Faculty - Data Entry


"Elements” is the annual review reporting system. Whether teaching courses, conducting research, or leading engagement, faculty will report in Elements annually for the calendar year (01 Jan 20## – 31 Dec 20##)

Annual Activity Review

pillars screenshot

This document shows the options available for the 4 pillars

Grants – Each month, Purdue’s Sponsored Programs Service (SPS) data are uploaded into Elements. Faculty need to check these data for accuracy. Faculty may also manually add any other funding.
Learning & teaching – When semester records are completed, Purdue’s course data and course evaluation data are uploaded into Elements.
Scholarly & creative works – Every two weeks, publications are harvested using several publicly available sources. College of Agriculture harvesting sources include CiNii EN, CiNii JP, PubMed, Scopus, SSRN, and Web of Science (Lite). Faculty may “Claim” or “Reject” publications. They may also manually add any other scholarly and creative works.
  • A short video (7 minutes) was developed to guide you through 3 easy steps for annual reporting in Elements.
  • A PDF version of these instructions
Service – At any time, faculty may manually enter service data (e.g., Department, College/School, University, professional, public).

Scholarship Type

Most screens in Elements include “Scholarship Type” where faculty may identify one PRIMARY scholarship type, and any number of SECONDARY scholarship types. The “Scholarship Type” section looks like this:

scholarship section

Web Profile

Information will be provided in the future when this has been set up in Elements.


Running Reports