To help guide you through important steps in your onboarding process, we've outlined key tasks such as reviewing and updating personal details, enrolling in benefits, and understanding payroll deadlines. Please review the sections below to ensure everything is set up correctly before your first payment.

All new employees, as well as individuals returning after a break in employment, are required to complete the New Hire Wizard following the instructions below.

You will receive an automated email from HR ( with the subject line "Welcome Letter." This email will contain a link to the New Hire Wizard, which must be completed on or before your first working day. You will complete Section 1 of the Form I-9 electronically through the link, providing personal information such as your full legal name, address, date of birth, and citizenship or immigration status. Please ensure that the form is completed on or before your first day of work.


  • Use your current U.S. physical address (e.g., on-campus dorm or off-campus apartment).
  • Do not use your permanent home address unless that is where you are currently residing.
  • If you are outside the U.S., please wait until you arrive in the country to complete the form.

Important Information:

  • Please make note of the email address and password you use when completing the new hire wizard. This information may be needed in the future and is different from your Purdue student or career account login.
  • If you will not have the documents in time to meet the requirements set by USCIS, your start date will need to be pushed back to ensure compliance. If this applies, please notify your supervisor immediately and ask them to revise your start date. DO NOT begin working before your official start date, even if you have presented I-9 documents in advance.
Background checks are required for all new hires to support a safe and secure environment.

You will receive an email from our careers team notifying you when the background check has been initiated, along with instructions for completion. Please complete this step immediately to avoid any delays in your onboarding process. For further details, please refer to the Background Checks section of the Faculty and Staff Handbook below or consult the official policy here.  

Background Checks

All new employees, as well as individuals rehired after a break in employment, are required to present documents confirming their eligibility to work in the United States, in accordance with USCIS guidelines. follow the steps below to complete this process.

  1. Schedule I-9 Appointment: After completing the new hire wizard, schedule an appointment to present your required documents in person. This appointment must take place no later than three business days after your first day of work. While it is preferred that you visit the Ag Employment Center, if no appointments are available by the third day, you may present your documents to any I-9 verifier at Purdue.

    Note: If the new hire wizard is not completed at the time of your appointment, we will not be able to complete Section 2 of the Form I-9, and you may need to return at another time.


  2. Present Required Documents: You must present original, unexpired documents in person; copies (electronic or paper) cannot be accepted. For more details, please refer to the Form I-9 Acceptable Documents list below.

    Important: If you will not have the documents in time to meet the requirements set by USCIS, your start date will need to be pushed back to ensure compliance. If this applies, please notify your supervisor immediately and ask them to revise your start date. DO NOT begin working before your official start date, even if you have presented I-9 documents in advance.

    Form I-9 Acceptable Documents

A Social Security Number (SSN) is required for everyone working in the U.S. If you do not already have an SSN, you must apply for one through the Social Security Administration within 30 days of your start date. This number is required for payroll, tax purposes, and benefits enrollment. follow the steps below to complete this requirement.
  1. Apply for SSN: For detailed instructions on how to apply, open the document below.

    How to Apply for a New Social Security Number (PDF)

  2. Update SSN in Section 1 of Your I-9: Once you have your SSN, update Section 1 of the I-9 form in the New Hire Wizard with your new Social Security Number. For detailed instructions, open the document below. If you need assistance, please contact your Employment/Payroll Center.

    How to Add Social Security Number for I-9

As part of your onboarding process, it's essential to review and update your personal and financial information IN SUCCESSFACTORS to ensure accuracy. Please note that system access to these features will not be available before your first day. ONCE YOU HAVE ACCESS, USE THE EMPLOYEE LAUNCHPAD TO REVIEW the following AND UPDATE (IF NEEDED):

Personal Information:

  • Home address
  • Phone number
  • Emergency contact 

Bank Information:

Update bank account(s) for direct deposits. This is separate from the account setup for students through myPurdue.

Many deposits are rejected because employees enter incorrect account information. This often happens when the MICR number (the long number at the bottom of your checks used for direct deposits) is different from your account number. To avoid this, please check your direct deposit account details with your bank before entering them.

Tax Forms:

  • Update federal and state tax withholding forms.
    • Non-resident aliens cannot update their federal tax forms through the Employee Launchpad. Instead, the Glacier packet must be completed and submitted to the Tax Department. Please refer to the instructions sent by email from (subject: "Payments from Purdue University").

  • W-2: Register for online W-2 services with ADP through the ‘ADP W-2 Services’ tile in SuccessFactors.

 Employee Launchpad

Managing Your Employee Profile Cheat Sheet (Word document)

Tax Services (Website)

Below is an overview of benefits eligibility and the steps to enroll. Please note, this is for informational purposes only and has been summarized to assist with onboarding. always refer to the Benefits sites For official details and updates.

  • Grad Staff: Eligible to enroll in benefits if appointed at .50 FTE or greater. Please refer to the Graduate Staff Employment Manual for additional information.
  • Fellowships (not administered as Graduate Staff): Eligible to purchase student insurance. Please refer to the Fellowship Manual for additional information.
  • Limited Term Lecturers: Not eligible.
  • Lecturers (not Limited Term): Eligible to enroll in benefits if appointed at .50 FTE or greater.
  • Post Doc Researchers: Eligible if appointed at 1.0 FTE for 5+ months.
  • Student Service/Clerical Positions: Purdue students may be eligible to purchase student insurance. Non Purdue students are not eligible.
  • Temporary Staff: Not eligible.

  • Post Doc Researchers and Lecturers:Enroll via the Benefocus tile on the Employee Launchpad. For more information, visit the Benefits/Wellness website.

All hourly employees are required to submit timesheets to ensure accurate and timely payment. Please review the guidelines below for submission details.
  • Submission deadlines: Timesheets are due every two weeks, with approvals required by 10 PM on the Monday following the end of each pay period.
  • Submit by Sunday: To allow your supervisor time to review and approve, it is recommended that you submit your timesheet by Sunday. Submitting weekly is also a good practice to avoid missing the deadline.
  • No hours worked: Even if you did not work any hours, please submit your timesheet to keep accurate records.
  • Multiple positions: If you have more than one active appointment, be sure to select the correct position when entering your time.

Please refer to the resources below for additional information.

Payroll Calendar

Employee Information, Timekeeping and Time Off

Time Sheet Instructions for Hourly Students and Temps

Webclock Guide

Federal Work Study is an award that allows students to earn income while working on-campus or with an approved off-campus non-profit agency.
If you are eligible, contact your departmental business office to complete the necessary steps for Work-Study fund setup. Please note that there are strict deadlines each semester, so it’s important to take action quickly upon hire. A list of departmental business offices is available below.

Ag Business Office Contact List