Agronomy Ambassador Blog

Staying on Track

By Jackson Alsdorf | Oct 19, 2021

This time of the year can tend to be the beginning of burn out for the semester. It is starting to get more cold outside and the desire for one to go to class diminishes. Remember to stay the course and continue to stay up to date on all of your classes so that you…

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Tough Class, Tougher Mentality

By Trey Mettler | Oct 19, 2021

Reflection is something I do a lot in college personally. Reflecting on my past experiences in college is a great way for me to learn and implement what I reflect on to make the college experience easier and more enjoyable. Thinking back on my Freshman year of college I feel I was able to easily…

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Staying Involved

By Josh Adams | Oct 18, 2021

With so many things to do and multitudes of opportunities available it can be hard to stay involved in clubs and the events that you may be interested in. Between the classwork, possibly a job, and finding time to invest in yourself it can be difficult to make time for other things. One thing I…

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Woooah We’re Half Way There

By Emma Spurgeon | Oct 18, 2021

Congratulations! You have made it through the first half of the semester. How is your semester going so far? Personally I think this is the best semester yet! It is a great feeling to finally be back on campus with an almost normal college environment. Did you attend the career fair? The College of Ag…

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Own Your Education

By Makala Hammons | Oct 15, 2021

Thinking about the future can be really, really scary. Whether you’re applying to an internship, weighing the pros and cons of a job offer, or even dealing with where these opportunities will take you geographically. As a junior, I’m experiencing more and more of these situations than I ever had to as an underclassman. I…

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Time Management Tips!

By Alexis Middleton | Oct 6, 2021

Time management is one of the most important things you need to have to be successful in school. Losing track of time or procrastinating will decrease your GPA from missed assignments and not being prepared for exams. The first thing I recommend when trying to get better at time management, is to get a planner…

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The Art of Time Management

By Katie Parsons | Sep 28, 2021

As a college student, you are going to have to figure out the art of time management. College is not like high school in the sense that you have the same classes everyday at the same time, nor is it that you have homework everyday that you can just expect. In college you may only…

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“We’re Not in Kansas Anymore”

By Jessica Peterson | Sep 28, 2021

This summer I had the opportunity to move out to Kansas. I was a wholesale agronomy sales intern for Helena. This was my first experience away from home for a long period of time. I am used to going home on the weekends while at college and I have spent the last 2 summers living…

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Summer Internship & Senior Year

By Riley Garner | Sep 28, 2021

Hey y’all! Well, this is it, senior year. I cannot believe it, this has been the quickest four years so far! This past summer I had the opportunity to be called back to Helena as a second year intern and what a whirlwind it was. I was able to go back to the same location…

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