2017 institute schedule
Welcome Reception & Networking Event
Young professionals, business owners, and entrepreneurs, and Purdue students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to attend. Keynote speakers will include Mayor Roswarski and Mayor Dennis.
Networking Coffee Hour
Networking with Tippy Connect Young Professionals
Plant Science Social
HopKnoXious Farms will host the monthly Plant Science Social with member of Purdue's Africa Interest Group and other attending.
Institute Agenda PDF
Unless otherwise noted, the following sessions are only open to Fellows and Institute staff. This schedule remains under development and is subject to adjustments and additions.
WEEK 1 | Orientation & Creating Shared Expectations | Agriculture and Economy
(1) Provide Fellows with a brief overview of U.S higher education, campus and community resources
(2) Develop a shared understanding of the group’s strengths, weaknesses, and create a strong esprit de corps;
(3) Review basic business principles;
(4) Examine the importance of agriculture in Indiana’s economy and learn how it is important to each of the Fellow’s home country economy
(5) Introduce the entrepreneurship project (LaunchBox)
Fellows should take breakfast on their own, and be ready to leave the Third Street Suites lobby by 8:20 AM. A volunteer/staff will lead the group from Third Street Suites to Krach Student Leadership Center.
8:30-9:00am Welcoming remarks, KRCH 270
Gebisa Ejeta, Director, Center for Global Food Security, Discovery Park
9:00-10:00am Staff & fellow introductions
Prepare one slide (no animations or videos) that represents yourself and your personality. The slide should include, but is not limited to the following: your name, photo of yourself, map showing your hometown, why you’re here, what you’re most interested in learning during the MWF, and interests/activities/hobbies. Slides (preferably saved as a PDF or JPEG) should be submitted by email to mwf@purdue.edu by Friday, June 9. Fellows will have one minute to introduce themselves. Staff will have completed the same assignment.
10:00-11:30am Institute Overview and Expectations and Week 1 Overview
A discussion about the Institute philosophy, the staff’s philosophy on teaching and learning, and expected outcomes. Financial information, emergency procedures, access to medical care, international calling, and other lifestyle and operational issues will be covered. The Institute staff and Fellows are asked to jointly acknowledge and respect diversity in all its form (e.g. religious, sexual orientation and gender, ethnic, socio-economic, political).
Transition to Dining Courts
11:30-1:00pm Lunch with John Sautter, Purdue Alumni Association
Fellows will gain a better understanding of the facilities available on and around campus, and the access they have to those assets. Some of the university’s history and tradition will also be shared.
1:00-2:00pm Practical Session - Health and Safety
Jefferson Howells, Assistant Director for Campus Emergency Preparedness and Planning
Review of emergency procedures and medical services in the community. Discussion about personal safety and severe weather on Purdue’s campus facilitated by the Purdue University Police Department and Purdue University Fire Department. Advice regarding severe weather threats in Indiana.
2:00-2:15pm Residence Hall Orientation, Third Street Suites Room 159
2:15-4:15pm Campus tour and Distribution of Student IDs
A tour of the university grounds with breaks and stops at sites of particular relevance: Purdue Memorial Union, Amazon Store, International Center, and libraries.
8:30-9:30am Introduction to Morning Review, KRCH 270
Alex Moseson, Managing Director for Global Engineering Programs
Morning Review will be an opportunity to participate in continuous feedback, peer-to-peer communication and problem solving, networking, personal and professional development, and cultural appreciation.
9:30-10:45am Practical Session - Cultural Adaptation
Carrie Anne Thomas, Intercultural Programs Specialist
A discussion about cultural diversity and culture shock both in theory and as it has been experienced by the Fellows in their initial days of the Institute.
11:00-12:30am LaunchBox Session
What’s your idea?
12:30-1:30pm Lunch
1:30-3:30pm Academic Session - Strategic Doing
Scott Hutcheson, Senior Associate, Purdue Center for Regional Development
Strategic Doing is a signature program of Purdue’s Center for Regional Development which teaches people how to form collaborations quickly, move them toward measurable outcomes and make adjustments along the way. Fellows will find this session relevant to the development of their USADF applications as they consider assets to leverage in setting up a business.
3:30-6:30pm Leadership & Teambuilding Activity
Boiler Ropes Challenge
Dinner on your own
8:30-9:30am Breakfast and Morning Review
9:30-10:45am Welcoming Remarks and Discovery Park Tour
Welcoming remarks provided by Dr. Tommy Sors
Discovery Park is a 40-acre (160,000 m2) interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research park located on Purdue University's campus. Discovery Park and its major centers lead Purdue's large-scale interdisciplinary research efforts: allowing multidisciplinary groups to come together and respond to grand challenges and opportunities.
