Kenya: Microbial Food Safety in the Poultry Value Chain

Image for Kenya: Microbial Food Safety in the Poultry Value Chain

Project Description

For Kenya’s rapidly growing population, chicken is of increasing importance in food security and nutrition. This project, co-led by Robert Onsare of the Kenya Medical Research Institute and Catherine Kunyanga of the University of Nairobi, was paused due to Executive Order 14169,  “Reevaluating and Realigning United States Foreign Aid.” The project was collecting fundamental data on microbial food safety in the poultry value chain, including evaluating gender and youth roles related to food safety, assessing the prevalence of Salmonella and Campylobacter bacteria at the points of production and sale, characterizing the bacterial isolates using whole genome sequencing, and developing and implementing training in Best Management Practices for poultry production to improve food safety.