technology, 54, 119-125.
- 15. Popplewell, L.M., Campanella. O.H. and Peleg, M. 1988. Quantitative characterization of the particle size distributions of instant coffee during mechanical attrition. Journal of Food Science, 53(3), 877-881.
- 16. Ak, M.M., Nussinovitch, A., Campanella, O.H. and Peleg, M. 1989. Crosslinking of thermally preset alginate gels. Biotechnology Progress, 5(2), 75-77.
- 17. Lee, S.J., Campanella, O.H and Peleg, M. 1989. Lubricated squeezing flow of a double layer of Newtonian liquids, Chemical Engineering Science, 44(12), 2979-2986.
- 18. Peleg, M. and Campanella, O.H. 1989. The mechanical sensitivity of soft compressible testing machines. Journal of Rheology, 33(3), 455-467.
- 19. Peleg, M., Roy, I., Campanella, O.H. and Normand, M.D. 1989. Mathematical characterization of the compressive stress-strain relationships of spongy bakery products. Journal of Food Science, 54(4), 947-948.
- 20. Peleg, M., Popplewell, M.L., Campanella, O.H. and Normand, M.D. 1989. Uni and bimodal size distributions of food powders. In “Engineering and Food, Vol. (1). Physical Properties and Process Control”. Spiess and Schubert Eds. Elsevier Applied Science.
- 21. Popplewell, L.M., Campanella, O.H, Sapru, V. and Peleg, M.. 1989. Theoretical comparison of two segregation indices for binary powder mixtures. Powder Technology, 58, 55-61.
- 22. Calvo, N. and Campanella, O.H. 1990. A novel geometry for rheological characterization of viscoelastic materials, Rheologica Acta, 29, 323-331.
- 23. Popplewell, L.M., Campanella, O.H. and Peleg, M.. 1990. Simulation of bimodal size distributions in aggregation and disintegration processes. Chemical Engineering Progress, 85(8), 56-62.
- 24. Roy, I., Campanella, O.H., Normand, M.D and Peleg, M. 1990. Uniaxial compression of double layers of solid foods. Journal of Texture Studies, 20(4), 443-455.
- 25. Beltramini, L., Campanella. O.H., Dipentima, J. and Gribaudo, L. 1991. Expert system for preservation of apples in controlled atmosphere. Revista de Agroquimica y Tecnologia de Alimentos, 31(2), 125-133.
- 26. Bhaskar, G.V., O.H. Campanella, O.H and Munro, P.A. 1993. Effect of agitation on the coagulation time of acid casein curd: Application of Smoluchowski’s orthokinetic aggregation theory. Chemical Engineering Science, 48(24), 4075-4080.
- 27. McSwiney, M., Singh, H., Campanella, O.H. and Creamer, L.K. 1993. Thermal gelation and denaturation of bovine -lactoglobulin A and B. Journal of Dairy Research, 61, 221-232.
- 28. McSwiney, M., Singh, H and Campanella, O.H. 1994. Thermal aggregation of gelation of bovine-lactoglobulin. Food Hydrocolloids, 8(5), 441-453.
- 29. Campanella, O.H., Dordward, N.M. and Singh, H. 1995. Rheological properties of concentrated food emulsions. Journal of Food Engineering, 25(3), 427-440.
- 30. Govindasamy, S., Campanella, O.H and Oates, C.G. 1995. Influence of extrusion variations on subsequent saccharification behaviour of sago starch. Food Chemistry, 54, 289-296.
- 31. Govindasamy, S., Campanella, O.H and Oates, C.G. 1996. High Moisture Twin-screw Extrusion of Sago Starch 1. Influence on Granule Morphology and Structure. Carbohydrate Polymers, 30(4), 275-286.
- 32. Li, P.X., Hardacre, A., Campanella, O.H. and Kirpatrick, K.J. 1996. Determination of Endosperm Characteristics of Thirty-Eight Corn Hybrids using the Stenvert Hardness Tester. Cereal Chemistry, 73(4), 466-471.
- 33. Campanella, O.H. and Peleg, M. 1997. On the tan
- frequency relationship of foods and agricultural commodities. Journal of Textures Studies, 28(5), 585-592.
- 34. Govindasamy, S., Campanella, O.H and Oates, C.G. 1997. Enzymatic Hydrolysis of sago starch in a twin screw extruder: I. Influence of thermomechanical history on structural characteristics of extrudates. Journal of Food Engineering, 32(4), 403-426.
- 35. Govindasamy, S., Campanella, O.H and Oates, C.G. 1997. Enzymatic Hydrolysis of sago starch in a twin screw extruder: II. Optimization for saccharification. Journal of Food Engineering, 32(4):427-446.
- 36. Watkinson, P., Boston, G., Campanella. O.H., Coker, C., Johnston, K., Luckman, M. and White, N. 1997. Rheological Properties and Maturation of New Zealand Cheddar Cheese. Lait, 77(1):109-120.
- 37. Chen, H. Jebson, S.J. and Campanella, O.H. 1997. Determination of heat transfer coefficients in rotating cone evaporators I. Food and Bio-products Processing, Trans IChemE, Vol 75, Part C, 17-22.
- 38. Li P.X., Campanella, O.H., Kirpatrick, K.J. and Hardacre, A. 1997. Study of rheological characteristics of corn extrudate using a modified on-line slit die viscometer. The Food Technologist, 27(1), 22-25.
- 39. Govindasamy S., Campanella, O.H. and Oates, C.G. 1997. High moisture twin screw extrusion of sago starch. Saccharification as influenced by thermomechanical history. Carbohydrate Polymers, 32(3-4), 267-274.
- 40. Govindasamy S., Campanella, O.H. and Oates, C.G. 1997. The single screw extruder as a bioreactor for sago starch hydrolysis. Food Chemistry, 60(1), 1-11.
- 41. Duizer, L.M., Campanella, O.H. and Barnes, G.R.G. 1998. Sensory, instrumental and acoustic characteristics of extruded snack food. Journal of Texture Studies, 29(4):397-411.
- 42. Ramkumar, C., Campanella, O.H., Watkinson, P.J., Bennett, R.J., and Creamer, L.K.. 1998. The effects of pH and time on rheological changes during early cheese maturation. Journal of Texture Studies, 29(6), 633-644.