11:00-12:30pm Meet up with faith and community resources
Community leaders and Black Cultural Center Staff
Renee A. Thomas, Director
Baraka Corley, Program and Facility Manager, Black Cultural Center
Fellows will have the opportunity to meet and connect with spiritual and faith community leaders, as well as the resources available through the Black Cultural Center.
12:30-1:30pm Lunch
1:30-4:00pm LaunchBox: Articulating Ideas
4:00-5:00pm Academic Session - Engaging Underprivileged Youth
Jennifer DeBoer, Assistant Professor, Engineering Education
Dhinesh Radhakrishnan, Graduate Student, Engineering Education
Professor DeBoer’s work addresses the complex social, cultural, and economic background factors that facilitate diverse students' paths through the engineering education system around the world. She will facilitate a discussion about the opportunities for non-traditional engineering education and seek feedback on a curriculum delivery platform she is co-developing with partners in Kenya.
7:00-9:00pm Group dinner at La Scala, 312 Main St, Lafayette
Local growers and suppliers will join the Fellows for dinner. Dinner will be at no cost to the Fellows.
Fellows will return via CityBus
8:30-9:30am Breakfast and Morning Review
9:30-10:30am Leadership Session - Preparing and Delivering an Effective Presentation
Joel Ebarb, Professor of Visual and Performing Arts
Fellows and facilitators will share tips for creating effective presentation using PowerPoint, Prezi, and other visual tools, and discuss strategies for engaging the audience through effective public speaking.
10:30-11:30am Academic Session - Agricultural Policy and Economics
Otto Doering III, Professor of Agricultural Economics
Dr. Doering will lead a discussion based on his experience in public policy issues impacting agriculture, natural resources, the environment, and energy.
11:30-1:00pm Lunch at Purdue Campus Farmer’s Market (weather permitting)
1:00-3:00pm LaunchBox: Step-by-Step
3:00-3:30pm Practical Session - Elevator pitch practice & networking
Alex Moseson, Managing Director, Global Engineering Programs
3:30-5:00pm Preparation for Summit
Fellows will practice their pitches and networking
5:00pm CityBus Orientation & Grocery Shopping (optional)
Dinner on your own
Breakfast on your own
8:30-10:00am Networking at Foundry Grounds
10:00-12:00pm Grant writing workshop
George Okantey, Community and Talent Development, Marion County
Discussion of tips for preparing a quality proposal and general grantsmanship.
Link to Purdue Extension website.
12:00-2:00pm Lunch and Practical Session - Consensus building & soliciting feedback
Stacey Connaughton, Associate Professor and the Associate Head of School at the Brian Lamb School of Communication, Director of the Purdue Peace Program
Fellows will be empowered to form an “evaluation committee” to facilitate weekly feedback sessions among themselves and report out on strengths, areas for improvement, and how the Institute can better meet the needs of the Fellows.
2:00-3:00pm Academic Session - Market building and supply chain development
Dieudonné Baributsa, Research Associate Professor, Entomology
Dr. Baributsa will share his experience in commercializing the Purdue Improved Crop Storage (PICS) bags across Sub-Saharan Africa, and seek feedback from the Fellows on his model.
3:00-5:00pm Practical Session - Leadership styles, Black Cultural Center
Guy Harris, Master Trainer and Coach, Workplace Conflict Resolution Expert
Baraka Corley, Program and Facility Manager, Black Cultural Center
A facilitated discussion about various styles of leadership, how they are perceived and valued, and a team building exercise to observe various leadership styles in action.
6:00-9:00pm Welcome reception, MatchBox Co-Working Studio
Dress: Business or traditional
Welcoming remarks provided by special guests: Tony Roswarski, Mayor of Lafayette and John Dennis, Mayor of West Lafayette. Others in attendance will include local business owners and entrepreneurs, Purdue faculty and staff, and individuals who applied to serve as peer collaborators. Fellows will be provided with a list of peer collaborators to meet, and potential peer collaborators will also be provided with a list of Fellows having shared interests.
Return to 3rd Street via CityBus
All meals on your own
10:00-12:00pm USADF Application Preparation Workshop (optional)
Lunch on your own
2:30-5:30pm Indiana Fiddler’s Gathering
The Indiana Fiddler’s Gathering is a three-day acoustic music festival featuring the best in old-time, bluegrass, swing jazz fiddle, string band, Celtic and ethnic music on one stage. A schedule for transportation will be provided.
