FSIL FY2023 Annual Report

Country: Global | Value Chain: Fruits and Vegetables, Meat and Animal Products

This FY2023 annual performance report for the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Safety captures activities from October...

Describing food safety perceptions among growers and vendors in Cambodian informal vegetable markets

Country: Cambodia | Value Chain: Fruits and Vegetables

This study measured perceptions of vegetable safety among vegetable growers and vendors involved in Cambodian informal vegetable markets using...

COVID-19 Pandemic, Climate Change, and Conflicts on Agriculture: A Trio of Challenges to Global Food Security

Country: Global | Value Chain: Fruits and Vegetables, Grains and Legumes, Meat and Animal Products

Food insecurity is a significant threat to poverty and hunger eradication goals, and agriculture is one of the focal...

Describing capability, opportunity, and motivation for food safety practices among actors in the Cambodian informal vegetable market

Country: Cambodia | Value Chain: Fruits and Vegetables

This study describes a survey tool used to measure perceptions of Cambodians involved with informal vegetable markets regarding their...

FSIL FY2023 Semi-Annual Report

Country: Global | Value Chain: Fruits and Vegetables, Grains and Legumes, Meat and Animal Products

This FY2023 semi-annual performance report for the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Safety captures activities from October...