
Janelle Mitzner
Trip of 2018
Animal Sciences: Animal Agribusiness
"This study abroad trip to Italy was my first international experience ever, and I can't wait to go on more Purdue study abroad trips to see what our world has to offer. The knowledge and experience that this trip gave me was far deeper than any education that I had learned sitting in a lecture hall. Our group was surrounded by culture in more ways than one. From the various visits to dairy farms and production facilities, learning to communicate in Italian or to eating gelato once a day for ten days straight, we became very familiar with Italian life and agriculture. This trip demonstrated to me and eighteen of my colleagues on how we can use our Purdue degree globally and make a difference not only in Indiana Animal Production, but as well as in International Animal Production."

Emily Wagoner
Trip of 2018
Animal Sciences: Pre-Veterinary Medicine
"As I boarded the plane in Indianapolis, I was excited to visit Europe and see how different the animal production was from the United States. After just one day, I knew this trip would not be like my other traveling experiences. I was able to learn about dairy farms, cheese production, and balsamic vinegar. But, I was also able to experience Italian culture and their way of life. As I entered this foreign country, things seemed unfamiliar and unusual because they weren't what I was used to. But after a few days, I was able to change my way of thinking and realize that these were merely differences, and without these cultural differences, there wouuld essentially be no point in traveling across the world in the first place. This trip challenged my way of thinking and made me realize that sometimes the problem isn't that things are different, but it is our static way of thinking that gets in the way. This trip allowed me to explore who I am and who I want to be. I was able to make friends, gain experiences, and learn about animal sciences in a way that cannot be done in a classroom."