TWS Purdue Conclave Sponsor Donation, Awards banner.

Sponsor Donation Awards

Monetary Donations

Bronze: $50 or more
Acknowledgment as an event sponsor.

Silver: $200 or more
All printed materials for the event will have your name on them.

Gold: $350 or more
Along with all printed materials your company logo will be placed on our event t-shirts.

Non-Monetary Donations
Any workshop or activity that you support will have you named publicly at event.

All sponsors for conclave will be represented on posters in the dining area and auditorium for the event. If your company has any pamphlets or literature used for advertising feel free to send them to us to help promote you!

Please make all checks payable to:
Purdue Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society
Business Office for Student Organizations
Krach Leadership Center
1198 Third Street, Room 365
West Lafayette, IN 47907

For printable pdf (73KB): Sponsor Donation Awards Flyer