5:30-7:00pm Travel time to Indianapolis
7:00pm Indiana Fever Basketball Game, Bankers Life Fieldhouse
All meals on your own
(time TBA) Eid Al-Fitr Celebration, Islamic Society of Greater Lafayette (optional)
Optional sightseeing trip to Chicago
WEEK 2 | Ideation & Goal Setting | Post-Harvest Technologies
(1) Explore post-harvest challenges and business opportunities
(2) Review basic business principles
(3) Review basic entrepreneurship principles
(4) Practice leadership
8:30-9:30 Breakfast and Review Preview, MRGN 121
9:30-10:00 Week 2 Overview
10:00-12:00 USADF Application Preparation (optional), MRGN Cafe
12:00-1:30 Lunch Reception with Indrajeet Chaubey, Associate Dean and Director of International Programs in Agriculture
Sagamore Room, PMU
Dr. Chaubey's research background addresses ecohydrologic processes affecting the fate and transport of sediment, nutrients, and pesticides. He will become the newest director of International Programs in Agriculture and will discuss his vision for the future of these programs at Purdue.
1:30-2:30 Academic Session - Technology Adoption
Jess Lowenberg-Deboer, Professor of Excellence in International Entrepreneurship
Dr. Lowenberg-Deboer has 30 years of worldwide experience in agricultural research, teaching, outreach and administration. His research focuses on the economics of agricultural technology. He will facilitate a discussion about the constraints entrepreneurs must consider when bringing a new technology to the market.
2:30-3:30 Academic Session - Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
Michael Wilcox, Senior Associate at the Purdue Center for Regional Development
Dr. Wilcox's extension and research work integrates the economic, environmental and social dimensions of sustainability into entrepreneurship, workforce development, bioenergy, population dynamics and land use. He has been involved in tropical tree crops marketing in western Africa and conservation agriculture in southern Africa. He also served in the US Peace Corps in Cameroon.
3:30-4:30 Academic Session - Marketing
Scott Downey, Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics
Dr. Downey is also an Associate Director of the Center for Food and Agricultural Business. He is a frequent speaker and consultant for agribusiness industry sales teams on professional development topics like precision selling, sales management and competitive sales strategies and will discuss these topics with Fellows.
Dinner on your own
8:30-9:30 Breakfast and Review Preview
9:30-10:30 Networking coffee hour with peer collaborators, MRGN Cafe
10:30-12:00 USADF Application Preparation (optional), MRGN Cafe
12:00-1:00 Lunch on your own
1:00-2:00 Academic Session - Global Energy Trends
Pankaj Sharma, Associate Director of Operations and International Affairs, Discovery Park
Dr. Sharma will discuss global trends, renewable energy, and opportunities for innovation.
2:00-4:30 LaunchBox: Where does your idea fit?
Dinner on your own
Breakfast on your own
9:00-9:30 Practical Session - Learning through Service, 3rd St Suites Lobby
Lindsey Payne, Service Learning Coordinator for the Center for Instructional Excellence
Amy Wood, Director of Volunteer Engagement, United Way of Greater Lafayette
Dr. Payne and Ms. Wood will provide the Fellows with an understanding of the variety of services volunteers and community-based organizations provide to American society and greater Lafayette in specific.
9:30-3:00 Community service with NICHES Land Trust Granville Sand Barrens
Fellows should wear long pants, closed-toed shoes and bring a long sleeve layer. Bring water. Insect repellent will be provided. Please note there are no bathroom facilities on site.
9:30 Depart 3rd Street Suites
10:00 Arrive and unload at Granville Sands Barrens
10:15-10:45 Hike with NICHES Overview / Contextualization
10:45-2:00 Trail work with break for lunch - provided
2:30-3:00 Depart for Tami Sells’ Home
3:00-4:00 Reflection on service activities at Tami’s (hosted by Marcia/Maria)
Upon returning from the day’s community service assignment, Fellows will be asked to reflect on their experience with the organization they served, the activity they engaged in, and the individuals they interacted with.
4:00-7:30 Cookout at Tami Sells’ Home
Barbecue and tractor pull provided.
8:30-9:30 Breakfast and Review Preview
9:30-12:00 LaunchBox Session
Who is your customer?
12:00-1:00 Pivot Training (optional)
Kristyn Jewell, Operations Coordinator, Internal Research Support
Ms. Jewell will offer a training on the use of Pivot, a subscription-based service for finding additional grant opportunities.
1:00-2:30 Lunch on your own
2:30-3:30 Academic Session - Global Food Trade: Food Crisis, Price Shocks, and Developing Country Impacts
Phil Abbott, Professor of Agricultural Economics
Dr. Abbott will lead a facilitated discussion on the economy-wide impacts of global trade and environmental policies.
3:30-5:00 Preparation for Summit Presentations
Arnold Chen, Managing Director of Burton D. Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship
Dr. Chen will lead a discussion of best practices for business pitches and how to create a successful pitch.
5:00 onward USADF Application Submission Assistance
Volunteers and interns will assist Fellows applying for the USADF grant to meet all grant deadlines and submit their applications before Friday, June 30th
Dinner on your own
--- USADF Grants Due ----
7:30 am Depart for field trip to Indianapolis
9:00-9:45 State House Tour
This guided tour allows guests to enter available offices and chambers with a guide. It is comprehensive and discusses all three branches of government, the history and architecture of the building.