- 43. Havea, P., Singh, H, Creamer, L.K and Campanella, O.H. 1998. Electrophoretic characterization of the protein products formed during heat treatment of whey protein concentrate solutions. Journal of Dairy Research, 65, 79-91.
- 44. Morgenstern, M. P., Zheng, H., Ross, M. and Campanella, O.H. 1999. Rheological properties of sheeted wheat flour dough measured with large deformations. International Journal of Food Properties, 2(3), 265 – 275.
- 45. Zheng, H., Morgenstern, M.P., Campanella, O.H. and Larsen N.G. 2000. Rheological properties of dough during mechanical dough development. Journal of Cereal Science, 32, 293-306.
- 46. Budiman, M., Stroshine, R. and Campanella, O.H. 2000. Stress relaxation and low field proton magnetic resonance studies of cheese analogs. Journal of Texture Studies, 31, 477-498.
- 47. Bugusu, B.A., Campanella, O.H.and Hamaker, B.R.. 2001. Improvement of sorghum-wheat composite dough rheological properties and breadmaking quality through zein addition. Cereal Chemistry, 78(1), 31-35.
- 48. Campanella, O.H. and Peleg, M.. 2001. Comparison of a new and the traditional method to calculate microbial survival during thermal processing. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 81, 1069-1076.
- 49. Reid, J.D., Corvalan, C.M., Levine, L., Campanella, O.H. and Okos, M.R. 2001. Sheeting/rolling of finite width sheets. Estimation of final sheet width and the forces and power exerted by the rolls. Cereal Food World, 46(2), 63-69.
- 50. Hoffner, B, Campanella, O.H., Corradini, M.G., and Peleg, M. 2001. Squeezing flow of a highly viscous incompressible liquid pressed between slightly inclined lubricated wide plates. Rheologica Acta, 40(3), 289-295.
- 51. Zimmer, L.A., Haley, T.A. and Campanella, O.H. 2001. A comparative study on the performance of selected in-line viscometers to test the viscosity of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. Journal of Texture Studies, 32, 75-103.
- 52. Singh, P., Maier, D. and Campanella, O.H. 2001. Effect of temperature and moisture on dynamic viscoelastic properties of soybeans. Transaction of ASAE, 44(6):1713-1719.
- 53. Levine, L., Corvalan, C.M., Campanella, O.H. and Okos, M.R. 2001. A model describing the calendering of finite width sheets. Chemical Engineering Science, 57, 643-650.
- 54. Pereira, R.B., Bennett, R.J., Hemar, Y. and Campanella, O.H. 2001. Rheological and microstructural characteristics of model processed cheese analogues. Journal of Texture Studies, 32(56), 349-373.
- 55. Campanella, O.H., Li, P.X., Ross, K.A. and Okos, M.R. 2002. The role of rheology in extrusion. In “Engineering and Food for the 21st Century” Welti-Chanes, J., Barbosa-Canovas, G.V. and Aguilera, J.M. Eds. Technomic Publishing, pp 393-413.
- 56. Campanella, O.H. and Peleg, M. 2002. Squeezing flow viscometry for liquid and semiliquid foods, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Technology, 42(3), 241-264.
- 57. Ross, K.A., Campanella, O.H. and Okos, M.R. 2002. The effect of porosity on glass transition measurement. International Journal of Food Properties, 5, 611-628.
- 58. Han, X.Z., Campanella, O.H. and Hamaker, B.R. 2002. Influence of maize starch granule-associated protein on the rheological properties of starch. Part I. Large deformation measurements of paste properties. Carbohydrate Polymers, 49(3), 315-321.
- 59. Han, X.Z., Campanella, O.H. and Hamaker, B.R. 2002. Influence of maize starch granule-associated protein on the rheological properties of starch. Part II. Dynamic measurements of viscoelastic properties of starch pastes. Carbohydrate Polymers, 49(3), 323-330.
- 60. Han, X.Z., Campanella, O.H., Mix, N.C. and Hamaker B.R. 2002. Consequence of starch damage on rheological properties of maize starch pastes. Cereal Chemistry, 79(6), 897-901.
- 61. Levine, L., Campanella, O.H., Corvalan, C.M., Okos, M.R. and Symes, S. 2002. A model for the formation of multiple flakes during cereal flaking. Cereal Foods World, 47(6), 210-213.
- 62. Carr, A.J., Munro, P.A. and Campanella, O.H. 2002. Effect of added monovalent or divalent cations on the rheology of sodium caseinate solutions. International Dairy Journal, 12, 487-492.
- 63. Mert, B., Sumali, H. and Campanella, O. H. 2003. A new method to determine viscosity of liquids using vibration principles. Rheologica Acta, 42(6), 534-543.
- 64. Reid, J., Campanella, O.H., Corvalan, C.M. and Okos, M.R. 2003. The influence of power rheology on flow distributions in coathanger manifold. Polymer Engineering and Science, 43(3), 693-703.
- 65. Levine, L., Campanella, O. H., Okos, M. R. and Ross, K.A. 2003. Some observations about the physicochemical effects of flaking. Cereal Food World, 49(2), 65.
- 66. Levine, L., Campanella, O. H. Corvalan, C.M., Okos, M. R. and Gonzalez, D.C. 2003. A model for predicting the aspect ratio of cereal flakes. Cereal Food World, 48(6), 289-295.
- 67. Jebson, R. S., Chen, H. and Campanella, O. H. 2003. Heat transfer coefficients for evaporation from the inner surface of a rotating cone. II. Transactions of the Institute of Chemical Engineering. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 81, 293-302.
- 68. Peleg, M., Normand, M.D. and Campanella, O.H. 2003. Estimating microbial inactivation parameters from a single survival curve obtained under varying conditions – The linear case. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 65(2), 219-234.
- 69. Lee, S., Pyrak-Nolte, L. J. Cornillon, P. and Campanella, O. H. 2004. Characterization of frozen orange juice by ultrasound and wavelet analysis. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 88, 405-410.
- 70. Li, P. X., Campanella, O. H. and Hardacre, A. K. 2004. Using an in-line die viscometer to study the effects of extrusion parameters on corn melt rheology. Cereal Chemistry, 81, 70-76.
