Jingjing Liang

Jingjing Liang Prof. Jingjing Liang

Dr. Jingjing Liang, Ph.D.

Jingjing Liang, an Associate Professor of Quantitative Forest Ecology, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Purdue University. He serves on the Steering Committee, Purdue Institute of Physical Artificial Intelligence (IPAI); and on the Leadership Team, Purdue Institute for a Sustainable Future (ISF).

Dr. Liang heads the Purdue Forest Advanced Computing and Artificial Intelligence (FACAI) Laboratory. At the heart of Dr. Liang's research lies a profound fascination with global biodiversity patterns and their complex interplay with environmental and anthropogenic factors. To tackle the pressing challenges in this domain, he employs cutting-edge tools like machine learning and big data analysis. He firmly believes that the future of the field hinges on robust international collaborations and harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to generate high-impact research outcomes.

Dr. Liang is a trailblazer in the realm of international research collaboration and forest science. As the founder and Chief Science Officer of Science-i, he has pioneered the development of a transparent and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) web platform, redefining the way global researchers collaborate and share knowledge. He is keen on contributing to capacity-building efforts for the Global South, as evidenced by his recent collaboration with the FAO. This experience has underscored the importance of knowledge sharing and empowerment in underserved regions.

Outside the realm of academia, Dr. Liang is an avid runner and cyclist, drawing solace and inspiration amidst the trees and nature. In this environment, Dr. Liang thrives, driven by a passion for exploration, discovery, and collaboration that defines his remarkable career in forest science and research.


 Contact Information

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  • 2005, Ph.D. (Forestry), University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • 2001, B.S. (Ecology- Environmental Sciences), Peking University

Professional experience

  • 2018 – 2022 Associate Professor of Quantitative Forest Ecology, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Purdue University
  • 2018 – 2022 Assistant Professor of Quantitative Forest Ecology, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Purdue University
  • 2017– 2018 Associate Professor of Forest Ecology, School of Natural Resources, West Virginia University
  • 2011—2017 Assistant Professor of Forest Ecology, School of Natural Resources, West Virginia University
  • 2007—2011 Assistant Professor of Forest Biometrics and Management, School of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences, University of Alaska Fairbanks
  • 2006—2007 Post-doctoral Biometrician
    Forest Sciences Laboratory, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rocky Mountain Research Station
  • 2005—2006 Research Associate
    Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • 2001—2005 Research Assistant
    Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison


  • Since 2019, Senior member of the Editorial Team, Scientific Data
  • Since 2018, Senior member of the Editorial Team, Forest Ecosystems

Featured Publications

Liang, J.*, J. G. P. Gamarra, N. Picard, M. Zhou, B. Pijanowski, D. F. Jacobs, P. B. Reich, T. W. Crowther, G.-J. Nabuurs, S. de-Miguel, J. Fang, C. W. Woodall, J.-C. Svenning, T. Jucker, J.-F. Bastin, S. K. Wiser, F. Slik, B. Hérault, G. Alberti, G. Keppel, G. M. Hengeveld, P. L. Ibisch, C. A. Silva, H. ter Steege, P. L. Peri, D. A. Coomes, E. B. Searle, K. von Gadow, B. Jaroszewicz, GFBI Consortium, and C. Hui*. 2022. Co-limitation towards lower latitudes shapes global forest diversity gradients. Nature ecology & evolution: s41559-022-01831-x.

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Cazzolla Gatti, R., P. B. Reich*, J. G. P. Gamarra, T. Crowther, C. Hui, GFBI Consortium, and J. Liang*. 2022. The number of tree species on Earth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119:e2115329119.

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(Co-first author) Steidinger, B. S., T. W. Crowther, J. Liang, M. E. Van Nuland, G. D. A. Werner, P. B. Reich, G. Nabuurs, S. de-Miguel, M. Zhou, N. Picard, B. Herault, X. Zhao, C. Zhang, D. Routh, K. G. Peay, and GFBI consortium. 2019. Climatic controls of decomposition drive the global biogeography of forest-tree symbioses. Nature 569:404-408.

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Liang, J, T. W. Crowther, N. Picard, S. Wiser, M. Zhou, G. Alberti, E.-D. Schulze, A. D. McGuire, F. Bozzato, H. Pretzsch, S. de-Miguel, A. Paquette, B. Hérault, M. Scherer-Lorenzen, C. B. Barrett, H. B. Glick, G. M. Hengeveld, G.-J. Nabuurs, S. Pfautsch, H. Viana, A. C. Vibrans, C. Ammer, P. Schall, D. Verbyla, N. Tchebakova, M. Fischer, J. V. Watson, H. Y. H. Chen, X. Lei, M.-J. Schelhaas, H. Lu, D. Gianelle, E. I. Parfenova, C. Salas, E. Lee, B. Lee, H. S. Kim, H. Bruelheide, D. A. Coomes, D. Piotto, T. Sunderland, B. Schmid, S. Gourlet-Fleury, B. Sonké, R. Tavani, J. Zhu, S. Brandl, J. Vayreda, F. Kitahara, E. B. Searle, V. J. Neldner, M. R. Ngugi, C. Baraloto, L. Frizzera, R. Bałazy, J. Oleksyn, T. Zawiła-Niedźwiecki, O. Bouriaud, F. Bussotti, L. Finér, B. Jaroszewicz, T. Jucker, F. Valladares, A. M. Jagodzinski, P. L. Peri, C. Gonmadje, W. Marthy, T. O’Brien, E. H. Martin, A. R. Marshall, F. Rovero, R. Bitariho, P. A. Niklaus, P. Alvarez-Loayza, N. Chamuya, R. Valencia, F. Mortier, V. Wortel, N. L. Engone-Obiang, L. V. Ferreira, D. E. Odeke, R. M. Vasquez, S. L. Lewis, and P. B. Reich. 2016. Positive biodiversity-productivity relationship predominant in global forests. Science 354.
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Liang J, Zhou M, Tobin PC, McGuire AD, & Reich PB (2015) Biodiversity influences plant productivity through niche-efficiency. PNAS 112(18):5738-5743.
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​Liang, J. (2012) Mapping large-scale forest dynamics: a geospatial approach. Landscape Ecology 27(8): 1091-1108.
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