10:00-11:00 Meeting with Ted McKinney, Director of the Indiana State Department of Agriculture, 1 N Capitol Ave, First Floor Conference Room
With more than 25 years of agriculture leadership experience, Director McKinney brings extensive knowledge and an understanding of Indiana and global agriculture to ISDA. Prior to joining ISDA, he was Director of Global Corporate Affairs for Elanco Animal Health, a subsidiary of Eli Lilly and Company.
11:45-2:00 Tuttle Orchards
Fellows will have lunch on the farm, featuring local produce and a hayride tour of the orchards. Tuttle Orchards is an example of agro-tourism and horticulture - featuring top quality award winning apples, plants, pumpkins, and local food.
2:30-7:00 Tyner Pond Farms
Tyner Pond Farms raises grass-fed beef, pastured pork, turkey, and lamb while collaborating with local like-minded farmers to supply the larger market in Indianapolis. Fellows will tour the farm(s), learn about their supply chain management, and have dinner at their restaurant.
7:00-8:30 Travel time back to West Lafayette
Return transportation from Indianapolis to Purdue will be provided on Friday evening following dinner; however, Fellows will have the option to stay in Indianapolis over the weekend at their own expense (including return transportation and accommodation). Options for transportation, lodging, and suggested activities will be shared. Fellows must be back on campus by the end of the day on Sunday, July 2.
Free day - all meals on your own
2:00-4:00 Canning and Food Preservation Workshop, International Center, 523 N Russell St (optional)
Abby Abbot-Rider, Thistle Byre Farms
Kirsten Serrano, Peer Collaborator and restaurant owner
Ms. Abbot-Rider and Ms. Serrano will lead interested Fellows in a workshop on food preservation and canning at the International Center kitchens.
All meals on your own
Opportunity for Fellows to complete their Self-Evaluations and reflect on their Leadership Development Plans
WEEK 3| Understanding the Market | Food Processing & Product Design
(1) Explore business opportunities in food processing
(2) Build an awareness of how to understand and identify markets and potential customers
(3) Practice organizational leadership
8:00-9:00 Breakfast on your own
9:00-10:30 Community Service Assignment, Daniel Turf Center, 1340 Cherry Lane
Steve Hallett, Professor of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Fellows will engage in a guided community service activity with the Student Farm.
10:30-2:00 Farm Tour and Lunch, Purdue Student Farm, 1491 Cherry Lane
2:00-3:00 Week 3 Overview and Community Service Reflection, NLSN 1215
(facilitated by Marcia/Maria)
Fellows will sign up for their future community service sites at this time.
3:00-4:00 Post-harvest Innovations, NLSN 1215
Betty Bugusu, Managing Director, International Food Technology Center; Professor of Food Sciences
Moustapha Moussa, PhD Student, Whistler Center for Carbohydrate Research
Dr. Bugusu and Mr. Moussa will lead a discussion about the impact of new technologies and need for innovation to prevent post-harvest loss and promote global food security.
4:00-5:00 Tour of Food Science Pilot Laboratory (Nelson Hall)
Erik Kurdelak, Manager, Pilot Laboratory
Operating as a model manufacturing area, the Pilot Laboratory allows manufacturers to see how a process works before committing to full production. Wet chemistry, microbiology, and food product development laboratories are also available to solve related challenges.
6:30-8:00 American Cooking Demonstration, Fresh City Market
Fresh City Market’s Head Chef will put together a menu of American favorites and demonstrate cooking techniques. Fellows will get a chance to sample the whole menu and take hope recipes to try on their own.
Breakfast and lunch on your own
4:00-10:00 Barbeque and 4th of July celebration
Home of Gary & Andrea Burniske
Dress: Casual
8:30-9:30 Breakfast and Review Preview, Special Guests: Lindsey Payne and Amy Wood
Lindsey Payne, Service Learning Coordinator for the Center for Instructional Excellence
Amy Wood, Director of Volunteer Engagement, United Way of Greater Lafayette
Dr. Payne and Ms. Wood will give a description of community service sites and Fellows will sign up for their upcoming community service days.
9:30-11:30 LaunchBox, Special host: David Fields of VICI Labs, MRGN 121
VICI Labs, a division of the Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business T3 TigerTech in the Washington, DC metropolitan area will, in collaboration with LaunchBox, travel to Purdue to provide each Fellow with a detailed business concept analysis using their proprietary VICI Labs Ideation Algorithm.
