Agronomy Ambassador Blog

Class Advice and Sports

By Andrew Thurman | Apr 30, 2021

I will be a senior, with one semester left, after finals are complete next week. I am looking forward to Purdue reducing restrictions on clubs, classes, gatherings, and most of all Sports! I have didn’t mind watching Purdue sports before college, but I really came to love them after I purchased the Boarding Pass my…

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Dorm Life Advice

By Jessica Peterson | Apr 5, 2021

After my high school graduation ceremony, I was anxiously counting down the days to move into Purdue. I was assigned to live in McCutcheon Hall on campus. I couldn’t wait to make my dorm room home for my first year of college. However, I had no idea what to expect living with someone I didn’t…

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IM Sports

By Alexis Middleton | Mar 31, 2021

Joining an intramural (IM) sport is one of the best things that you can do when coming to college. You have the opportunity to meet so many other people from different majors and backgrounds. It is a great way to bond and make lifelong friends. Exercise is also extremely important to keep a focused mind,…

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Having a Game Plan

By Josh Adams | Mar 31, 2021

When I first started at Purdue I had many people help me figure things out along the way. My Academic Advisor was there to sort through the mess of classes and figure out what I needed and what I could do without. When I met my Faculty Mentor she helped teach me ways that will…

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Wait, I’m Graduating in May?

By Brett Leisure | Mar 25, 2021

It’s hard to believe that 4 great years have already passed, and it is time for me and my fellow May graduates to graduate in Ross-Ade Stadium in less than two months.  It feels just like yesterday we were packing up the truck and driving up to Purdue to get moved in and ready for…

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Music at Purdue

By Isabel Gordon | Mar 13, 2021

If you play an instrument and want to continue in college, joining the Purdue Bands and Orchestras is a great way to play in music ensembles while getting two credits that can count towards your degree. Being a part of the music department can create many opportunities to volunteer, meet new people outside of your…

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Getting the most out of your college experience

By Andrew Thurman | Mar 9, 2021

Time sure does fly. It is hard to believe I just met with Jane to schedule my last semester of classes last week. I now only have the rest of this semester and next fall because I will be graduating in December. It is hard to think of leaving all the great memories of Purdue…

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Advice from a senior- what I wish I would have done differently

By Audrey Kruse | Mar 2, 2021

I have tried to go about my undergraduate years so that I would set myself up to where I would look back and not have any regrets about my experiences. As I am finishing up my final semester as a Boilermaker, there are a few things that I wish I would have done differently, and…

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Look for the Positives!

By Emily Nealy | Feb 19, 2021

Hi Everyone! While everything in our world today can be uncertain and it is easy to be negative, I strongly encourage you to look for a positive thing that has happened every day! Yes, virtual classes can be difficult to adjust to and although club activities are somewhat limited, there is always something new to…

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