early blight of tomato

Early blight lesion on tomato leaf. Figure 1. Early blight lesion on tomato leaf.
Petiole lesion of early blight of tomato. Figure 2. Petiole lesion of early blight of tomato.
early blight lesions on tomato leaf. Note cracked lesions. Figure 3. Early blight lesions on tomato leaf. Note cracked lesions.
Early blight lesion on tomato leaf. Note lesion is restricted by vein. Figure 4. Early blight lesion on tomato leaf. Note lesion is restricted by vein.
Lesion of early blight of tomato. Figure 5. Lesion of early blight of tomato.
Early blight lesion on tomato. Figure 6. Early blight lesion on tomato.
Older leaves are more susceptible to the early blight fungus. Therefore, tomato plants may appear to be dying from the ground up. Figure 7. Older leaves are more susceptible to the early blight fungus. Therefore, tomato plants may appear to be dying from the ground up.
Note ring structure of early blight of tomato lesions. Figure 8. Note ring structure of early blight of tomato lesions.
 Clear ring structure of early blight lesion on tomato. Figure 9. Clear ring structure of early blight lesion on tomato.
Early blight lesions of tomato. Figure 10. Early blight lesions of tomato. This is an heirloom variety and perhaps especially susceptible. Note bulls-eye lesions.