The Science of GMOs
Genetically Modified Organisms, or GMOs, are a major issue about which many of us know relatively little. We want to know what we’re eating, and we want to know how this issue is impacting the environment. Knowing more equips us to make the best decisions for ourselves and generations to come. GMOs are complex, so we’ve broken the issue down into different categories. Click on the question that most concerns you. Read the answer or listen to an interview with one of Purdue’s College of Agriculture scientists. You can always count on this site to address this complicated and evolving issue with neutral, scientifically sound information. Also, as a head’s up, scientists often prefer to use the term genetically engineered (GE) rather than GMOs, as it’s a slightly more accurate term. However in this context, they can be used interchangeably!
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Dr. Mary Beth Adams, a 2016 Purdue Distinguished Agricultural Alumni Award honoree and 2020 Purdue Forestry and Natural Resources Lifetime Achievement Award recipient, spent three weeks in China in the fall of 2024 as part of a scientific exchange...
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