Threshing and Shelling
Agriculex Single Ear Corn Sheller
Three units available for shelling a single ear of corn at a time
Small batch corn shelling unit for single ears or bulk samples with cob conveyor and seed transfer system; utilizes rubber belt for minimal seed damage
ALMACO BT-14 Belt Thresher
Three threshing units for use on sorghum, soybean and other small podded grains or heads of grains
WinRHIZO Root Scanner
An image analysis system specifically designed for root measurement in different forms: morphology (i.e. length, area, volume), topology, architecture, color analysis
ALMACO Portable Seed Lab
An economical alternative to a small plot combine when used with threshing equipment; portable lab for testing threshed seed with multiple options for data testing and collection
DuPont Pioneer Ear Photometry
Corn ear imaging box used to quantify yield with approximately 30 different ear and kernel measurements
LiCor 6400 Portable Photosynthesis System
Two hand-held sensing devices can take rapid and lab-quality measurements in the field
LiCor 6800 Portable Photosynthesis System
Simultaneously measure photosynthetic gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence
Dickey John Moisture Reader
High-speed moisture reader and test weight scale, also capable of downloading data
Perten DA 7250 NIR Analyzer
Near-infrared analyzer can determine moisture, protein, ash, starch and many other parameters at high speed with excellent accuracy
LAI 2200C Plant Canopy Analyzer
A non-destructive method to easily and accurately measure Leaf Area Index (LAI)
Cleaning and Treating
ALMACO Seed Boss
Process 1-5 lbs of seeds quietly and quickly (30-35 seconds); multiple seed application
ALMACO Seed Treater
Two fully automated seed treaters can treat seed in batch quantities of one to five pounds
Seed Pan Screen Shaker
Designed to accept up to ten 12” x 12” screens and one bottom pan for cleaning multiple types of seed
VMEK METRIX Color Sorter
Counts, cleans, and separates product by color and/or shape at a high rate and high accuracy; can be used to measure seed size and diameter
Agriculex Seed Counter
Modular system with air delivery; can count entire seed sample at over 400 seeds/second as well as user-defined subsamples