Submitting Turf Samples for Diagnosis
Please print out the Physical Sample Submission Form (PPDL-5-W) add information and mail in with your sample.
Contact Us
Plant and Pest Diagnostic Laboratory
Purdue University
915 Mitch Daniels Boulevard, LSPS 116
West Lafayette IN 47907-2054
Voice: 765-494-7071
Map to Lab
How to collect and submit samples
- Collect samples early in the week, especially if sending by mail.
- Take plugs from the outer margins of affected areas, including 2/3 symptomatic turf and 1/3 healthy turf.
- Take plugs at least 4-6 inches across with a cup cutter, knife, or shovel to a depth of 3-4 inches or to the extent of the root zone.
- If possible, send two total plugs per sample.
- Wrap each plug completely in aluminum foil (preferred) or newspaper to stabilize.
- Do not place the samples in plastic bags. Do not add wet paper towels or excess moisture to the packages. This can lead to proliferation of non-pathogens and increased sample decay during transit.
- Place the samples in a cardboard box and pack them tightly with newspaper or other packing materials.
- Please fill out the form completely and legibly. Pack the form in the box such that it will not get wet or damaged.
- Take the sample on the same day you intend to mail it.
- Avoid exposing the sample to excess heat (i.e. closed vehicle on a hot day).
- Mail early in the week to avoid weekend delays in shipping.
- Use first-class mail. A next-day service or in-person delivery is the best way to ensure the sample arrives in good condition.
- Photos are required with each submission. Please email to
- While close up photos can be useful on occasion, the best photos show the pattern of damage from eye level across the area.
- All photos submitted become the property of the PPDL and may be used for training purposes or publications.
Drop-off hours are Monday – Friday, 8 am - Noon and 1 - 5 pm. If door is locked place sample on table outside LSPS room 116 with this completed form. See PPDL website for map to lab. Metered parking spot is available. Call 765-494-7071 with any questions/problems.
Non-Commercial Turf - $11 per sample ($22 out-of-state)
(Homeowner Samples)
Commercial Turf - $25 per sample ($100 out-of-state)
(Golf Course, Sports Field, Sod Farm, Commercial Lawn Care)
We accept payment in the form of cash, money orders, or personal checks.
Diagnostic responses are sent by email (or by US mail or fax upon request).
There will be no additional sample handling fee for any follow-up samples that might be requested by diagnosticians who require additional samples for a more accurate identification or diagnosis of the problem. Additional fees related to advanced testing for viruses and bacteria may be charged for follow-up samples.