picture of the week
March 27, 2023
Daylily Leaf Streak---An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure
Gail Ruhl, Plant Disease Diagnostician-retired
Daylilies are one of the most popular perennials grown in the United States. They are pretty, easy to grow and relatively low-maintenance. However, there are several different fungal diseases that attack the foliage of daylily and if you did not remove the infected, dead, foliage last fall, fungal spores likely survived the winter in the dead leaves and stems at the base of the plant and will likely infect the new growth that emerges in the spring. It is not too late to reduce the chance of re-infection from pesky fungal diseases such as daylily leaf streak. Go outside NOW and remove last year's leaves and stems from around the base of your daylilies. Your reward for good garden sanitation will be healthier, 'happier' daylilies.
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