Sustainable Biomaterials (SUBO) students will be involved in product development, innovation, value-adding processes, and new sustainable technologies. The goal is to find new uses for wood and its residues and contribute to a better sustainable future. Students are also engaged in research and extension activities conducted by the Wood Research Laboratory. Well-paying careers right out of school are guaranteed for all SUBO program graduates.
Undergraduate Program
- Sustainable Biomaterials
Subo concentration helps expand forestry career opportunities into wood products, applicable to companies, organizations, and consumers utilizing wood and wood-based biomaterials.
- Furniture Design
This minor is offered in cooperation with the Creative Arts Department and trains students to create sustainable products made of wood while addressing the aesthetic, manufacturing, strength, and environmental attributes of well-designed, sustainable, and innovative products. - Wood Products Manufacturing and Technology
This minor is offered in cooperation with the Purdue Polytechnic. It familiarizes students with the properties of sustainable biomaterial, their innovative utilization, processing, and product development. It uniquely links the forest products industry and includes training in manufacturing and engineering skills.
Graduate Program
- Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Wood Science and Technology
Various research projects are deployed under the leadership of the wood products faculty to create solutions with lasting impacts on many levels of sustainable material utilization. Graduate students in our group are researching new innovative products, adding value to material, studying supply chain management, trade, and much more. Their work is integral to long-lasting research conducted at the Wood Research Laboratory.
For more inforation contact:
Undergraduate Academic Programs Office, Forestry and Natural Resources, (765) 494-3591.
Email Undergraduate OfficeJob Opportunities
- Product Designer and Developer
- CAD Design
- CNC Operator
- Production Manager
- Manufacturing Specialist
- Sustainability Manager
- Director of Operations
- Sales & Marketing Representative
- Wood Scientist
- Consultant
- Purchasing/Procurement Manager
- Supply Chain Analyst
- Cost Estimator/Purchaser
- Quality Control Supervisor
North American Wood-based Undergraduate Programs
Ten universities come together to open the possibilities in wood products: Auburn University, University of Idaho, University of Maine, Michigan Tech, Mississippi State University, North Carolina State University, Oregon State University, Purdue University, Virginia Tech and West Virginia University.