
Selected Publications (One or two per year)

Tang, L., J.Y. Shao, S.Y. Pang, Y.M. Wang, A. Maxwell, X.Y. Hu, Z. Gao, T. Lan, and G.F. Shao. 2024. Bolstering performance evaluation of image segmentation models with efficacy metrics in the absence of a gold standard. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Online First.

Tang, L.N., G.F. Shao, and P.M. Groffman. 2024. Urban trees: how to maximize their benefits for humans and the environment. Nature 626 (7998): 261.

Lan, T., G.F. Shao, Z.B. Xu, L.N. Tang, and H.S. Dong. 2023. Considerable role of urban functional form in low-carbon city development. Journal of Cleaner Production 392: 136256.

Tran, H., K. Woeste, B.W. Li, A. Verma, and G.F. Shao. 2023. Measuring tree stem diameters and straightness with depth-image computer vision. Journal of Forestry Research 34(5): 1395–1405.

Shao, G., H. Zhang, J. Shao, K. Woeste, and L. Tang. 2022. Strengthening machine learning reproducibility for image classification. Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. 2(4): 471–476.

Shao, G.F., L.N. Tang, and H. Zhang. 2021. Introducing Image Classification Efficacies. IEEE Access 9: 134809-134816.

Huang, S., L.N. Tang, J.P. Hupy, Y. Wang, and G.F. Shao. 2021. Commentary review on the use of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) in the era of popular remote sensing. Journal of Forestry Research 32: 1–6.

Guo, S.T., Xu, P.F., Q.G. Miao, G.F. Shao, C.A. Chapman, X.J. Chen, G. He, D.Y. Fang, H. Zhang, Y.W. Sun, Z.H. Shi, and B.G. Li. 2020. Automatic identification of individual primates with deep learning techniques. iScience 23(8):101412.

Eliopoulos, N.J., Y.Z. Shen, M.L. Nguyen, V. Arora, Y.X. Zhang, G.F. Shao, K. Woeste, and Y.-H. Lu. 2020. Rapid tree diameter computation with terrestrial stereoscopic photogrammetry. Journal of Forestry 118(4): 355-361.

Shao, G.F., L.N. Tang, and J.F. Liao. 2019. Overselling overall map accuracy misinforms about research reliability. Landscape Ecology 34(11): 2487–2492.

Shao, G., G.F. Shao, J. Gallion, M.R. Saunders, J.R. Frankenberger, S.L. Fei. 2018. Improving lidar-based forest aboveground biomass estimation with the regard to site productivity in temperate hardwood forests. Remote Sensing of Environment 204: 872–882.

Hua, L.Z. and G.F. Shao. 2017. The progress of operational forest fire monitoring with infrared remote sensing. Journal of Forestry Research 28(2): 215–229.

Zhao, J. X. Liu, R.C. Dong, and G.F. Shao. 2016. Landsenses ecology and ecological planning toward sustainable development. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 23(4): 319–325.

Tang, L.N. and G.F. Shao. 2015. Drone remote sensing for forestry research and practices: a review. Journal of Forestry Research 26(4):791–797.

Liao, J.H., L.N. Tang, G.F. Shao, Q.Y. Qiu, C.P. Wang, S.N. Zheng, and X.D. Su. 2014. Neighbor decay cellular automata approach for simulating urban expansion based on particle swarm intelligence. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 28(4): 720–738.

Li, X.X. and G.F. Shao. 2013. Object–based urban vegetation mapping with high resolution aerial photography as a single data source. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 34(3): 771–789.

Tang, L.N., X.D. Su, G.F. Shao, H Zhang, and J.Z. Zhao. 2012. A Clustering-Assisted Regression (CAR) approach for developing spatial climate data sets in China. Environmental Modelling & Software 38: 122–128.

Zhao, J. Y. Song, L.N. Tang, L.Y. Shi, and G.F. Shao. 2011. China's cities need to grow in a more compact way. Environmental Science & Technology 45(20):8607–8.

Shao, G.F. 2011. Long-term field studies of old-growth forests on Changbai Mountain in Northeast China. Annals of Forest Science (2011) 68:885–887.

Zhou, L., L.M. Dai, S.X. Wang, X.T. Huang, X.C. Wang, L. Qi, Q.G. Wang, G.W. Li, Y.W. Wei and G.F. Shao. 2011. Changes in carbon density for three old-growth forests on Changbai Mountain, Northeast China: 1981–2010. Annals of Forest Science 68: 953–958.

Liang, Y. H.S. He, R.C. Bu, Y.M. Hu and G.F. Shao. 2011. Are plot data effective for landscape prediction? A simulation study of tree species response to climate warming under varying environmental heterogeneity. Annals of Forest Science 68: 899–909.

Shao, G.F., F.L. Li, and L,N. Tang. 2011. Multidisciplinary perspectives on sustainable development. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 18(3): 187–189.

C.G. and G.F. Shao. 2011. Object-oriented classification of land use/cover using digital aerial orthophotography. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 33 (4): 922–938.

