Agronomy Ambassador Blog

2021 SASES Annual Meeting Salt Lake City

By Jessica Peterson | Dec 2, 2021

Over the past year, I had the opportunity to serve as the 2021 SASES National Recording Secretary. Through this opportunity, I helped plan events and agricultural tours for this year’s annual meeting. SASES stands for Students of Agronomy, Soil, and Environmental Sciences. It is an undergraduate program for students in agronomy, plant, soil, and environmental…

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Don’t Let Finals Get You Down

By Samantha Barker | Nov 30, 2021

The dreaded finals week. It’s no one’s favorite week of the semester, but you can get through it. To make finals so much easier here is my advice: First, know when and where your finals take place before finals week so you make it on time (I have heard way too many stories about students…

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The Old Oaken Bucket

By Emma Spurgeon | Nov 29, 2021

The Old Oaken Bucket game is one of the most recognizable football games for college students in Indiana. This the game where the two biggest rivals in Indiana fight to bring the Bucket home. This past weekend, as many of you know, the Bucket was once again brought back to its home, PURDUE!  I have…

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Here Come the Holidays

By Josh Adams | Nov 23, 2021

As we enter this festive holiday season here on campus, many things start to become a blur and a mess. The days fly by and our minds are occupied with many other things that need to be done that we’re not always the greatest at staying on top of our school work. It’s not always…

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Taylor Swifts’ Wisdom

By Claire King | Nov 16, 2021

As we are all looking towards the end of the semester, our minds are clouded with the stress of finals and the pressure of performing perfectly. We may find ourselves prioritizing our grades and resumes over our mental health. I have felt this as the burn out of the semester has left me drained. However,…

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Looking Ahead!

By Isabel Gordon | Nov 9, 2021

As we approach the end of the semester and the beginning of a new one, it is important to look ahead and think about the semesters ahead of us. Picking and planning courses can be stressful and confusing, especially as an incoming student, but there are so many resources available to make the process easier.…

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Don’t Pour From An Empty Glass

By Sarah Jones | Nov 3, 2021

YAY! We are over halfway done with the semester! It seems like yesterday was the first day of school! While it is exciting that Christmas Break is in sight, this time of the semester comes with a lot of stress, late nights, exams, job interviews, meetings, and SO much more. During this time, it can…

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Time Flies When You’re Having Fun

By Riley Garner | Nov 3, 2021

WOW… Senior year is flying by… I cannot believe we are already over half way through the fall semester. Crazy! Since these are my last couple semesters on campus I want to mention a few things I have decided to prioritize in my little time left at Purdue. Through covid having taken away a good…

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What Do You Enjoy?

By Samantha Barker | Oct 27, 2021

As more and more students are scheduling for the next semester, its easy to dwell on classes you need to take to graduate. But have you ever thought about taking a class outside your major? I was so concentrated on finishing Gen. Ed. classes my first year, that I never considered taking anything else. I…

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