11:30-12:30 Lunch Reception with Mung Chiang, Dean of the College of Engineering, MRGN Cafe
Introduction by Arvind Raman, Associate Dean, Global Engineering Programs
12:30-1:30 Academic Session - Processing, packaging, and storage of local food, MANN 101
Jodee Ellett, Local Foods Coordinator for Purdue Extension
As Purdue’s first local foods coordinator, Ellett identifies people and communities that are already building connections between farmers and consumers and work with them to make the statewide system stronger.
1:30-2:30 Academic Session - Local Food Systems, MANN 101
Andrea Burniske, Program Manager, I2D Lab, Global Engineering Programs
A discussion about trends in local food production and processing that can lead to the revival of rural communities and a rebirth of the culture of growing food.
2:30-4:30 Academic Session - Technology-based tools for entrepreneurs, MANN 101
Alok Chaturvedi, Professor in the Krannert School of Management
Dr. Chaturvedi will share some tech-based tools for running a business and encourage Fellows to share the importance and challenges associated with running a business via an ICT platform.
4:30-5:30 Academic Session - Biofortified maize in Africa, and soon in the US, MANN 101
Torbert Rocheford, Patterson Endowed Chair in Translational Genomics and Crop Improvement
Dinner on your own
8:30-9:30 Review Preview & Breakfast
9:30-11:30 LaunchBox Session, Special host: David Fields
11:30-12:30 Developing A Successful Business Model and Financing Strategy
Amanda Thompson, Entrepreneur-in-Residence, Burton D. Morgan Center
Dr. Thompson will discuss successful business models, drawing on her extensive experience in international finance and venture capital.
12:30-1:30 Lunch and Discussion of Graduate School Application and Admission Process, MRGN 121
Lee Gordon, Director of Graduate Admissions
Mr. Gordon will discuss opportunities in higher education along with a panel of current graduate students.
1:30-3:30 LaunchBox Session: Human-Centered Design & Development, Special host: David Fields
3:30-5:00 Preparation for Summit - Public Speaking for Business
Alex Moseson, Managing Director for Global Engineering Programs
A discussion about public speaking in business contexts in general and specific guidelines for the Ignite Talks that will take place at the Mandela Washington Fellowship Summit.
Dinner on your own
8:30-10:00 Breakfast & Foundry Grounds (optional)
10:00-11:00 Academic Session - Building Another’s Dream: The Human Dimensions of Social Enterprise Success
Andrea Trice, Senior Fellow, Sagamore Institute
Dr. Trice will discuss her upcoming book for practitioners that contrasts how Westerners and Southerners approach social enterprise.
11:00-12:00 Self-evaluation and feedback on Week 3
12:00-1:00 Lunch Reception with Suresh Garimella, Executive Vice President for Research and Partnerships, MRGN Cafe
1:00-1:30 Academic Session - Entrepreneurship in Food Science
Brian Farkas, Department Head, Food Science
Dr. Farkas will discuss several examples of entrepreneurship in food science and current trends in this industry.
2:30-5:00 Tour of People’s Brewing Company
Chris Johnson, Head Brewer
People’s provides high quality hand-crafted beer and education of the craft beer industry to the people of Lafayette and the state of Indiana while providing community leadership with environmentally friendly business practices.
Dinner on your own
Breakfast and Lunch on your own
Hospitality Dinners
Breakfast and Dinner on your own
12:00-3:00 Picnic with the Greater Lafayette Immigrants’ Alliance, Happy Hollow Park, Shelter #4
Self-evaluation and Reflection on LDP (optional)
(1) Explore business opportunities in agricultural mechanization and bioenergy
(2) Examine how entrepreneurs across sectors identity opportunity space
(3) Refine presentation development skills
8:30-9:30 Breakfast and Review Preview
9:30-10:00 Week 4 Overview
10:00-11:15 Academic Session - Purdue Utility Platform
John Lumkes, Associate Professor, Agricultural & Biological Engineering
David Wilson, Co-founder, Mobile Agricultural Power Solutions
Dr. Lumkes and Mr. Wilson will lead a facilitated discussion about rural transportation challenges, transportation systems and freight and logistics planning, linkages between transportation, energy, and environment.
11:15-12:15 Academic Session - Running an Effective Business Meeting
Brian Chupp, Organizational Behavior and Human Resources, Krannert School of Management
Dr. Chupp will discuss strategies for ensuring that business meetings meet their objective(s), run efficiently, and engage their participants.
12:15-1:15 Lunch with Tomas Diaz de la Rubia, Executive Director, Discovery Park, MRGN Cafe
1:15-2:45 Academic Session - Energy and Biofuels Economics and Policy
Wallace Tyner, Professor, Agricultural Economics
Professor Tyner’s research interests are in the area of energy, agricultural, and natural resource policy analysis and structural and sectoral adjustment in developing economies. His work in energy economics has encompassed oil, natural gas, coal, oil shale, biomass, ethanol from agricultural sources, and solar energy. Much of his recent work has focused on economic and policy analysis for biofuels and the interplay between biofuels policies and other energy policies.
