Indiana Residents
Indiana Residents
You can help control purple loosestrife in your county through 4-H, the classroom, as a family project, or with a wetlands or community service group. When doing this as a 4-H project onebeetle lifecycle is raised so youth can observe the insect and plant lifecycles. The first generation of offspring is released into the wetland.
Steps to follow when doing this as a 4-H program:
- Let your County Extension Youth Educator know that you plan to do the project.
- Discuss how to obtain and pay for the manuals with your Youth Extension Educator (Adult manual, 4-H 918 and Youth manual, 4-H 917) .
- Discuss support for this program (financial, Internet access, etc.)
- If you need helping finding an infested wetland-- Review the list (Indiana residents) for a contact person near you who will help you locate an appropriate wetland for purple loosestrife plants (for raising beetles) and beetle releases. Illinois or residents of other states will need to find their statecontacts.
- Data Collection: Print out the following forms to use with this project. Fill them out and take (or mail) them to your county Extension office.
- Release form - fill it out and send to your County Extension Office after beetle release.
- Fall Report form - fill out and send to your County Extension Office after your fall sampling.
- Spring Report form - fill out and send to your County Extension Office after your fall sampling.
- Proof of educational use of purple loosestrife form (From the IDNR)
- Property Agreement form- use this form for releases on private properties or public properties where the manager requires a written agreement. The form outlines the terms and conditions of the property use. Click on link for PDF format for your convenience.
- News Release* form
- Equipment Needed
- Use the timeline to keep track of what needs to be done.
* Please send copies of any newspaper articles (or information of radio & television appearances) to your Extension Office and the State 4-H Office. This information is very important to Extension and the SeaGrant College program to show the impact of the work we do and to be accountable to the citizens that support our work.
Additional information is available at the IDNR website.
Youth Natural Resource programs home page