Slides & Posters
Effect of Winter Annual Weed Management on Soybean Cyst Nematode Population and Weed Density (2008)
Assessing the Impact of the Pesticide Applicator Recertification Program in Indiana (2005)
Influence of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Giant Ragweed Interference in Corn (2005)
Glyphosate Efficacy on Giant Ragweed Infested With European Corn Borer (2003)
The Effect of Glyphosate Plus Dicamba Drift Rates on Commercial Processing Tomatoes (2008)
Winter Annual Weed Influence on Soil Temperature and Soybean Cyst Nematode Population Density (2008)
Characterization of Three Horseweed Populations with Different ALS Mutations (2008)
Response of Field Collected Indiana Giant Foxtail Populations to Glyphosate (2008)
Effect of 2,4-D Drift on Roundup-Ready Soybean Yield Components (2008)
Open-Pollinated Transfer of Glyphosate Resistance in Horseweed in Greenhouse Isolation (2008)
Volunteer Glyphosate-Resistant Corn Control in Roundup Ready Soybeans (2007)
Late-Season Weed Escapes in Indiana Soybean (2005)
Response of Selected Indiana Horseweed Populations to 2,4-D (2005)
Fall and Spring Development of Soybean Cyst Nematode on Winter Annual Weeds (2005)
Influence of Stalk Boring Insects on Glyphosate Efficacy on Giant Ragweed (2004)
Distribution of Stalk Boring Insects in Giant Ragweed in Indiana and Southern Michigan (2004)
Stalk Boring Insects - Glyphosate Efficacy on Infested Giant Ragweed (2004)
Corn Yield is Influenced by Nitrogen Fertilizer Timing and Giant Ragweed Interference (2004)
Dandelion Control With Spring Applied Treatments in No-Till Soybean (2003)
Frequency and Distribution of Glyphosate-Resistant Horseweed in Indiana (2003)