Crop Diagnostic Training & Research Center

What We Do

The Purdue University Crop Diagnostic Training and Research Center (DTC) is known across the Midwest for its unique "hands-on" approach for teaching the art and science of accurately diagnosing agricultural crop problems. 

The Center, established in 1985, is designed to provide informative topics in a "real world" environment, where agriculturists can sharpen their crop problem troubleshooting skills and evaluate new and alternative management strategies. The long-term goal of the Center is to provide quality, state-of-the-art training in all aspects of crop production and management.

At this Center, many small plot demonstrations illustrate insect, nematode, weed, disease, soil fertility, and cultural problems associated with corn, soybean, forage, and small grain production. Extension, research, and teaching staff from Purdue University's departments of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Agronomy, Botany and Plant Pathology, and Entomology, as well as other leaders in the agricultural community across the U.S., conduct each workshop.


Mailing Address: 
Purdue DTC
915 W. State Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907

Located on the grounds of the
Purdue University Agronomy Center for Research & Education (ACRE)
4550 US 52 W
West Lafayette, IN 47906



To develop and deliver agricultural crop production information, primarily in the area of diagnostics, which is integrated with practical problem solving experiences into a systems approach for crop production management.

Upcoming DTC Events


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2025 Corn & Soybean Field Guide cover

We are taking orders for the second printing of the 2025 Corn & Soybean Field Guide with custom covers until January 29. Details appear below.

order standard guides from the Education store

You can order standard copies of the 2025 Corn & Soybean Field Guide from the Purdue Extension Education Store.

Single copies cost $11 each, plus shipping.

Ordering 25 or more reduces the cost to $9.90 each, plus shipping (10% discount).

You may also contact the store at 765-494-6794 or


Get your customers' and clients attention with customized covers of the 2025 Corn & Soybean Field Guide featuring your logos and information. 

Order by Wednesday, January 29, if you want your guides to start shipping in late March.

Detailed information about the guides appears below.

Join our mailing list to receive updates.
Join our mailing list 


The minimum order for custom covers is 100 copies. Larger orders receive discounts. Prices for the 2025 edition are:

  • 100-199 guides: $11 each
  • 200-649 guides: $9.90 each (10% discount)
  • 650-1,399 guides: $9.35 each (15% discount)
  • 1,400-2,399 guides: $8.80 each (20% discount)
  • 2,400-3,999 guides: $8.25 each (25% discount)
  • 4,000 or more: contact Kevin Leigh Smith

Note: These prices do not include Indiana sales tax. If you are tax-exempt, please provide tax-exempt informantion. The prices provided here are per cover design — there is no cumulative discount for multiple cover designs. These prices include basic shipping — orders that need to be shipped to multiple locations or internationally may be subject to actual shipping charges.

How Do I Order?

To order custom guides, please email Kevin Leigh Smith with the following information:

  • Your name and organization
  • The name of the person or entity that should be invoiced (for example, invoice Thadeus Monfort or invoice Caledone University)
  • Number of custom guides you want to order
  • If you want guides for the first or second printing
  • Your email address
  • Your telephone number
  • A shipping address (please provide an actual street address, we won't be able to deliver to post office boxes). If you want to ship to more than one location, then please complete the information in our shipping information form (Excel file) and send that to Kevin Leigh Smith.
  • A billing address (if different than shipping)
  • A description of what you want on the cover (please attach any graphics files you want to include — details about graphics files are provided below)
If you belong to a larger organization, pooling all of your orders together can reduce your costs, avoid unnecessary duplication, and ensure you receive guides. Please consult with the appropriate individuals in your organization to consolidate your orders.
What Is the Process?

Once you communicate what you want on the cover, you will receive a rough PDF to make sure the elements are where you want them.

After that, we will finalize the design. We create several custom covers at once, so you will receive this final PDF proof some time after the ordering deadline (in early November for the first printing, in early February for the second printing).

After you receive the final proof, you will send us any corrections or changes. We will not print your cover until we receive your final approval.

What Can I Put on the Cover?

All versions of the guide feature a photo on the front cover with a live area for your logo and information. The back cover features Purdue graphics and EEO information and a live area for your information.

The live area on the front cover is 3.25 inches (233.9 pixels) wide x 0.78 inch (56.2 pixels) tall. On the sample, the live area is the white box on the front. The "Compliments of" line will appear on all covers. The semi-transparent white box on the front cover also must appear on all custom designs. The "safe" zone on the front cover is 2.9724 inches (211.2 pixels) wide by 0.7 inch (50.4 pixels) tall.

