Haiti Study Abroad

Using established partner relationships, students will work with international partners to address identified challenges to learn the principles of extension methodology and sustainable community development by integrating their discipline knowledge and technical skills from previous courses. Students will also learn the intercultural communication, market analysis, project design and planning, business planning and business ventures, and cultural factors affecting community food security while they work in bi-national teams. This is the first of a 3-course sequence to prepare for, experience, and evaluate the Haitian experiences of Purdue and Haitian students.

Beach in Haiti
Rooftops in Haiti
mountain in Haiti


Day 1: Fly from Miami to Haiti
Day 2: Visit Gift of Water home & tour Université de Antenor Firmin home campus
Day 3: Visit Université Antenor Firmin du Cap Haïtien & Centre technique d’entreprenariat
Day 4: Visit La Citadelle Laferrière and Sans-Souci Palace
Day 5: Beach & Presentation
Day 6: International Agri-Symposium
Day 7: International Agri-Symposium
Day 8: International Agri-Symposium
Day 9: Kay Anj d’Ayiti/iF Foundation and farm
Day 10: Fly from Haiti to the U.S. 

Mark Russell

Dr Mark Russell

Agricultural Sciences Education and Communication
Dr. Mark Russell began his career with animal science degrees from Cornell University (BS) and the University of Illinois (MS and PhD). After serving as the Horse Extension Specialist at Illinois and Purdue, he taught 18 different animal sciences courses and expanded the curriculum, which positioned students to use their technical information by applying it to real-world problem-solving experiences—focusing on team collaboration and effective community engagement. Over the last 15 years he has become most known for his focus on extension methods, leadership development, and intercultural effectiveness outcomes through service learning and travel courses where his students have learned informal educational engagement strategies in many international work settings, including Ecuador, Romania and Haiti. He is passionate about students discovering a worldview of cultures beyond their comfort zone and became the Head of the Department of Agricultural Sciences Education and Communication in the College of Agriculture in 2015.  

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