- 71. Levine, L., Campanella, O. H., Corvalan, C.M. and Okos, M. R. 2004. A model for predicting forces and work inputs of cereal flaking. Cereal Food World, 49(1), 11-19.
- 72. Singh, P.P., Maier, D.E., Cushman, J.H. and Campanella, O.H. 2004. Effect of viscoelastic relaxation on moisture transport in foods. Part II: Sorption and drying of soybeans. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 49(1), 20-34.
- 73. Ross, K. A., Pyrak-Nolte, L. J. and Campanella, O. H. 2004. The use of ultrasound to characterize the effect of mixing time on the rheological properties of dough. Food Research International, 37(6), 567-577.
- 74. Lee, S., Pyrak-Nolte, L. J. and Campanella, O.H. 2003. Determination of ultrasonic-based rheological properties of dough during fermentation. Journal of Texture Studies, 35(1), 33-51.
- 75. Hardacre, A., Campanella, O.H., Hemar Y. and Budiman, M. 2004. Effects of roux composition on the viscosity of roux sauces. Food New Zealand. January/February, 29-34.
- 76. Mert, B., Sumali, H.and Campanella, O. H. 2004. A new method to measure viscosity of liquids using sound propagation and impedance tube principles. Review of Scientific Instruments, 75(8), 2613-2619.
- 77. Chen, G., Corvalan, C., Campanella, O.H. and Haley, T.A. 2005. An improved method to estimate temperatures and lethality during the cooling stage of sterilized cylindrical cans. Trans IChemE, Part C, Food and Bioproducts Processing, 83, 36-42.
- 78. Haddish-Berhane, N., Nyquist, C., Haghighi, K., Corvalan, C., Keshavarzian, A., Campanella, O., Rickus, J. and Farhadi, A. 2006. A multiscale stochastic model for polymer-coated targeted drug delivery systems. Journal of Controlled Release, 110, 314-322.
- 79. Ross K.A., Pyrak-Nolte L.J. and Campanella, O.H. 2006. The effect of mixing conditions on the material properties of an agar gel -microstructural and macrostructural considerations, Food Hydrocolloids, 20(1), 79-87.
- 80. Carcione, J.M, Campanella, O.H and Santos, J.E. 2007. A poroelastic model for wave propagation in partially frozen orange juice. Journal of Food Engineering, 80(1), 11-17.
- 81. Chen, G., Campanella, O.H., and Corvalan, C.M. 2007. A numerical algorithm for calculating microbial survival curves during thermal processing. Food Research International, 40, 203-208.
- 82. Hailemariam, L., Okos, M.R., and Campanella, O.H. 2007. A Mathematical Model for the Isothermal Growth of Bubbles in Wheat Dough. Journal of Food Engineering, 82(4), 466-477.
- 83. Mert, B. and Campanella, O.H. 2007. Monitoring the rheological properties and solid content of selected food materials contained in cylindrical cans using audio frequency sound waves. Journal of Food Engineering, 79 (2), 546-552.
- 84. Mert, B. and Campanella, O.H. 2007. Monitoring the rheological properties and solid content of selected food materials contained in cylindrical cans using audio frequency sound waves. Journal of Food Engineering, 79 (2), 546-552.
- 85. Mert, B., Gonzalez, D. and Campanella, O.H. 2007. A new method to determine viscoelastic properties of corn grits during and cooking and drying. 2007. Journal of Cereal Science, 46(1), 32-38.
- 86. Chen, G., Campanella, O.H., Corvalan, C.M. and Haley, T.A. 2008. On-line Correction of Process Temperature Deviations in Continuous Retorts. Journal of Food Engineering, 84(2), 258-269.
- 87. Kim, Y.R., Cornillon P., Campanella, O.H., Stroshine R.L., Lee, S., and Shim, J.Y. 2008. Small and large deformation rheology for hard wheat flour dough as influenced by mixing and resting. Journal of Food Science, 73(1), E1-E8.
- 88. Mert, B. and Campanella, O.H. 2008. The study of the mechanical impedance of foods and biomaterials to characterize their linear viscoelastic behavior at high frequencies. Rheologica Acta, 47, 727-737.
- 89. Abiad, M.G., Carvajal, M.T. and Campanella, O.H. 2009. A Review on methods and theories to describe the glass transition phenomenon: Applications in Food and Pharmaceutical Products. Food Engineering Reviews, 1(2), 105-179.
- 90. Chen, G., Maier, D.E., Campanella, O.H. and Takhar, P.S. 2009. Modeling of moisture diffusivities for components of yellow-dent corn kernels. Journal of Cereal Science, 50(1), 82-90.
- 91. Jebson, J, Chen, H. and Campanella, O.H. 2009. Fouling in a centritherm evaporator with whey Solutions. 2008. Heat Transfer Engineering, 30(10-11), 859-867.
- 92. Matalanis, A.M., Campanella, O.H. and Hamaker, B.R. 2009. Storage retrogradation behavior of sorghum, maize and rice starch pastes related to amylopectin fine structure. Journal of Cereal Science, 50(1), 82-90.
- 93. Pai, D.A, Blake, O.A, Hamaker, B.R, and Campanella, O.H. 2009. Importance of extensional rheological properties on fiber-enriched corn extrudates. Journal of Cereal Science, 50 (2), 227-234.
- 94. Penner, A.L., Hailemariam, L., Okos, M. and Campanella, O. 2009. Lateral growth of a wheat dough disk under various growth conditions. Journal of Cereal Science, 49(1), 65-72.
- 95. Simsek, S., Mert, B., Campanella, O.H. and Reuhs, B. 2009. Chemical and rheological properties of bacterial succinoglycan with distinct structural characteristics. Carbohydrate Polymers, 76(2), 320-324.
- 96. Abiad, M.G., Campanella, O.H. and Carvajal, M.T. 2010. Assessment of thermal transitions by dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) Using a novel disposable powder holder. Pharmaceutics, 2, 78-90; Open access Journal, oi:10.3390/pharmaceutics2020078, 78-90.
