NRES Capstone Projects Spring 2024
NRES Capstone Projects Spring 2024
Learn more about each of the most recently completed NRES Capstone Projects.

ACRE Prairie Plots
Team Members: Emely Gramajo, Emerson Lemberis, Kyrstin Roberts, Bailey Temple, Claire Wilson, and Maddi Wilson
Goal: The reason for removing the Peterson Prairie was understood when the projects were first allocated to their specific groups. But, throughout the semester, the goals for creating the new prairie were identified through many conversations among the group, and with Dr. Bowling and Mrs. Stevens.
Community Project Partner: Rachel Stevens, Purdue University's Agronomy Center for Research & Education (ACRE)

Bike West Lafayette
Team members: Evan Nowak, Alex Richardson, Cassie Gramm, Makaylee Snapp, Covey Cielo, Joley Clodfelter
Goal: The goal of this collaborative project was to educate the West Lafayette community
about biking and encourage more people within the city to view biking as a reliable mode of
transportation. Along with the cohort of students in the NRES 497 capstone course at Purdue
University, the project partners for this project were Amy Krzton-Presson (Wabash River
Enhancement Corporation) and Halee Griffey (West Lafayette Climate Officer).
Community Project Parner: Cohort of students in the NRES 497 capstone course at Purdue University, Amy Krzton-Presson (Wabash River Enhancement Corporation) and Halee Griffey (West Lafayette Climate Officer)

Clegg Garden
Team Members: Cassidy Cross, Brianna Reid, Kamrielle Saylor, Abby Seybert, and Abigail Wittkoski
Goals: Our goals for the Clegg project were remapping the trails with a 15-foot accuracy while clearly marking the switchbacks, ADA areas, and ecosystem boundaries as well as updating the trail maps and posters to reflect this change using three pillars to focus our work: Accuracy, Accessibility, and Aesthetics.
Community Project Partner: NICHES Land Trust

Cover Crop Adoption
Team members: Emily Andrews, Kendall Daniels, Caitlyn Graves, Renee Hallstein
Goals: The project goal had two parts, first to educate the public on areas of improvement in agricultural
conservation practices in Tippecanoe County over the last five years and areas where
improvement is still necessary. Second to educate the public on invasive species in Tippecanoe
County, and the effect of invasives on ag production.
Community Project Partner: Sarah Vaughn and Kris Gertz from the Tippecanoe County Soil and Water Conservation District.

Grace Woods
Team members: Sydney Mrazik, Rachel Porter, Paul Schiele, Kalan Bilbrey
Goal: The overarching goal of this project is to improve the long-term diversity and sustainability of the urban woodland of Grace Methodist Church.
Community Project Partner: Grace Methodist Church

Purdue Natural Landscapes
Team members: Marissa Harless, Amanda Finley, Katelynn Angel, Hannah Gruber, and Ethan Forestal
Goals: Our project aims to analyze campus plans and illustrations from Purdue Physical Facilities, create a GIS map of pollinator-attracting plants around five buildings on Agricultural Mall, and develop a resource to support the maintenance of these plants to conserve Bee Campus status.
Community Project Partner: Brooke Sammons, landscape architect for Purdue Physical Facilities