The live area on the back cover is 3.26 inches (234.5 pixels) wide x 4.28 inches (308.4 pixels) tall. On the sample, this space is all of the back cover except the Purdue Extension disclaimer, branding, and EEO statement on the bottom of the page. The "safe" zone on the back cover is 2.94 inches (211.7 pixels) wide by 4.13 inches (297.57 pixels) tall. The back covers have a 0.25-inch bleed on the left side and top.


What Artwork Do I Need?

Please submit your logos and other artwork in vector format (EPS or AI) whenever possible. Other formats (TIF and JPG) are acceptable, but please send high-resolution images (at least 300 dpi at actual print size). Graphic files that have a lower resolution may look good on your computer screen, but will print poorly.

What Else Can I Put on the Cover?
  • Colors — in the live area on the back cover you can specify any background color you like. For example, you can send us a specific PMS color, or we can match the background to one in your logo. If you do not specify a color, we will use white.
  • Photos — because we print these covers using a four-color process, you can also use photos or any other art as long as they are of publication quality and fit in the live space.
  • Text and other information — we can include any other information you want on the front or back covers (phone numbers, email addresses, website URLs, taglines, and so on). If you have a particular font you would like to use, please specify the font and send a sample of the text. The only limitation, of course, is space.

It is possible to ship your guides to more than one location. For details, please email Kevin Leigh Smith. Multiple shipping locations may be subject to shipping charges.

We also can issue separate billing statements, but Purdue University rules require a minimum billing statement for 100 copieswe cannot issue invoices for fewer than 100 copies.Typically, Purdue issues invoices in January or February for the first printing and April or May for the second printing.


Kevin Leigh Smith

Forage Field Guide coverThe indispensable resource for forage producers is back with a new edition that is better than ever.

The 4th edition of the Forage Field Guide is now available.

This new edition features updates and changes throughout, including revised fertility recommendations, new photos, and other valuable updates. It still provides valuable species, scouting, and harvest information.

The standard guides are now available from the Purdue Extension Education Store.

Single copies of the 324-page guide cost $11, plus shipping.

Ordering 25 or more reduces the cost to $9.90 each, plus shipping (10% discount).


Get your customers' and clients attention with customized covers of the 4th edition of the Forage Field Guide featuring your logos and information.

Order by Friday, December 1, 2023, if you want your custom guides to ship in January 2024.

Order by Friday, February 16, 2024, if you want your custom guides to ship in April 2024.


Join our email list to receive timely information about our guides, including deadlines and prices.


The minimum order for custom covers is 100 copies. Larger orders receive discounts. Prices for the 4th edition are:

  • 100-199 guides: $11 each
  • 200-649 guides: $9.90 each (10% discount)
  • 650-1,399 guides: $9.35 each (15% discount)
  • 1,400-2,399 guides: $8.80 each (20% discount)
  • 2,400-3,999 guides: $8.25 each (25% discount)
  • 4,000 or more: contact Kevin Leigh Smith

Note: Orders may be subject to Indiana sales tax. The prices provided are per cover design — groups that order multiple cover designs do not receive a cumulative discount. These prices include printer setup charges and basic shipping — orders that need to be shipped to multiple locations or to international locations may be subject to actual shipping charges.


To order custom guides, please email Kevin Leigh Smith with the following information:

  • Your name and organization
  • Number of custom guides you want to order
  • If you want guides for the first (January 2024) or second (April 2024) printing
  • Your email address
  • Your telephone number
  • A shipping address (please provide an actual street address, we won't be able to deliver to post office boxes)
  • A billing address (if different than shipping)
  • A description of what you want on the cover (please attach any graphics files you want to include — details about graphics files are provided below)
  • If you belong to a larger organization, pooling all of your orders together can reduce your costs, avoid unnecessary duplication, and ensure you receive guides. Please consult with the appropriate individuals in your organization to consolidate your orders. 

All versions of the guide feature a photo on the front cover with a live area for your logo and information. The back cover features Purdue graphics and EEO information and a live area for your information.

The live area on the front cover is 3.25 inches (233.9 pixels) wide x 0.78 inch (56.2 pixels) tall. On the sample, the live area is the white box on the front. The "Compliments of" line will appear on all covers. The semi-transparent white box on the front cover also must appear on all custom designs. The "safe" zone on the front cover is 2.9724 inches (211.2 pixels) wide by 0.7 inch (50.4 pixels) tall.

The live area on the back cover is 3.26 inches (234.5 pixels) wide x 4.28 inches (308.4 pixels) tall. On the sample, this space is all of the back cover except the Purdue Extension disclaimer, branding, and EEO statement on the bottom of the page. The "safe" zone on the back cover is 2.94 inches (211.7 pixels) wide by 4.13 inches (297.57 pixels) tall. The back covers have a 0.25-inch bleed on the left side and top.



