Affiliated Faculty

Affiliated Faculty

Dieudonne Baributsa

Dieudonne Baributsa

Professor of Entomology
Jonathan Bauchet

Jonathan Bauchet

Associate Professor of Hospitality & Tourism Management
Sylvie Brouder

Sylvie Brouder

Professor of Agronomy
Bernhard Dalheimer

Bernhard Dalheimer

Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics
Margaret Gitau

Margaret Gitau

Professor of Agricultural & Biological Engineering
Nilupa Gunaratna

Nilupa Gunaratna

Associate Professor of Public Health
Bruce Hamaker

Bruce Hamaker

Distinguished Professor of Food Science
Bhagyashree Katare

Bhagyashree Katare

Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics
Jacob Ricker-Gilbert

Jacob Ricker-Gilbert

Professor of Agricultural Economics
Gerald (Jerry) Shively

Gerald (Jerry) Shively

Associate Dean and Director International Programs in Agriculture