
Leonor Boavida

Leonor Boavida

plant reproductive biology

Clint Chapple

Clint Chapple

plant biochemical genetics

Zhixiang Chen

Zhixiang Chen

plant molecular biology

John Couture

John Couture

plant-insect chemical ecology

Brian Dilkes

Brian Dilkes

genetic mechanisms of evolution

Natalia Dudareva

Natalia Dudareva

plant primary & secondary metabolism

Morgan Furze

Morgan Furze

plant physiology & ecology

Stanton Gelvin

Stanton Gelvin

agrobacterium plant transformation

Avtar Handa

Avtar Krishan Handa

fruit molecular genetics

Anjali Iyer-Pascuzzi

Anjali Iyer-Pascuzzi

root disease resistance

Gurmukh Johal

Gurmukh Johal

maize stress biology

Sharon Kessler

Sharon Kessler

plant reproductive development

Ying Li

Ying Li

plant environment epigenomics

Damon Lisch

Damon Lisch

epigenetic regulation of transposons

Xing Liu

Xing Liu

protein ubiquitination & degradation

Jianxin Ma

Jianxin Ma

soybean translational genomics

Scott McAdam

Scott McAdam

evolutionary plant physiology

Gordon McNickle

Gordon McNickle

evolutionary game theory

Richard Meilan

Richard Meilan

molecular tree physiology

Tesfaye Mengiste

Tesfaye Mengiste

crop resistance to fungi

Michael Mickelbart

Michael Mickelbart

plant water use

Christopher Oakley

Christopher Oakley

ecological & evolutionary genetics

Joseph Ogas

Joseph Ogas

epigenetic regulation of development

Daniel Park

Daniel Park

plant ecology and evolution

Sujith Puthiyaveetil

Sujith Puthiyaveetil

regulation of photosynthesis

Christopher Staiger

Christopher Staiger

plant cell biology

Daniel Szymanski

Daniel Szymanski

proteomics & plant cell biology

Kranthi Varala

Kranthi Varala

systems biology of stress

Joshua Widhalm

Joshua Widhalm

natural product metabolism

Gyeong Mee Yoon

Gyeong Mee Yoon

plant hormone biology

Cankui Zhang

Cankui Zhang

crop molecular physiology

Lei Zhang

Lei Zhang

plant-nematode interactions

Yun Zhou

Yun Zhou

quantitative developmental biology


Jody Banks

Jody Banks

ferns sex and death

Cliff Weil

Cliff Weil

cereal genetics & genomics