Picture of the Week

June 20, 2022

Tulip Leaf Drop-No Cause For Alarm

Gail Ruhl, Sr. Plant Disease Diagnostician-retired, Purdue University
Premature yellowing and leaf drop observed on tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera), also known as yellow poplar and tulip poplar. (Figures 1 and 2) are symptoms most likely related to root stress. Extended periods of hot, dry, weather in combination with various site stress factors, are likely contributing factors. An added symptom that frequently accompanies the leaf yellowing is the appearance of circular, black spots between the veins of the yellowing leaves (Figures 3 and 4). The black spots are often mistaken for a fungal leaf spot disease. Though alarming in appearance these symptoms do not usually affect long-term tree vigor or health.

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tulip tree leaf drop Figure 1. Tulip tree leaf drop
Yellow and brown leaves on a tulip tree branch Figure 2. Yellow and brown leaves on a tulip tree branch
Close-up of a tulip tree leaf showing physiological leaf spot Figure 3. Close-up of a tulip tree leaf showing physiological leaf spot
Tulip tree leaves with a leaf spot Figure 4. Tulip tree leaves with a leaf spot
See this related article by John Bonkowski:


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