Agronomy Ambassador Blog

Summer with Agronomy

By Makala Hammons | Sep 9, 2021

As a Junior here at Purdue, I’ve taken my fair share of Agronomy Courses thus far. I have many more to go, but I think it’s safe to say I have a good grasp for what’s going on. This summer, I had the privilege of putting this knowledge to use. I interned with Co-Alliance Cooperative…

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Summer Courses

By Isabel Gordon | Sep 8, 2021

Summer break provides great opportunities to not only pursue internships but academics as well. Over the past two summers I have been able to take summer classes through Purdue and free up space in my schedule for more classes I want to take. Taking summer classes has been a great way to get prerequisite classes…

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Purdue sports with fans in the stands

By Jackson Alsdorf | Sep 7, 2021

Academics and clubs are great, and in all reality they are the reason that we are here. However, there are plenty of other things to do around campus with the restrains of Covid-19 wearing off. I am an avid sports fan and love to spend my weekends and evenings attending every possible sporting even that…

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Advice From A Senior

By Katie Parsons | Sep 3, 2021

As I am going through my last year here at Purdue, I am able to reflect on what worked, what didn’t, what I wished I did, and what I don’t think I would do again if I had the chance to start my career at Purdue over. My first piece of advice is live in…

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Career Fair

By Alexis Middleton | Sep 2, 2021

As people are starting to talk about the career fair, it is important to know what it is and/why it is so important to go. The career fair is where a multitude of companies gather in one area where they give students an opportunity to talk to people from their company, typically in the hopes…

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Finally Figuring It Out

By Grace Beard | Sep 1, 2021

‘ I finally made it to my last summer before going into the “real world.” To me, it was a lot of pressure to find something that I was going to enjoy but also consider something that I may consider as a full-time job. As I was going to enter my last year at Purdue,…

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Half Way There

By Josh Adams | Sep 1, 2021

As I embark upon another semester I look back and reflect on the many classes, memories, and encounters I have had here at Purdue. Each one unique in its own way and yet all can be so similar. The many lifelong friends I have made, professional figures I was lucky enough to make connections with,…

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Senior Advice

By Andrew Thurman | Aug 25, 2021

This is my last semester as a Boilermaker. I am glad to be so close to moving on the the next phase of my life, but I will still try to experience all that I can during my time at Purdue. One big thing I am reminding myself throughout this semester is that I won’t…

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By Alexis Middleton | May 5, 2021

This coming summer I will be packing up my belongings to move to Champaign, Illinois for the summer to work for Bayer. I will be doing herbicide research, which is very exciting because I will be able to combine what I have learned from many of my semesters at Purdue. I know I will be…

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