crop scouting competition for indiana youth

The Purdue University Crop Diagnostic Training & Research Center (DTC) is pleased to present the annual Crop Scouting Competition for Indiana Youth. Middle school and high school students (those completing grades 7-12) from Indiana are invited to compete and showcase crop scouting abilities related to corn, soybean, forages and cover crops. The competition is a one day event focusing on outdoor learning. 

2025 state crop scouting competition

The 2025 event will be an in-person competition held at an outdoor facility with field plots. Due to the nature of this event, we can host a maximum of 12 teams in 2025.

Thursday, august 14, 2025

Registration Deadline: May 15, 2025 (or when team capacity is reached) 

Location: Beck Agricultural Center | 4550 US 52, West Lafayette, IN 47906

Timing: Team check-in begins at 9:30 AM (est). An explanation of rotations will start at 10:00 AM followed by the competition at 10:15 AM and ending by 4:15 PM. 

Meals: Lunch, beverages and snacks will be provided. 

Prizes: Each participant will receive a free event t-shirt. The top 2 teams from Indiana will be invited to attend the Regional Crop Scouting Competition held in Iowa in September of 2025. 

  • 1st Place = $500 +Team Plaque + Medals
  • 2nd Place = $300 +Team Plaque + Medals
  • 3rd Place = $150 + Medals
  • 4th Place = $50              

Team Leaders: Each 4-5 person team is to be led and accompanied by an adult team leader. Teams should work with their leader to train on a regular basis before the competition. Past team leaders include FFA or agriculture teachers, seed dealers, or co-op employees. Entries must be sponsored by the school district and only one entry per school, chapter, or club. 

Purpose: To educate students on necessary skills that are key to integrated pest management and help them develop general agronomic skills useful in future careers related to agricultural and environmental sciences. To provide students an opportunity to interact with Extension specialists and graduate students from different areas within agriculture.

Participation Permission/ Medical Release/ Photography Forms: All participants must have permission forms completed and turned in prior to attending the event. These items will be sent to team leaders after registration. 

Study Materials: A package of study materials will be mailed to each team leader after registration. These study materials will consist of Purdue field guides and 1-2 other helpful items. There are a number of resources that can be used as Online Study Materials to help prepare students for the competition. One of these resources, a 14-part IPM curriculum covering a variety of topics, can be downloaded from the Iowa State University IPM Curriculum page. Each presentation is available in both PDF and PowerPoint formats and includes notes.