- 97. Abiad, M.G., Gonzalez, D.C., Mert, B., Campanella, O.H. and Carvajal, M.T. 2010. A novel method to measure the glass and melting transitions of pharmaceutical powders. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 396(1-2), 23-29.
- 98. Basu, S., Moiz Diwan, M., Abiad, M.G., Zheng, Y., Campanella, O.H. and Varma, A. 2010. Transport characteristics of dehydrogenated ammonia borane and sodium borohydride spent fuels. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35(5), 2063-2072.
- 99. Kale, M.S., Pai, D.A., Hamaker, B.R and Campanella, O.H. 2010. Structure-function relationships for corn bran arabinoxylans. Journal of Cereal Science, 52(3), 368-372.
- 100. Gonzalez D.C., Khalef, N., Wright, K., Okos, M.R., Hamaker, B.R. 2010. Physical aging of processed fragmented biopolymers. Journal of Food Engineering, 100(2), 187-193.
- 101. Santos, P.H.S., Arnold, R., Anderson, W.E. Carignano, M.A. and Campanella, O.H. 2010. Rheology of JP-8/SiO2 and RP-1/SiO2 Gels. IAENG Transactions on Engineering Technologies, VOL 4. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1247, 288-300.
- 102. Santos P.H.S., Campanella, O.H., and Carignano, M.A. 2010. Brownian dynamics study of gel-forming colloidal particles. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 114(41), 13052-13058.
- 103. Simsek S., Zhang, Y., Campanella, O.H. 2010. Physicochemical properties of arabinoxylans in refrigerated dough. Food Research International, 43(8), 2119-2125.
- 104. Zhang, G.Y., Maladen, M., Campanella, O.H. and Hamaker, B.R. 2010. Free fatty acids electronically bridge the self-assembly of a three-component nanocomplex consisting of amylose, protein, and free fatty acids. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58(16), 9164-9170.
- 105. Arnold, R., Santos, P.H.S., Campanella, O.H. and Anderson, W.E. 2011. Rheological and thermal behavior of gelled hydrocarbon fuels. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 27(1), 151-161.
- 106. Chen, G., Peleg, M. and Campanella, O.H. 2011. Calculation of the total lethality of conductive heat in cylindrical cans sterilization using linear and non-linear survival kinetic models. Food Research International, 44(4), 1012-1022.
- 107. Chen. G., Campanella, O.H. and Barbosa-Canovas, G.V. 2011. Estimating microbial survival parameters under high hydrostatic pressure. Food Research International, 46, 314-320.
- 108. Dechelette, A., Campanella. O., Corvalan, M. Sojka, P.E. 2011. An experimental investigation on the breakup of surfactant-laden non-Newtonian jets. Chemical Engineering Science, 66, 6367-6374.
- 109. Moussa, M. Chen, L.F., Campanella, O.H. and Hamaker, B.R. 2011. High quality instant sorghum porridge flours for the West African market using continuous processor cooking. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 46, 2344-2350.
- 110. Santos, P.S., Abiad, M.G, Carignano, M.A and Campanella, O.H. 2011. Viscoelastic properties of dibenzylidene sorbitol (DBS) physical gels at high frequencies. Rheologica Acta, 51, 3-11.
- 111. Shah A., Zhang G., Hamaker B. R. and Campanella, O.H. 2011. Rheological properties of a soluble self-assembled complex from starch, protein and free fatty acids. Journal of Food Engineering, 105(3), 444-452.
- 112. Takhar, P.S., Maier, D.E., Campanella, O.H., Chen, G.B. 2011. Hybrid mixture theory based moisture transport and stress development in corn kernels during drying: Validation and simulation results. Journal of Food Engineering, 106(4), 275-282.
- 113. Zhang, Y., Simsek, S., Campanella, O.H., Ohm, J.B., Chang, H., Reuhs, B.L. and Mergoum, M. 2011. Rheological changes in refrigerated dough during storage in relation to proteins. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 34(3), 639-656.
- 114. Chen, G. and Campanella, O.H. 2012. An optimization algorithm for estimation of microbial survival parameters during thermal processing. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 154, 52-58.
- 115. Erickson, D.P., Campanella, O.H. and Hamaker, B.R. 2012. Functionalizing maize zein in viscoelastic dough systems through fibrous, ß-sheet-rich protein networks: An alternative, physicochemical approach to gluten-free breadmaking. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 24, 74-81.
- 116. Fevzioglu, M., Hamaker, B.R. and Campanella, O.H. 2012. Gliadin and zein show similar and improved rheological behavior when mixed with high molecular weight glutenin. Journal of Cereal Science, 55, 265-271.
- 117. Goodall, Morgan A., Campanella, Osvaldo H., Ejeta, Gebisa and Hamaker, B.R. 2012. Grain of high digestible, high lysine (HDHL) sorghum contains kafirins which enhance the protein network of composite dough and bread. Journal of Cereal Science, 56, 352-357.
- 118. Mejia, C., Gonzalez, D., Mauer, L., Campanella, O. and Hamaker, B. 2012. Increasing and stabilizing ß-sheet structure of maize zein causes improvement in its rheological properties, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 60, 2316-2321.
- 119. Rumpagaporn, P., Kaur, A., Campanella, O.H., Patterson, J.A. and Hamaker, B.R. 2012. Heat and pH stability of alkali-extractable corn arabinoxylan and its xylanase-hydrolyzate and their viscosity behavior. Journal of Food Science, 77(1), H23-H30
- 120. Santos, P.H.S., Bhopatkar, D. and Campanella, O.H. 2012. Rheological characterization of bio-based materials. Chemical Engineering Progress, 108(5), 56-62.
- 121. Yu, J., Santos, P. H. S. and Campanella, O. H. 2012. A study to characterize the mechanical behavior of semisolid viscoelastic systems under compression chewing – case study of agar gel. Journal of Texture Studies, 43, 459-467.
- 122. Abiad, M.G., Carvajal, M.T. and Campanella, O.H. 2013. The effect of spray drying conditions on the physicochemical properties and enthalpy relaxation of ?-Lactose. International Journal of Food Properties, 17, 1303-1316.
- 123. Dennis, J.D, Kubal, T.D, Campanella, O.H, Son, S.F and Pourpoint, T.L. 2013. Rheological characterization of monomethylhydrazine gels. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 29(2), 313-320.
