Annual Report

The Plant and Pest Diagnostic Laboratory (PPDL) remains dedicated to helping protect Indiana’s agriculture, the green industry and individual landscapes, by providing rapid and reliable diagnostic services for plant disease and pest problems. We also provide appropriate pest management strategies and diagnostics training. We are a participating member lab in the National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN), a consortium of Land Grant University diagnostic laboratories established to help protect our nation’s plant biosecurity infrastructure.

Contact Us

Plant and Pest Diagnostic Laboratory
Purdue University
915 Mitch Daniels Boulevard, LSPS 116
West Lafayette IN 47907-2054
Voice: 765-494-7071

Map to Lab

Cover page of 2024 Annual Report



Your generous contributions help us provide opportunities for students in the lab, training for County Extension agents, and support our work as part of the Research, Teaching, and Engagement missions of Purdue University.

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