3:00-5:00 Unscheduled Time for Networking with Peer Collaborators (optional)
Dinner on your own
8:30 - 9:30 Breakfast and Review Preview
9:30-10:30 Academic Session - Human-Centered Design
Ted Lu, Industrial Design
Dr. Lu will lead a discussion on the principles and applications of Human-Centered Design.
10:30-11:30 Summit Preparation
11:30-12:30 Lunch
12:30-1:30 Academic Session - Post-harvest drying and storage
Klein Ileleji, Associate Professor Agricultural & Biological Engineering
A discussion of post-harvest technologies and gaps/opportunities in agricultural technologies.
1:30-2:30 Academic Session - Biomedical Engineering
Jacqueline Linnes, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Dr. Linnes will lead a facilitated discussion about the opportunities, trends, and future of biomedical technologies, including diagnostics, 3D printing, wearables, and more.
2:30-4:00 Leadership Session - Developing Self-Awareness in Leadership
Ben Dunford, Associate Professor of Management
Dr. Dunford will lead an interactive activity designed to help Fellows assess their own leadership styles and techniques.
4:00 - 5:00 A Purdue Technology Hub for Advancing International Agricultural Development
Discussion facilitated by Ron Ellis
Dinner on your own
Breakfast on your own
9:00-3:00 Community service assignment
Depending on duration and timing of community service assignment, this time can also be used to arrange meeting with local community members, peer collaborators, and business mentors
4:00-5:00 Reflection on service activities, MRGN 121
Lindsey Payne, Service Learning Coordinator for the Center for Instructional Excellence
Upon returning from the day’s community service assignment, Fellows will be asked to reflect on their experience with the organization they served, the activity they engaged in, and the individuals they interacted with.
5:00-8:00 Networking Event with Tippy Connect, Digby’s Pub & Patio, 133 N 4th St, Lafayette, IN
Tippy Connect is an organization for young professionals in the Tippecanoe County area. This organization was created with the goals of joining for the opportunity to grow as professionals, share ideas, take leadership roles and give back to the community where they live, work and raise families.
Fellows will return via CityBus
Prepare to depart by 9:00
8:00 Depart 3rd St Suites
9:00-10:30 Tour BioTown®
BioTown®, USA, is the country’s first effort toward creating communities, where all energy needs are met through biorenewable resources. BioTown®, USA is a public-private showcase community, and the hope is that more communities take advantage of the model presented in Reynolds.
11:30-12:30 Tour The Plant
The Plant’s mission is to develop circular economies of food production, energy conservation and material reuse, while empowering people of all backgrounds to make their cities healthier and more efficient.
1:30-3:00 Meet Fellows from Notre Dame and Northwestern (320 N Morgan St #600)
3:00-6:00 Meeting with PriceWaterhouseCoopers
Special Guest: Greg Deason, Senior Vice President and Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Purdue Research Foundation
6:00 onwards Optional Reception with Minorities in Technology Entrepreneurship Conference
8:00 Check into the Congress Plaza Hotel, 520 S Michigan Ave
Dinner on your own
7:30 Check out of hotel and store luggage
8:00 Leave for Fellows’ Choice Meetings
8:30-10:30 Fellows’ Choice Meetings
Fellows will be provided with a list of site options the week before and will visit different sites, accompanied by staff and in smaller groups.
10:30-12:30 Meeting with VestedWorld, 222 W Merchandise Mart Plaza, #1212
VestedWorld is, in many ways, a traditional venture capital fund, but it is 100% focused on emerging markets. VestedWorld leverages many resources—a streamlined online investment platform, their deep knowledge and experience in these markets, and their own capital—to create new opportunities for U.S. investors to diversify their portfolios and earn competitive returns while making a transformative impact in developing countries. Purdue professor, Dr. Gebisa Ejeta, serves on their advisory board.
12:30-6:30 Free time to explore Chicago
Further details to follow.
6:30 Meet at Congress Plaza Hotel
7:00 Depart Chicago via bus
Return to Lafayette, IN via bus
Return transportation from Chicago to Purdue will be provided on Friday evening; however, Fellows will have the option to stay in Chicago over the weekend at their own expense (including return transportation and accommodation). Options for transportation, lodging, and suggested activities will be shared. Fellows must be back on campus by the end of the day on Sunday, July 16.
