Outreach Programs
The following illustrates the Council's efforts to unify the College of Agriculture Strategic Plan of 2021-2026 (left) and the Purdue Agriculture PK-12 Engagement Strategic Plan 2021-2026 (right). The two separate strategic plans are designed to enhance PK-12 outreach separately and simultaneously!
Student PK-12 Programs
AgDiscovery Program
AgDiscovery is a 2-4 week summer camp outreach program designed to help middle through high school-aged students explore careers in animal science, veterinary medicine, agribusiness, plant pathology, aquaculture, and much more. Students who participate in AgDiscovery experience hands-on labs, workshops, field trips, and other group and team-building activities.
Cost: Free
Purdue Spring Fest offers a variety of hands-on activities in science, technology, engineering, arts, cultural experiences, and many of the departments within the College of Agriculture. The fun will continue at the College of Veterinary Medicine open house, the legendary Bug Bowl, and the plant sale.
Cost: Free
Time: First weekend in April
Grandparents University offers a wide range of majors taught by Purdue faculty, staff, and graduate students from various disciplines for you and your grandchild to explore for two days.
Cost: Adults $190-$240, Child $190
Time: June
The Cargill-Purdue Agribusiness Science Academy Middle School Day(s) are regional one-day programs for middle school students. Students spend the day learning about STEM and agriculture connections and engaging with faculty, staff, and students in Animal Science, Forestry and Natural Resources, Entomology, and many other departments from the Purdue College of Agriculture.
Cost: Free
Time: May
The Cargill-Purdue Agribusiness Science Academy (C-PASA) High School Camp is for rising 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th-grade students. The program exposes students to the interconnections of agriculture and the diversity of career opportunities within agribusiness and communication, biological sciences and engineering, and plant and environmental sciences. The camp is designed to provide real-life college experiences and help students see the benefit of a post-secondary education degree.
Cost: Free
Time: July
Pre-College Molecular Agriculture Summer Institute
Pre-College Molecular Agriculture Summer Institute is a one-week residential program that allows participants to grow their interests in STEAM areas and experience Purdue’s campus life. Students will conduct research and present their findings at the end of the week,l connect with college leadership throughout the week, engage in fun team-building exercises, and enjoy a local social outing.
Cost: Scholarships Available
Time: June / July
World Food Prize Youth Institute At Purdue University
Since 2011, Purdue Agriculture has welcomed Indiana high school students and teachers to become global hunger fighters through a free event in May. After writing a research paper regarding global challenges in a foreign country, five students from each school are invited to present their research to Purdue University faculty and staff experts. The event allows students and teachers to network, and learn from experts.
Cost: Free
Time: May
Purdue Extension & Indiana 4-H
Junior Master Gardener Summer Program
The Miami County Junior Master Gardener (JMG) Summer Program offers 60 hours of hands-on learning and a national certification. During these 10 days of intense programming, your 4-6th graders will learn about soil health, plant parts, nutrients, and how fresh produce plays an important role in healthy living.
Cost: Free
Time: June, July
Learn about horse care and basics through the Mini Horse Camp and the Regular Horse Camp.
Time: June
4-H Academy @ Purdue is a program for youth grades 9-12 held at Purdue University specifically designed to offer hands-on, exciting opportunities to learn about a diverse selection of subjects and careers. During this conference previously, participants will meet and learn from professors, graduate students and other experts in their respective fields and participate in interactive activities and experiential learning.
Time: June
State 4-H Junior Leader Conference
4-H Junior Leaders grades 9 - 12 will learn new leadership skills, share and gain knowledge, and build friendships.
Cost: $180
Time: June
The National 4-H Dairy Conference provides an educational experience for grades 9-12 for better understanding of the operations involved in the production, processing, marketing, and use of dairy products; to provide a means by which youth can achieve educational objectives based on the developmental needs of youth; to provide a broader understanding of careers available in dairy production, processing, marketing, and selected areas.
Cost: $500
Time: October
Indiana Agricultural Education/FFA
District Conventions will run from March to April.