Please submit your logos and other artwork in vector format (EPS or AI) whenever possible. Other formats (TIF and JPG) are acceptable, but please send high-resolution images (at least 300 dpi at actual print size). Graphic files that have a lower resolution may look good on your computer screen, but will print poorly.

  • Colors— in the live area on the back cover you can specify any background color you like. For example, you can send us a specific PMS color, or we can match the background to one in your logo. If you do not specify a color, we will use white.
  • Photos— because we print these covers using a four-color process, you can also use photos or any other art as long as they are of publication quality, are yours, and fit in the live space.
  • Text and other information — we can include any other information you want on the front or back covers (phone numbers, email addresses, website URLs, taglines, and so on). If you have a particular font you would like to use, please specify the font and send a sample of the text. The only limitation, of course, is space. 

It is possible to ship your guides to more than one location. For details, please email Kevin Leigh Smith.

Multiple shipping locations may be subject to shipping charges.We also can issue separate billing statements, but Purdue University rules require a minimum billing statement for 100 copies — we cannot issue invoices for fewer than 100 copies.

Purdue will likely issue invoices for the first printing at the end of February or March; invoices for the second printing will likely be issued at the end of May or June.


Kevin Leigh Smith




We are reprinting the third edition of the Midwest Cover Crops Field Guide. And, for the first time, we are offering organizations and companies the opportunity to order bulk quantities of the guide with custom covers that feature your logos and information.

This will be the only time that we will offer custom covers until we revise the guide again in three to four years, so now is the time to order. The ordering deadline is Friday, September 27.

More details about ordering custom covers appears below.


The third edition (published in December 2021) of the Midwest Cover Crops Field Guide is now available from the Purdue Extension Education Store

Producers who want to prevent soil erosion, improve nutrient cycling, sustain their soils, and protect the environment have been returning to a very old practice: planting cover crops.

Although farmers have been using cover crops for centuries, today's producers are part of a generation that has little experience with them. As they rediscover the role that cover crops can play in sustainable farming systems, many growers find they lack the experience and information necessary to take advantage of all the potential benefits cover crops can offer. That inexperience can lead to costly mistakes. This guide will help you effectively select, grow, and use cover crops in your farming systems. While this guide isn't the final word on cover crops, it is meant to be a useful reference.

The updated and expanded edition of this popular, 206-page guide includes nearly 40 pages of new material, including cover crop suggestions for common rotations, up-and-coming cover crop species, effects on yields, climate considerations, and more.


The standard guides are now available from the Purdue Extension Education Store.

Single copies of cost $6, plus shipping.

Ordering 25 or more reduces the cost to $5.40 each, plus shipping (10% discount).


You can also order the guide by calling the Education Store at 765-494-6794.

Order Custom Covers

Get your customers’ and clients attention with customized covers of the Midwest Cover Crops Field Guide (third edition) featuring your logos and information.

For custom covers, you must order by Friday, September 27.

What's the Cost?

The minimum order for custom covers of this guide is 400 copies. The prices are:

  • 400-749 guides: $5.40 each (10 percent discount)
  • 750-1,499 guides: $5.10 each (15 percent discount)
  • 1,500-2,499 guides: $4.80 each (20 percent discount)
  • 2,500 or more guides: $4.50 each (25 percent discount)

Note: Orders may be subject to Indiana sales tax. The prices provided here are per cover design — groups that order multiple cover designs do not receive a cumulative discount. These prices include printer setup charges and basic shipping — orders that need to be shipped to multiple locations or to international locations may be subject to actual shipping charges.

How Do I Order Custom Covers?

To order custom guides, please email Kevin Leigh Smith with the following information:

  • Your name and organization.
  • Number of custom guides you want to order.
  • Your email address.
  • Your telephone number.
  • A shipping address (please provide an actual street address, we won't be able to deliver to post office boxes). If you want to ship to more than one location, then please complete the information in our shipping information form (Excel file) and send that to Kevin Leigh Smith.
  • A billing address (if different).
  • The name of the person or entity that should be invoiced (for example, invoice Thadeus Monfort or invoice Caledone University)
  • A description of what you want on the cover (and please attach any graphics files you want to include — details about graphics files are provided below).

If you belong to a larger organization, pooling all of your orders together can reduce your costs, avoid unnecessary duplication, and ensure you receive guides. Please consult with the appropriate individuals in your organization to consolidate your orders.

What Is the Process?

Once you let us know what you want on the cover, you will receive a rough PDF to make sure the elements are where you want them.

After that, our graphic designer will finalize the design. We create several custom covers at once, so you will receive this final PDF proof some time after the ordering deadline (in early October).