- 124. Janaswamy, S., Gill, K., Campanella, O.H. and Pinal, R. 2013. Organized polysaccharide fibers as stable drug carriers. Carbohydrate Polymers, 94, 209-215.
- 125. Kale, M., Hamaker, B.R. and Campanella, O.H. 2013. Alkaline extraction conditions determine gelling properties of corn bran arabinoxylans. Food Hydrocolloids, 31, 121-126.
- 126. Patel, B.K., Campanella, O.H. and Janaswamy, S. 2013. Impact of urea on the three-dimensional structure, viscoelastic and thermal behavior of iota-carrageenan. Carbohydrate Polymers, 92, 1873- 1879.
- 127. Santos, P.H.S., Campanella, O.H and Carignano, M.A. 2013. Effective attractive range and viscoelasticity of colloidal gels. Soft Matters, 9, 709-714.
- 128. Yang, Y., Campanella, O.H., Hamaker, B.R., Zhang, G.Y. and Gu, Z.B. 2013. Rheological investigation of alginate chain interactions induced by concentrating calcium cations. Food Hydrocolloids, 30(1), 26-32.
- 129. Bello-Perez, L.A., Flores-Silva, P.C., Agama-Acevedo, E., Figueroa-Cardenas, J.D. , Lopez-Valenzuela, J.A. and Campanella, O.H. 2014. Effect of the nixtamalization with calcium carbonate on the indigestible carbohydrate content and starch digestibility of corn tortilla. Journal of Cereal Science, 60, 421-425.
- 130. de la Pena, E., Manthey, F.A., Patel, B.K. and Campanella, O.H. 2014. Rheological properties of pasta dough during pasta extrusion: Effect of moisture and dough formulation. Journal of Cereal Science, 60, 346-351.
- 131. Demirkesen, I., Kelkar, S., Campanella, O.H., Sumnu, G., Sahin, S. and Okos, M. 2014. Characterization of structure of gluten-free breads by using X-ray microtomography. Food Hydrocolloids, 36, 37-44.
- 132. Demirkesen, I., Campanella, O.H., Sumnu, G., Sahin, S. and Hamaker, B.R. 2014. Study on staling characteristics of gluten-free breads prepared with chestnut and rice flours. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 7, 806-820.
- 133. Erickson, D.P., Renzetti, R., Jurgens, A., Campanella, O.H. and Hamaker, B.R. 2014. Modulating state transition and mechanical properties of viscoelastic resins from maize zein through interactions with plasticizers and co-proteins. Journal of Cereal Science, 60, 576-583.
- 134. Gilbert, J., Campanella, O. and Jones, O.G. 2014. Electrostatic stabilization of beta-lactoglobulin fibrils at increased pH with cationic polymers. Biomacromolecules, 15. 3119-3127.
- 135. Lee, S. and Campanella, O. 2014. Impulse viscoelastic characterization of wheat flour dough during fermentation. Journal of Food Engineering, 118, 266-270.
- 136. Yoon, C., Heister, S.D. and Campanella, O.H. 2014. Modeling gelled fluid flow with thixotropy and rheological hysteresis effects. Fuel, 128, 467-475.
- 137. Bhopatkar, D., Feng, T., Chen, F., Zhang, G.Y., Carignano, M., Park, S.H., Zhuang, H.N. Campanella, O.H. and Hamaker, B.R. 2015. Self-Assembled nanoparticle of common food constituents that carries a sparingly soluble small molecule. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 63, 4312-4319.
- 138. Eren, N.M., Santos, P.H.S., and Campanella, O. 2015.Mechanically modified xanthan gum: Rheology and polydispersity aspects. Carbohydrate Polymers, 134, 475-484.
- 139. Eren, N.M., Jones, O.G. and Campanella, O.H. 2015. Changes in the rheology of nano-structured suspensions by adsorption of the protein alpha-lactalbumin on the surface of silica particles. Rheologica Acta, 54, 735-744.
- 140. Feng, T., Li, M., Zhuang, H., Chen, F,, Ye, R., Campanella, O. and Fang, Z. 2015. Application of molecular dynamics simulation in food carbohydrate research – a review. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 31, 1-13.
- 141. Klein, M.I., Hwang, G., Santos, P.H.S., Campanella, O.H. and Koo, H. 2015. Streptococcus mutans-derived extracellular matrix in cariogenic oral biofilms. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 5, Article Number: 10, DOI: 10.3389/fcimb.2015.00010.
- 142. Wang, L.Q., Campanella, O., Patel, B., Lu, L. 2015. Preparation and Sealing Processing of Sodium Alginate Based Blending Film. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Article Number: 895637. DOI: 10.1155/2015/895637.
- 143. Ayala-Soto, F., Campanella, O.H., Serna-Saldivar, S.O. and Welti-Chanes, J. 2016. Changes in the structure and gelling properties of maize fiber arabinoxylans after their pilot scale extraction and spray-drying. Journal of Cereal Science, 70, 275-281.
- 144. Campanella, O. H. 2016. Editorial overview: Food physics and material science. Current Opinion in Food Science, 9, vii-ix.
- 145. Chen, J., Miao, M., Campanella, O., Jiang, B., & Jin, Z. 2016. Biological macromolecule delivery system for improving functional performance of hydrophobic nutraceuticals. Current Opinion in Food Science, 9, 56-61.
- Eren, N.M., Narsimhan, G and Campanella, O.H. 2016. Protein adsorption induced bridging flocculation: the dominant entropic pathway for nano-bio complexation. Nanoscale, DOI: 10.1039/C5NR06179B.
- Feng, T., Zhu, X., & Campanella, O. 2016. Molecular modeling tools to characterize the structure and complexation behavior of carbohydrates. Current Opinion in Food Science, 9, 62-69.
- Khalef, N., Campanella, O., and Bakri, A. 2016. Isothermal calorimetry: methods and applications in food and pharmaceutical fields. Current Opinion in Food Science, 9, 70-76.
- Kahn, J.L., Necla Mine Eren, N.M., Campanella, O.H., Voytik-Harbin, S.L. and Rickus, J.L. 2016. Collagen-fibril matrix properties odulate the kinetics of silica polycondensation to template and direct biomineralization. Journal of Material Research, DOI: 10.1557/jmr.2016.5.