State Convention
Time: June
District Kick-offs
Engaging members, encouraging involvement, and fostering cooperation among chapters; all this and more are the focus of the twelve District Kickoff Meetings. Members from around each district will come together for a great time of meeting district and state officers as they expound on all the great opportunities Indiana FFA has to offer and how the members can be more involved.
Time: Fall
Join us for the greatest showcase of the Past, Present & Future of Hoosier Agriculture. We will honor and gratefully introduce those who have committed their lives to producing food, fiber & fuel through the innovation of their Farms, our Future, and our Communities.
Time: July / August
National FFA Convention & Expo
FFA members from across the country will gather and experience this convention filled with educational sessions, workshops, and opportunities to make lifelong friends!
Time: October
This workshop is for district officers, section directors, and band and chorus officers. PLT is facilitated by the National Officer Candidate and the curriculum is based on their preference, but generally focuses on leadership training, team development, and personal growth.
Time: August/early September.
Leadership Development Workshop
This is a workshop of chapter officers/leaders to help them plan their year and learn about being a leader in their chapter. The conference curriculum is on a three-year rotation: Chapter Development (focus on recruitment, retention, and chapter activities/POA), Community Development (focus on community service activities, fundraising, and developing a community image of your chapter), and Student Development (focus on the development of the officers in their personal growth and as a team).
Time: September & January/early February
Seeking Opportunities and Achieving Results (SOAR)
This is a conference for students who are beginning their FFA careers (9-10 grade, middle school if they are mature enough) SOAR Curriculum is on a three-year rotation: FFA Focus (Opportunities in FFA, CDEs, Defining Success, etc.), SAE Focus (developing strong SAE's, Work ethic, Goal Setting, etc.), and Ag Industry Focus (Opportunities in the agriculture industry, Personal Vision, Beliefs and Values, etc.)
Time: October
Foundations in Reaching Excellence (FIRE)
This conference is for older FFA members (11-12, 10th). The curriculum is on a two-year rotation: Present Excellence Focus (Being a mentor, Setting Goals, Taking leadership to the next level, etc.) and Future Excellence Focus (Life after High School, Advocating for agriculture, Creating a personal vision, etc.).
Time: November
Washington Leadership Conference
The Washington Leadership Conference is an opportunity for FFA members across the country to learn skills to become better leaders. Held in Washington D.C. annually, the conference features workshops and speakers that teach attendees to "know their purpose, value people, take action, and serve others."
Time: June - July
Teacher Programs
The Cargill-Purdue Agribusiness Science Academy (C-PASA) Teacher Workshop is a unique learning opportunity that will provide high-quality professional development for 8th – 11th Grade Science Teachers. The program will bring teachers together to experience recent updates in plant, food, and biological sciences and to promote interactions among Teachers and Purdue Scientists.
Cost: Free
Time: June
Indiana Agriculture Teachers Workshop
The Indiana High School Agriculture Teachers Workshop is hosted by the Purdue University College of Agriculture.
Cost: $100 - $200
Time: June
Indiana STEM Education Conference
The conference includes over 50 presentations on STEM curriculum, STEM instruction, STEM careers, and STEM research, a resource webpage with presentation slides and handouts, vendor handouts, and research posters, networking with STEM education vendors, access to recorded presentations following the conference, and professional Growth Points for teachers.
Cost: $100
Time: January
Summer workshop provides resources about nature that teachers and outdoor educators can use in the classroom
Cost: Free
Time: Asynchronous Virtual
Center for Food and Agricultural Business (CAB)
Offers non-degree professional development programs for employees of agricultural businesses, and carries out research and Extension programs on problems of agricultural businesses.
Cost: Varies based on the program
Time: Throughout the year
Online Professional Development Courses
The College of Agriculture offers a variety of online and hybrid professional development courses covering a variety of topics including precision agriculture, pest management, animal nutrition, and urban agriculture.
Cost: Varies, approximately $1,050 - $1,550
Time: Asynchronous Virtual