All meals on your own
Fellows have the option to stay in Chicago or return to Purdue
All meals on your own
Tour of local farms, including Silverthorn Farm (time TBD, optional)
Self-evaluation and Reflection on LDP (optional)
WEEK 5 | Preparing & Planning | Engineering Innovation & Sustainability
(1) Explore the business opportunities in manufacturing and other engineering sectors
(2) Explore the trends in infrastructure, energy, and information and communication technologies
(3) Develop an understanding of the interconnectedness of business, engineering, and environmental and social sustainability
(4) Refine presentation delivery skills
8:30-9:30 Breakfast and Review Preview
9:30-10:00 Week 5 Overview
10:00-11:00 Leadership Development - Innovation for Sustainable Development
Arvind Raman, Associate Dean, Global Engineering Programs
Dr. Raman will lead a discussion on the impacts of innovation in engineering and other fields on sustainable development, with a focus on the Innovation for International Development (I2D) Lab.
11:00-12:00 Academic Session - Water treatment in low resource settings
Chad Jafvert, Professor, Civil Engineering and Environmental and Ecological Engineering
John Howarter, Assistant Professor, Materials Engineering and Environmental and Ecological Engineering
Dr. Jafvert and Dr. Howarter will lead a discussion of the challenges associated with water treatment and the technologies employed to treat water.
12:00-1:30 Networking Lunch with Women in Management, Krannert School of Management (women only)
Candi Lange, Director, Jane Brock-Wilson Women in Management Center
1:30-3:00 LaunchBox
3:00-4:00 Academic Session - Sustainable livestock management practices (focus on cattle)
Gary Burniske, Managing Director for the Center for Global Food Security
Gary Burniske will discuss livestock nutrition, housing, and management, with a focus on cattle.
4:00-5:00 Academic Session - Sustainable livestock management practices (focus on poultry, swine, and others)
Kola Ajuwon, Associate Professor of Animal Sciences
Dr. Ajuwon will discuss livestock nutrition, housing, and management, with a focus on poultry, swine, and other types of livestock.
Dinner on your own
8:30-9:30 Breakfast and Review Preview
9:30-11:30 LaunchBox Session
11:30-12:30 Lunch with Minority Engineering Programs MITE Academic Boot Camp, Ford Dining Court
12:30-3:00 Community Service Activity, Armstrong Atrium
Minority Engineering Programs MITE Academic Boot Camp
Facilitated by Alex Moseson, Managing Director for Global Engineering Programs
Minority Engineering Programs hosts two summer camps with rising 11th graders and incoming Purdue freshmen. Fellows will be asked to share their stories, discuss global engineering challenges, and work hand-in-hand with students to solve an engineering design challenge for emerging markets.
3:30-6:00 Mandela Fellows Global Innovation Challenge, MRGN 121
Faculty, students, and staff from Purdue can submit a short summary (1-2 paragraphs) of their work and then make a 10 min presentation to the Mandela Fellows. The main objective is to connect Mandela Washington Fellows with Purdue social innovations and technologies to provide feedback and future assistance with deploying the technology.
Dinner on your own
7:30am Depart Purdue to Dow AgroSciences
9:00am Tour Dow AgroSciences
12:00pm Depart Dow, eat lunch
1:00pm Tour ClearObject
2:00pm Arrive at LaunchFishers
2:00-3:30pm Panel discussion with entrepreneurs
3:30-4:30/5pm Networking reception at LaunchFishers
5:30pm Depart LaunchFishers to Purdue
8:00-9:00 Breakfast and Review Preview
9:00-11:00 LaunchBox Session - Delivering an Effective Presentation
11:00-12:00 Academic Session - African American Studies Program
Marlo David, Associate Professor, Department of English
Dr. David will discuss the African American Studies Program at Purdue University, including study abroad programs, partnerships with international universities, and potential future connections.
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00-2:00 Academic Session - John Hanak
John Hanak, Managing Director of Purdue Ventures
Mr. Hanak will challenge the Fellows to think as investors and consider the factors that might come into play when making investment decisions in startup companies.
2:00-3:00 Meeting with International Visitor Leadership Program Participants (cancelled)
Dr. Asmamaw Abtew, University of Gondar
Mr. Edo Beressa Bedasso, Ambo University
Mr. Adugna Eneyew Bekele, Jimma University
Dr. Kidane Giday Gebremedhin, Mekelle University
Dr. Dessalegn Molla Ketema, Bahir Dar University
Dr. Tarekegn Yoseph Samago, Hawassa University
Dr. Dilu Shaleka Teshome, University of Addis Ababa
Dr. Kibebew Kibret Tsehai, Haramaya University
2:00-3:30 Summit Preparation
3:30-5:30 Unscheduled Time for Networking
Dinner on your own
8:30-10:00 Networking at Foundry Grounds (optional)
10:00-11:00 Travel time to Site Visit
11:00-1:00 Site Visit - Subaru Factory Tour
Subaru is the world's 22nd largest automaker and employs over 3,000 people in the Lafayette area. The 3 million square foot (279,000 m2) facility in Lafayette builds Subaru Outback, Impreza, and Legacy models. More information: http://subaru-sia.wixsite.com/indiana. Lunch will be provided
1:00-3:00 LaunchBox Session
3:00-4:00 Self-evaluation & feedback on Week 5
4:00-8:00 Farm Tour and Plant Science Social Networking Opportunity
Facilitated by Torbert Rocheford, Patterson Endowed Chair, Professor of Agronomy
HopKnoXious Farms will host the monthly Plant Science Social with members of Purdue’s Africa Interest Group and others attending.