- Demirkesen, I., Puchulu-Campanella, E., Kelkar, S., Campanella, O.H., Sumnu, G. and Sahin, S. 2016. Production and characterisation of gluten-free chestnut sourdough breads. Quality assurance and safety of crops & foods, 8, 349-358.
- Tarhan, O., Spotti, M.J., Schaffter, S., Corvalan, C.M. and Campanella, O.H. 2016. Rheological and structural characterization of whey protein gelation induced by enzymatic hydrolysis. Food Hydrocolloids, 61, 211-220.
- Taylor, J.R.N., Taylor, J., Campanella, O.H. and Hamaker, B.R. 2016. Functionality of the storage proteins in gluten-free cereals and pseudocereals in dough systems. Journal of Cereal Science, 67, 22-34.
- Spotti, M.J., Tarhan, O., Schaffter, S., Corvalan, C. and Campanella, O.H. 2016. Whey protein gelation induced by enzymatic hydrolysis and heat treatment: Comparison of creep and recovery behavior. Food Hydrocolloids, 63, 696-704.
- Wang, L.Q., Ma, S.F., Jia, C., Patel, B., Campanella, O., You, L.Q., Yang, S.C., and Liu, D. 2016. The Effects of Calcium Propionate and Cinnamaldehyde on the Mechanical, Physical and Antimicrobial Properties of Composite Films Based on Potato Starch. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, 10, 176-183.
- Ye, F., Miao, M., Jiang, B., Campanella, O.H., Jin, Z, Zhang, T. 2017. Elucidation of stabilizing oil-in-water pickering emulsion with different modified maize starch-based nanoparticles. Food Chemistry, 229, 152-158.
- Chen, G., Miao, M., Jiang, B., Jin, J., Campanella, O.H., Feng, B. 2017. Effects of high hydrostatic pressure on lipase from Rhizopus chinensis: I. Conformational changes, Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 41, 267-276.
- Garcia-Lucas, K.A., Mendez-Lagunas, L.L., Rodriguez-Ramirez, J., Campanella, O.H., Patel, B.K., Barriada-Bernal, L.G. 2017. Physical properties of spray dryed Stenocereus griseus pitaya juice powder. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 40, DOI:10.1111/jfpe.12470.
- Guo, W., & Campanella, O. H. 2017. A Relaxation Model Based on the Application of Fractional Calculus for Describing the Viscoelastic Behavior of Potato Tubers. Transactions of the ASABE, 60, 259-264.
- Campanella. O.H, Hamaker, B.R., Keshavarzian, A., Reuhs, B.L., Rose, D.J., and Rumpagaporn, P. 2015. Increasing short chain fatty acid concentration in colon of mammal, comprises orally administering to mammal composition comprising treated bran product, and after administering, fermenting treated bran product in colon of mammal. US Patent US2015010672-A1
- Hamaker, B.R., Hamaker, B.R., Rose, D.J., Keshavarzian, A., Rumpagaporn, P. and Campanella, O.H. 2010. Slowly fermentable soluble dietary fiber. Patent Application No. 40208.8.
- Hamaker, B.R., Campanella, O.H., Lester, H., Yang, Y. and Zhang, G. 2011. Alginate-Ca gelation induced by water evaporation 2011. Patent Application, PRF Ref No.65917.P1.US
- Boeh, A., Hall B., Mullen, G.J., Conway, R. and Campanella, O.H. 2010. Biodegradable target disc and methods of making the same. US Patent # 2010/0207331 A1.
- Hamaker, B.R. Mejia, C.D., Mauer, L.J. and Campanella, O.H. 2009. Leavened products made from non-wheat cereal proteins. US Patent US2009/0304861 A1.
Books and Book Chapters
- Bhaskar, G.V., Campanella, O.H. and Munro. P.A. 1992. Fractal dimension of casein precipitate particles. Proceedings of 20th Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, Vol.(1), pp 263-270, Australia.
- Bhaskar, G.V., Campanella O.H. and Munro, P.A. 1992. Effect of agitation rate during batch precipitation on the particle size distribution of acid casein mineral curd. Proceedings of 20th Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, Vol. (2), pp 583-90, Australia.
- Chen, H., Jebson, R.S. and Campanella, O.H. 1994. Factors affecting heat transfer in a centritherm evaporator. Proceeding of the Institution of Professional Engineering, New Zealand (IPENZ) Conference, pp 216-219, New Zealand.
- Chen, H., Jebson, S.J. and Campanella, O.H. 1996. Fouling in a centritherm evaporator with whey protein solutions. Proceedings of 24th Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, Vol. (4), pp 87-92, Australia.
- Zheng, H., Morgenstern, M.P., Campanella, O.H. and Larsen, N.G. 1997. Fundamental rheological properties of dough during mechanical dough development. 2nd Pacific Rim Conference on Rheology, Melbourne, July 1997, pp 319-320.
- Campanella, O.H., Faraay, F.M., McCarthy, O.J. and Bennett, R.J. 1997. Determination of the fundamental rheological properties of processed cheese slices. 2nd Pacific Rim Conference on Rheology, Melbourne, July 1997, pp 17-19.
- Li, P.X., Campanella, O.H., Kirpatrick, K.J. and Hardacre, A. 1997. A design of a new online slit-die viscometer to use in food extrusion. ICEF 97 Seven International Congress on Engineering and Food, Edited by R. Jowitt, Section A , pp 153-156.
- Cleland, A.C., Campanella, O.H. and Trinh, K.T. 1997. Using the engineering design process to design a food engineering degree major. ICEF 97 Seven International Congress on Engineering and Food, Edited by R. Jowitt, Section Q, pp 5-8.
- Baker, M. A., Campanella, O.H. and Okos, M.R. 1999. Rheological properties of various wheat flours doughs under small and large deformations and their relationship to final product quality. Proceedings of the AIChE 1999 Annual Meeting, pp 211-216.
- Campanella, O.H., Zheng, H. and Morgenstern, M.P. 1999. Effect of Mixing on the Rheological Properties of Dough. Proceedings of the AIChE 1999 Annual Meeting, pp 224-230.
