Submitting Photos for Diagnosis
Note: Most samples are completed in 3 days. If you have not received a report please check your spam/junk folder for your report from email address and mark it as safe.
Mobile app users: The mobile iOS and Google play apps for sample submission no longer work due to OS updates. The links below are mobile friendly for tablets.
- Normal sample handling fees apply to photos submitted for diagnosis ($11 from Indiana, $22 from outside Indiana).
- Commercial turf samples ($25 from Indiana, $100 from outside Indiana).
- There is no additional fee for follow-up physical samples when needed for diagnosis.
- All photos submitted become the property of the PPDL and may be used for training purposes or publications.
Contact Us
Plant and Pest Diagnostic Laboratory
Purdue University
915 Mitch Daniels Boulevard, LSPS 116
West Lafayette IN 47907-2054
Voice: 765-494-7071
Map to Lab
General Photo Tips
You can help us by following these guidelines:
- Photos that look out of focus to you will not be helpful to us.
- Send up to 9 images per sample/question.
- When possible, please include a size reference such as a pen, ruler or a coin.
- For plant identifications, please include a photo of the whole plant, as well as close-ups of plant parts (leaves, flower, roots, fruit, seeds, etc.).
- As with actual samples, please include as much additional information as possible such as: planting date, age of plant, chemicals used, number of plants affected, where found, patterns, when symptoms were first noticed, etc.
- Download our image guide for Tree Diagnosis
- Download our image guide for Turf Diagnosis
- Download our image guide for Insect Diagnosis
We recommend, due to potential regional differences in the occurrence of certain plant diseases, and species of plants and insects, that residents of other states first contact their local extension services and diagnostic labs for assistance, prior to submitting digital or physical samples to Purdue's Plant and Pest Diagnostic Lab (PPDL).
Questions? email us at