Confrences/ Workshops

Restoring Forests Congress

September 12-14, 2017 held in Lund, Sweden

IUFRO Restoring Forest Congress Conference group photo September 2017.jpg

We held the 3rd IUFRO Restoring Forests Congress on 12-14 September 2017 in Lund, Sweden. The conference was titled Regeneration and Ecosystem Function for the Future, and communicated the state of-the- art in the relatively new research field of restoration ecology. The conference was organized by several networks: EFINORD –SNS Nordic Network of Forest Regeneration; IUFRO Task force – Forest Adaptation and Restoration under Global Change; IUFRO unit 1.01.00 – Temperate and Boreal Silviculture; IUFRO unit 1.06.00 – Restoration of Degraded Sites; IUFRO unit 1.01.06 – Ecology and Silviculture of Oak; IUFRO unit 2.01.15 – Whole Plant Physiology; SLU Faculty of Forest Sciences research school – Bioeconomy – Adapted Forest Management.

IUFRO-sponsored 2nd Restoring Forests Congress 

October 14-16, 2014, Lafayette, Indiana USA (Purdue University)

IUFRO Congress group photo.
The 1st IUFRO-sponsored Restoring Forests Congress was held in September 2011 in Madrid, Spain and attended by >100 scientists representing 17 countries. A double special issue of New Forests was produced from the 1st Congress.

We held the 2nd IUFRO Restoring Forests Congress on 14-16 October 2014 in Lafayette, Indiana USA (Purdue University). The symposium was organized and supported by Purdue University, the USDA Forest Service, and the Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center, as well as IUFRO Divisions 1.01.00 (Temperate and Boreal Silviculture), 1.06.00 (Restoration of Degraded Sites), 2.01.00 (Physiology), and 3.02.00 (Stand Establishment). The theme of the 2nd Congress was “What constitutes success in the 21st Century?”. We examined the continued evolution of the scope of forest restoration and re-explored the need to set realistic goals to achieve restoration success. Field tours highlighted the ongoing forest restoration research of the Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center at Purdue University, featuring especially the role of genetics in ecological restoration. Selected papers from the congress will once again be published in a special issue of New Forests, which is currently under production. We agreed that the 3rd IUFRO Restoring Forests will be held during 2017 in Scandinavia.

“Nutrient Dynamics of Planted Forests” International Congress

November 27-28, 2012

NDPF congress group photo.
We co-organized a major international congress entitled “Nutrient Dynamics of Planted Forests” that was sponsored by the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) and held in Vancouver, Washington (USA) during 27-28 November 2012. The symposium provided a forum for scientists working on the principles of nutrition in nursery seedlings and juvenile forest trees. The symposium included speakers and attendees from 12 countries (Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Finland, Gambia, Japan, Mexico, Spain, and the United States). The symposium proceedings will be published as a special issue of the international journal, New Forests, during 2013.
International Congress on Forest Restoration

September 27-29, 2011 at Technological University of Madrid

Intenational congress group photo.
We co-organized a major international congress on forest restoration held at the Technological University of Madrid, Spain during 27-29 September 2011. The symposium engaged scientists working on the challenges associated with forest restoration under stressful biotic and abiotic conditions. The symposium proceedings will be published as a special issue of the international journal, New Forests.