Welcome to the Animal Sciences Graduate Program
The Department of Animal Sciences at Purdue University offers the environment, faculty, and facilities to support and guide one of the finest graduate and professional programs in the country. Students enjoy the excitement of cutting-edge research in advancing the knowledge and understanding of biology within species that contribute to the well-being of mankind. Purdue University Animal Sciences' research addresses the uniqueness of animals as well as the accretion and quality of animal protein. The program offers master of science and doctor of philosophy degrees. Students completing these programs are prepared for research and education careers in academia, industry, and government.
We are especially proud of the many accomplishments of our faculty and their invited participation around the globe. For the past several years, more than one-third of the faculty have traveled internationally to participate in programs and provide technical research support. In 1993, three faculty served simultaneously in different countries as Fulbright Scholars.
Increasingly, the challenges are being solved through interdisciplinary research efforts. In 1992, a team of seven Purdue scientists was honored in Washington D.C. by USDA for their lean-growth research and were named the Lean Team. They typify the research efforts now and in the future.
We appreciate your taking the time to investigate and consider the Purdue University Animal Sciences Department as you deliberate where you will pursue your graduate education. We are enthusiastic about the quality of our education and the opportunity for students to gain hands-on research experience and expertise. We challenge you to consider furthering your graduate education in the sciences of food-producing animals at Purdue University.
The departmental graduate committee chairman is Dr. Zoltan Machaty.
- Areas of Specialization
- Assistantships
- Request for Information about the Animal Sciences Graduate Program
- Animal Sciences Graduate Faculty by area of expertise - From here, you can access individual faculty home pages, which have information about their research programs.
- M.S. or Ph.D. Positions
- Animal Sciences Graduate Student Handbook
- Research Farm Facilities at the Animal Sciences Research and Education Center (ASREC)
- Purdue Agricultural Centers
- USDA Livestock Behavior Research Unit
- Agricultural Research and Graduate Education - College of Agriculture, Purdue University
- Purdue Animal Sciences Career Services
- FASS - Federation of Animal Science Societies
- American Society of Animal Science - ASAS Student Resources; ASAS Membership Information
- American Dairy Science Association - Graduate Student Division
- Poultry Science Association
- American Meat Science Association