- Sterling, M., Okos, M.R. and Campanella, O.H. 1999. Determination of transition temperature of semolina using plate-plate viscometer. Proceedings of the AIChE 1999 Annual Meeting, pp 398-402.
- Willis, B.F., Okos, M.R. and Campanella, O.H. 1999. Effects of glass transition on stress development during drying of a shrinking food system. Proceedings of the AIChE 1999 Annual Meeting, pp 496-501.
- Mert, B., Gonzalez, D.C. and Campanella, O.H. 2005. Novel methods to measure dough rheology. Proceedings of the Third International Wheat Conference, Chung, O.K. and Lookhart, G.L. Eds., May 22-26 2005, pp 235-244.
- Campanella, O.H. 2006. Modeling food processes and behavior of food materials. Useful tools in food engineering. Proceedings of the XXII Iberoamerican Congress of Chemical Engineering.
- Rebouillat, S., Campanella, O.H., Schwartzberg, H. and Leclerc, D. An Approach to the Pressing Mechanism Involved During Screw Expression of Food Products (Dewatering). V World Filtration Congress, Nice, France, 5-8 June, 1990.
- Corvalan, C.M. and Campanella, O.H. 2003. Squeezing and Elongational Flow. Encyclopedia of Food and Agriculture Sciences. Engineering and Technology Resources. Food Engineering. G.V Barbosa-Canovas, and P. Juliano, Eds. In Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS). Developed under the Auspices of the Unesco, EOLSS Publishers. Oxford, UK, http://www.eols.net.
- Corvalan, C.M. and Campanella, O.H. 2006. Squeezing and Elongational Flow. Encyclopedia of Food and Agriculture Sciences. In “Food Engineering Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems G.V Barbosa-Canovas, Ed. UNESCO Publishing.
- Okos, M.R., Campanella, O.H, Narsimhan, G., Singh, R.K. and Weitnauer, A.C. 2006. Food, Dehydration. In “Handbook of Food Engineering” Heldman D. and Lund, D. Eds.
- Campanella, O.H., and Chen, G. 2008. On-line correction of in-pack processing of foods and validation of automated processes to improve product quality. 2007. “In-pack processed foods: Improving Quality. Richardson, P. Editor. Woodhead Publishing Limited, Abington Hall, Abington, Cambridge, CB1 6AH, England.
- Arnold, R., Santos, P.H. S., Kubal, T., Campanella, O. and Anderson, W.E. 2009. Investigation of Gelled JP-8 and RP-1 Fuels. WCECS 2009: World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, Vols. I and II. Book Series: Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. Eds. Ao S.I., Douglas, C., Grundfest, W.S. and Burgstone J, pp 63-68.
- Campanella. O.H., Rovedo, C., Bichier, J. and Pandelaers, F. 2009. Plant automation for automatic batch retort systems. In engineering aspects of thermal food processing. Edited by Simpson R., CRC press, Boca Raton.
- Campanella, O.H. 2010. Chapter 2. Instrumental Techniques for Measurement of Textural and Rheological Properties of Foods, In “Emerging Technologies for Evaluating Food Quality and Food Safety”. Cho, Y.J. and Sukwon Kang, S. Eds. CRC Publisher, pp 6-53.
- Kale, M., Pai, D.A, Hamaker, B.R and Campanella, O. 2011. Incorporation of Fibers in Foods: A Food Engineering Challenge. In Food Engineering Interfaces, Aguilera, J.M., Simpson, R., Welti-Chanes J., Bermudez-Aguirre, D., and Barbosa-Canovas, G.V. Food Engineering Series, Springer, pp 69-98.
- Bhopatkar, D., Hamaker, B.R. and Campanella, O.H. 2011. Micro to macro level structures of food materials. In “Food Materials Science and Engineering”. Eds. Bhandari, B. and Roos, Y. (2012).
- Campanella, O.H., Sumali, H., Mert, B. and Patel, B. 2011. Chapter 15. The use of vibration principles to characterize the mechanical properties of biomaterials. In “Biomaterials – Physics and Chemistry Intech Open Access Publisher, Edited by R. Pignatello. Intech Open Access Publisher, www.intechopen.com.
- Bouvier, J.M. and Campanella, O.H. 2014. Extrusion Processing Technology: Food and non-Food Biomaterials, J. Wiley.
- Patel, B. and Campanella, O.H. 2015. Dough Processing: Sheeting, Shaping, Flattening and Rolling. In “Conventional and Advanced Food Processing Technologies”, Ed. S. Bhattacharya Ed., J. Wiley, pp 51-73.
- Zhang, G., Bhopatkar, D., Hamaker, B.R and Campanella, O.H. 2015. Self-assembly of amylose, protein, and lipid as a nanoparticle carrier of hydrophobic small molecules. In “Nanotechnology and Functional Foods: Effective Delivery of Bioactive Ingredients”. IFT Press Series, pp 263-271.
- Campanella O.H. 2016. Heat Treatment: Principles and Techniques. In: Caballero, B., Finglas, P., and Toldrá, F. (Eds.) The Encyclopedia of Food and Health vol. 3, pp. 316-327. Oxford: Academic Press.
Dr. Campanella's Students
Shirley Clyde Rupert Brandão
Ph.D. Student
Shirley Clyde Rupert Brandão is a Ph.D. student in the Campanella Lab. She received her MS in Chemical and Biochemical Process Engineering at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), Brazil. Her MS thesis was about infrared drying and how ethanol pretreatment could increase the process efficiency, reducing the drying time, and if it could affect the quality parameter. In 2022, she joined Dr. Campanella’s group. Her research focuses on applying computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to better understand the mass transfer and reaction when ozone gas is applied to prevent mycotoxin in grains.
Dila Donmez
Ph.D. Student
Dila Donmez is a Ph.D. student in the Campanella Lab. She graduated with a BA in Chemical Engineering from Middle East Technical University in Turkey. She pursued her MA degree in the same department, with a research focus on the production of Pickering emulsions in a stirred tank. In 2020, she started her PhD studies. Her research currently centers around the encapsulation of fish oil with glycated phospholipids, utilizing both batch processing and reactive-extrusion methods.