All meals on your own
1:00-5:00 Prophetstown State Park (optional)
A 1920’s farmstead highlighting sustainable agriculture, homesteading, heirloom gardening, and farm to table cooking. The state park also features hiking trails, camping, swimming, hiking, biking, birding, wildlife observation, and more.
All meals on your own
1:00-4:00 Recording radio commercials, K105 WASK Radio Station
Fellows will have the opportunity to tour a local radio station, and develop and record their own commercials.
(1) Explore agribusiness in Indiana as an example of U.S. agribusiness operations
(2) Synthesize information, skills, and techniques learned throughout the whole program
(3) Refine and demonstrate presentation delivery skills
(4) Reflect on Institute experience and plan how to keep momentum going
8:30-9:30 Breakfast and Review Preview
9:30-10:00 Week 6 Overview
10:00-11:30 Visit to Purdue Horticulture Greenhouses
Michael Russell, Greenhouse Manager
12:00-3:00 Site Visit - Animal Science Research and Education Center
12:00-12:35 Dairy Unit
12:45-1:20 Beef Unit
1:30-2:05 Aquaculture Unit
2:15-2:50 Poultry Unit
The Animal Sciences Research and Education Center (ASREC) features units dedicated to aquaculture, dairy, beef, poultry, sheep, swine, farm operations, and a feed mill. The mission of ASREC is to provide animals, facilities, technical assistance and labor to conduct research, provide instruction, and assist in extension educational activities. More information: https://ag.purdue.edu/. Lunch will be provided.
3:00-5:00 Site Visit - Agronomy Center for Research Education
Purdue's Agronomy Center for Research Education (ACRE) is the 1134 acre research farm that was established in 1949 as the campus-based agronomy field research station. ACRE features high-throughput field phenotyping and unmanned aircraft for field applications. More information: https://ag.purdue.edu/agry/
Dinner on your own
8:30-9:30 Breakfast and Review Preview
9:30-10:30 Academic Session - Agricultural Extension Models Around the World
Paul Ebner, Professor, Animal Science
Dr. Ebner will lead a discussion based on his international experience in agricultural extension.
11:00-12:00 Academic Session - The Economics of Technical Change in Agriculture
John Sanders, Professor of Agricultural Economics
Dr. Sanders will lead a discussion of technological change based on his extensive international experience in Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America.
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00-4:00 Scheduled time for Fellow Video Pitches, MRGN 129
Fellows will be assigned a time in this window to create a short 60-second video pitch describing themselves, the problem they are trying to address, the solution their business offers, and their next steps moving forward.
4:00-5:00 Conversation with Gebisa Ejeta
5:30 onward Dinner and Farm Tour, Home of Jim and Kathy Moseley CANCELLED
Jim Moseley is a Purdue alumnus and former Deputy Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture. His farm in Clarks Hill, IN features diverse crops and livestock and is being managed by multiple generations of Moseleys.
Breakfast on your own
9:00-3:00 Community service assignment
Depending on duration and timing of community service assignment, this time can also be used to arrange meeting with local community members, peer collaborators, and business mentors
4:00-5:00 Reflection on service activities, Third Street Suites Conference Room 159
Lindsey Payne, Service Learning Coordinator for the Center for Instructional Excellence
Upon returning from the day’s community service assignment, Fellows will be asked to reflect on their experience with the organization they served, the activity they engaged in, and the individuals they interacted with.
Dinner on your own
8:30-9:30 Breakfast and Review Preview
9:00-12:00 Final Pitches
12:00-1:30 Networking Lunch with Peer Collaborators, MRGN Cafe
1:30-5:00 Final Pitches
Dinner on your own
8:30-10:00 Networking at Foundry Grounds (optional)
10:00-11:00 Remaining Engaged with Purdue
Ralph Amos, President, Purdue Alumni Association
Institute Staff and Purdue Alumni Association Representative
A discussion of communication platforms for remaining connected with Purdue and opportunities for continued engagement
11:00-12:00 Institute Wrap-up and Discussion of Summit Logistics
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00-2:00 Self-evaluation and feedback on Week 6
2:00-4:00 Preparation for Summit Presentations
5:00-8:00 Reception and closing celebration, Lawson Commons
Remarks by Dan Hirleman, Chief Corporate and Global Partnerships Officer
Free day for wrap-up, packing, and final goodbyes
TBA Depart for Washington, DC
Logistics will be announced