
Jeffrey Volenec
Professor of Agronomy
Courses Instructed:
- AGRY 525: Crop Physiology and Ecology
Areas of Expertise:
- Climate and Energy Solutions
- Sustainability Science
- Emerging Environmental Challenges
Career Interests:
- NRCS staff
- Crop consulting
- Climate-smart agriculture professional
- Potential graduate student
- Agronomist
- Breeding for environmental stability
- Crop adaptation to stress
Research Interests:
My research focuses on the intersection of agriculture and the environment. I study how crops adapt to stress, including climate change, and how genotype x environment x management interactions can enhance plant productivity and resilience. This includes perennial plants that must withstand both summer heat and drought and winter stresses.Student Opportunities:
- Sampling water, soils, and plants at the Water Quality Field Station
- Conducting lab analyses
- Taking field measurements of plant growth and greenhouse gases