After you receive this final proof, you will send us any corrections or changes. We will not print your cover until we receive your final approval.

What Can I Put on the Cover?

You can reivew a PDF sample of the cover design.

The cover photo on the front of the guide will not be changed, but there are live areas on the front and back covers for your information.

The live area on the front cover is 3.25 inches (233.9 pixels) wide x 0.78 inch (56.2 pixels) tall. On the sample, the live area is the white box on the front. The “Compliments of” line will appear on all covers. The semi-transparent white box on the front cover also must appear on all custom designs. The “safe” zone on the front cover is 2.9724 inches (211.2 pixels) wide by 0.7 inch (50.4 pixels) tall.

The live area on the back cover is 3.26 inches (234.5 pixels) wide x 3.8 inches (276.5 pixels) tall. On the sample, this space is all of the back cover except the disclaimer, MCCC branding, and EEO statement on the bottom of the page. The “safe” zone on the back cover is 2.76 inches (199 pixels) wide by 3.66 inches (263.3 pixels) tall. 

The back covers have a 0.25-inch bleed on the left side and top.

What Artwork Do I Need?

Please submit your logos and other artwork in vector format (EPS or AI) whenever possible. Other formats (TIF and JPG) are acceptable, but please send high-resolution images (at least 300 dpi at actual print size). Graphic files that have a lower resolution may look good on your computer screen, but will print poorly.

What Else Can I Put on the Cover?
  • Colors — in the live area on the back cover you can specify any background color you like. For example, you can send us a specific PMS color, or we can match the background to one in your logo. If you do not specify a color, we will use white.
  • Photos — because we print these covers using a four-color process, you can also use photos or any other art as long as they are of publication quality and fit in the live space.
  • Text and other information — we can include any other information you want on the front or back covers (phone numbers, email addresses, website URLs, taglines, and so on). If you have a particular font you would like to use, please specify the font and send a sample of the text. The only limitation, of course, is space.
Shipping and Billing

It is possible to ship your guides to more than one location. For details, please contact Kevin Leigh Smith. Multiple shipping locations may be subject to shipping charges. If you ship to more than one location, then please complete the information in our shipping information form (Excel file) and send that to Smith.

We also can issue separate billing statements, but Purdue University rules require a minimum billing statement for 100 copies — we cannot issue invoices for fewer than 100 copies.

You will receive an invoice from Purdue University either in December 2024 or January 2025.


The guide was written by members of the Midwest Cover Crops Council, which includes agricultural scientists from:

  • Purdue University (Indiana)

  • Michigan State University

  • USDA-Agricultural Research Service

  • Iowa State University

  • Ohio State University

  • Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA)

  • University of Guelph-Ridgetown Campus

  • University of Minnesota

  • University of Wisconsin

  • North Dakota State University

  • University of Illinois 

  • University of Missouri

  • Kansas State University

  • University of Nebraska-Lincoln

  • South Dakota State University

  • USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service

  • Many farmers and members of the seed industry


Kevin Leigh Smith



This fully illustrated publication (2021) is a resource for identifying weeds and understanding herbicide injury to crops. It provides photos and identification tips for 50 weed species found in Midwest agronomic production systems. It also provides information about herbicide injury to crops and dichotomous keys to help readers identify the weeds covered in this guide. It was designed for students and professionals alike.


Applied Weed Science for the Field Scout (ID-516) is now available for purchase at the Purdue Extension Education Store.

Individual copies cost $10 each (plus shipping).

Ordering 25 or more reduces the cost to $9 each, plus shipping (10% discount).

You can also order the guide by calling the Education Store at 765-494-6794. 


  • Bryan G. Young
  • Corey K. Gerber
  • John L. Obermeyer
  • Joseph T. Ikley
  • Kevin Leigh Smith
  • Marcelo Zimmer
  • William G. Johnson


Kevin Leigh Smith


The Wheat Field Guide (3rd edition) is a handy, in-field reference that helps producers and crop professionals manage wheat. The guide includes sections about variety selection, planting decisions, growth stages, insects, diseases, weeds, and soil nutrients.


Individual copies cost $5 each, plus shipping.

Ordering 25 or more reduces the cost to $4.50 each, plus shipping (10% discount).

You can also order the guide by calling the Education Store at 765-494-6794.


View a sample of the Wheat Field Guide


Kevin Leigh Smith

DTC Team

Corey Gerber

Dr. Corey Gerber

Department of Agronomy
Director, Purdue DTC | Clinical Associate Professor
Andrew Westfall

Andrew Westfall

Department of Agronomy
Field Operations Manager
Tyler Brown

Tyler Brown

Department of Agronomy
Field Technician
Crystal  Paris

Crystal Paris

Department of Agronomy
Program Coordinator