Email: donmez.5@osu.edu
Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Campanella
Vidarshani Ellepola
Ph.D. Student
Vidarshani Ellepola is a student in the Campanella Lab. She obtained her BS from Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka in the field of Tea Technology and Value Addition followed by an MS in food science and technology from Post Graduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya Sri Lanka. Upon completing the degrees, she worked as a Lecturer in the Department of Export Agriculture at Uva Wellassa University. In 2022, she received the Fulbright master’s scholarship to study the prevention of vitamin oxidation through encapsulation techniques.
Email: ellepola.1@osu.edu
Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Campanella
Veeramani Karuppuchamy
Ph.D. Student
Veeramani Karuppuchamy is a Ph.D. student in the Campanella Lab. He completed his BS in agricultural engineering from Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India in 2007, an MS degree in Agricultural Engineering from South Dakota State University in 2011, and another MS in Food Science and Technology from The Ohio State University in 2021. In addition, he has also worked in the food industry in the roles of lab supervisor and quality assurance supervisor from December 2011 to July 2019. His Ph.D. research focuses on the value addition of food industry by-products using twin screw extrusion for nutrition enhancement and application of rheology in expanded snack applications.
Email: karuppuchamy.1@buckeyemail.osu.edu
Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Campanella
Chih-Chun (Ariel) Kuo
Ph.D. Student
Theresa Parr graduated in 2022 from Notre Dame College of Ohio with her BS in Chemistry, while playing division two basketball. She joined Dr. Campanella’s Lab in the spring of 2023. Her research focuses on the creation of plant-based meat analogues via extrusion, and the impact extrusion has on the rheological and textural properties.
Email: kuo.283@buckeyemail.osu.edu
Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Campanella
Jenna McClure
Ph.D. Student
Jenna McClure is a Ph.D. student in the Campanella Lab. She received her BS in Exercise Science in 2013 and her MS in Food Science in 2021 from The Ohio State University. Her MS project explored the consumption of a novel soy pretzel and its effect on muscle recovery in athletes. Her current work focuses on the extrusion of dietary fiber in snack foods and the impact this has on the gut microbiome and gut-brain axis.
Email: mcclure.575@osu.edu
Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Campanella
Theresa Parr
Theresa Parr graduated in 2022 from Notre Dame College of Ohio with her BS in Chemistry, while playing division two basketball. She joined Dr. Campanella’s Lab in the spring of 2023. Her research focuses on the creation of plant-based meat analogues via extrusion, and the impact extrusion has on the rheological and textural properties.
Email: parr.110@buckeyemail.osu.edu
Lorena Silva Pinho
Ph.D. Student
Lorena Silva Pinho is a Ph.D. student in the Campanella Lab. She has her MSc and Ph.D. in Food Engineering with knowledge of food ingredient encapsulation using hydrocolloids and applications and experience in physical-chemical analysis, quality control, food consulting services, and innovation of food products. Her research centers on applying microparticles loaded with carotenoids in extruded products. In 2023, she will be part of the group as a postdoc, and her project will focus on developing meat analogs by enzymatic reaction extrusion.
Email: spinholorena@gmail.com
Shengyue Shan
PhD Student
Shengyue Shan is a PhD student in the Campanella Lab. She received her BEng in Food Science and Engineering in July 2017 at Sichuan University in China. She received her MS in Food Science and Technology at The Ohio State University in 2019. She continued as a PhD student in the same department. Her research focuses on the characterization and simulation of the physical behaviors of protein-based food systems, including the heat transfer numerical analysis, the rheological properties of wheat dough and gluten-free dough, and fabrication of plant-based meat analog. She expects to graduate in Spring 2023.
Email: shan.131@buckeyemail.osu.edu
Andres Munoz Salgado
Andres Munoz Salgado was a MA student in the Campanella Lab. He completed his BS in Pharmaceutical Chemistry at la Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Bogota, Colombia. He was then a visiting scholar at the University of Akron where he conducted research on controlled-release drug delivery systems for breast implant applications. In 2022, he completed his MA degree in Food, Agriculture, and Biological Engineering at The Ohio State University where he conducted research on the applications of corn zein as a replacement for gluten and methylcellulose for plant-based analogues. Currently, he is working at Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM) where he is conducting research on alternative proteins for nutraceutical applications.
Chong Teng
PhD Student
Chong Teng is a PhD student in the Campanella Lab. He received his BS in Food Science and Technology from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2015. Then, he earned an engineer’s degree from Ecole des Mines d’Albi-Carmaux in France and an MS degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, where he gained substantial experience as a production assistant and analytical chemist in food companies and research institutes. In 2019, he joined Dr. Campanella’s lab, where he developed an animal fat tissue analog using plant-based materials. He is now focusing on the mineral binding capacity of plant proteins modified by enzymatic hydrolysis for improving the mineral bioavailability of plant proteins.
Email: teng.165@buckeyemail.osu.edu
Ankur Upadhyay
M.S. Student
Ankur Upadhyay is a MS student in the Campanella Lab. He graduated from ICT, Mumbai in 2022 with a BS in Food Engineering and Technology. He joined Dr. Campanella’s lab in the fall of 2022. His research topic is on the metal-chelating ability of glycated soybean phospholipids and their application in extruded plant-based meats.
Ana M. Velásquez-Giraldo
PhD Student
Ana M. Velásquez-Giraldo is a PhD student in the Campanella Lab. She received her BS in Agro-industrial Engineering from Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana in Colombia. She earned her MS in Public Policy and Administration, with a concentration in Food Science Policy, at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She is currently studying Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering at The Ohio State University under the guidance of Drs. Campanella and Heldman. Her research focuses on the enhancement of flavor and texture of plant-based extruded meat analogues.
Dan Zhang
PhD Student
Dan Zhang is a PhD student in the Campanella lab. She received her BS in 2017 from Nanjing Agriculture University and her MS in 2020 from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, both in Food Science and Technology. Her research focused on isolation and identification of antimicrobial compounds in galanga using HPLC and GC/MS. She joined Dr. Campanella’s group at Ohio State University in 2021. Her current research focuses on the improvement of functionality of plant proteins by interacting with polysaccharides for production of gel-reinforced products and for potential food packaging applications.