research Photo gallery - More travel and students

The Forest Regeneration and Restoration Laboratory research explores the development of forest tree species during juvenile stages to promote forest regeneration and restoration. The team addresses two major themes: seedling quality and planting; and restoration of threatened forest tree species. This photo gallery helps give you an overview of that research along with travel and graduate students.

Research Travel

Three staff discussing in forest as they conduct thinning trial of native species in Costa Rica. Thinning trial of native species in Costa Rica.
Four staff members looking at seedlings, stock quality trial of Fraxinus excelsior in Italy. Stock quality trial of Fraxinus excelsior in Italy.
Castanea sativa in Italy. Castanea sativa in Italy.
Staff standing and looking at Regeneration cutting in Czech Republic. Regeneration cutting in Czech Republic.
Two staff working with measuring equipment for biomass analysis of Castanea dentata. Biomass analysis of Castanea dentata.
Staff member holding tree seedlings in a tree planting with many other seedlings growing, Castanea sativa in Germany. Castanea sativa in Germany.
Dr. Doug Jacobs with other staff in lab conducting seedling quality study in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Seedling quality study in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley.
Graduate student Justin Schmal evaluating Quercus robur nursery fertilization plots in Ireland. Graduate student Justin Schmal evaluating Quercus robur nursery fertilization plots in Ireland.
Dr. Pedro Villar-Salvador evaluating seedling quality. Dr. Pedro Villar-Salvador evaluating seedling quality.
Dr. Magnus Löf with vegetation control trial in southern Sweden. Dr. Magnus Löf with vegetation control trial in southern Sweden.

Graduate Students

Graduate student Joshua Sloan is hungry and has mouth on  young seedling in the ground. Graduate student Joshua Sloan is hungry.
Graduate student Barrett Wilson surveying Juglans nigra family x density nursery study. Graduate student Barrett Wilson surveying Juglans nigra family x density nursery study.

More photos

Dr. Doug Jacobs rock climbing. Dr. Doug Jacobs rock climbing.

Teaching & Research Facilities

Pfendler hall, Purdue University, Forestry and Natural Resources. The historic Pfendler Hall just after a $16 million renovation in 2004 - this is where our forestry offices and labs are located.
Aerial image of the John S. Wright Center. The $4 million John S. Wright Forestry Center at Martell Forest.