Shao,G.F., L.M. Dai, J.S. Dukes, R.B. Jackson, L.N. Tang, and J.Z. Zhao. 2011. Increasing forest carbon sequestration through cooperation and shared strategies between China and the United States. Environmental Science & Technology. 45: 2033–2034.

Tang, L.N., G.F. Shao, Z.J. Piao, L.M. Dai, M.A. Jenkins, S.X. Wang, G. Wu, J.G. Wu, J.Z. Zhao. 2010. Forest degradation deepens around and within protected areas in East Asia. Biological Conservation 143: 1295–1298.

Duncan, B.W., G.F. Shao, and F.W. Adrian. 2009. A Remote Sensing and GIS Approach to Delineate a Managed Fire Regime in East Central Florida, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 258 (2): 132–145.

Shao, G.F. and J.G. Wu. 2008. On the accuracy of landscape pattern analysis using remote sensing data. Landscape Ecology 23: 505–511.

Kirilenko, A, B. Chivoiu, J. Crick, A. Ross-Davis, K. Schaaf, G.F. Shao, R. Swihart, V. Singhania. 2007. An Internet-based decision support tool for non-industrial private forest landowners. Environmental Modelling and Software. 22: 1498–1508.

Shao, G.F. and K.M. Reynolds (ed.). 2006. Computer Applications in Sustainable Forest Management: including perspectives on collaboration and integration. Springer, Netherland, 276 pp.

Chivoiu, , G.F. Shao, J. Moser and W.L. Mills. 2006. ArcFVS: An integration of a geographic information system and forest vegetation simulator. Science in China (Series E Technological Sciences), 49 Supp. I: 35–44.

Shao, G.F., Wang, L.M. Dai, J. Bai, and Y. Li. 2006. A density-dependent matrix model and its applications in optimizing harvest schemes for a temperate forest in northeast China. Science in China (Series E Technological Sciences), 49 Supp. I: 108–117.

Zhao,, G. Shao, K. Reynolds, M. Wimberly, T. Warner, J. Moser, K. Rennolls, S. Magnussen, M. Koehl, H. Anderson, G. Mendoza, L. Dai1, A. Huth, L. Zhang, J. Brey, Y. Sun, R. Ye, B. Martin, and F. Li. 2005. Digital Forestry: A White Paper. Journal of Forestry 103 (1): 47–50.

Wang, F., L.M. Dai, and G.F. Shao. 2004. A non-linear model for simulating diameter dynamics of the broadleaved-Korean pine mixed forest on Changbai Mountain. Chinese Journal of Ecology 23(5): 101– (in Chinese)

Shao, G.F., W.C. Wu, G. Wu, X.H. Zhou, and J.G. Wu. 2003. An explicit index for assessing the accuracy of cover class areas. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 69(8): 907–913.

Zhao, G. and G.F. Shao. 2002. Logging restrictions in China: A turning point for forest sustainability. Journal of Forestry 100(4): 34–37.

Shao, G.F., H. Bugmann, and X.D. Yan. 2001. A comparative analysis of the structure and behavior of three gap models at sites in northeastern China. Climatic Change. 51: 389–413.

Zhang, P., G.F. Shao, G. Zhao, D. C. LeMaster, G. R. Parker, J. B. Dunning, and Q. Li. 2000. Ecology: China’s forest policy for the 21st Science 288 (5474), June 23, 2135–2136.

Zhao, G.,F. A.L. Maclean, and G. Shao. 1999. Small-area clearcutting and landscape fragmentation in an old-growth forested area of northeastern China. Great Lakes, Great Forests, Proceedings: 219–224.

Shao, G.F., D.R. Young, J.H. Porter, and B.P. Hayden. 1998. An integration of remote sensing and GIS to examine the responses of shrub thicket distributions to shoreline changes on barrier islands. Journal of Coastal Research 14: 299–307.

Shao, G.F. and H.H. Shugart. 1997. A compatible growth-density stand model derived from a distance-dependent individual tree model. Forest Science 43(3):443–446.

Shao, G., G. Zhao, S. Zhao, H.H. Shugart, S. Wang, and J. Schaller. 1996. Forest cover types derived from landsat TM imagery for Changbai Mountain Area of Can. J. For. Res. 26: 206–216.

Shao, G.F., S. Zhao and H.H. Shugart. 1995. Forest dynamics modeling: preliminary explanations of optimizing management of Korean pine forests. China Forestry Publishing House (in Chinese with English Abstract, content list, and figure captions). 170 pp.

Shao, G., H.H. Shugart, and T.M. Smith. 1995. A role-type model (ROPE) and its application in assessing the impacts of climate change on forest landscape. Vegetatio (Plant Ecology) 121: 135–146.

Shao, G.F., P. Schall, and J.F. Weishampel. 1994. Dynamic simulations of mixed broadleaved-Pinus koraiensis forests in the Changbaishan Biosphere Reserve of China. Forest Ecology and Management. 70: 169–181.

Shao, G.F., J. Porter and H.H. Shugart. 1992. Shrub thicket dynamics on Hog Island of Virginia. ARC/INFO Maps. p 48.

Shao, G.F., S.D. Zhao, and G. Zhao. 1991. Application of GIS in simulation of forested landscape dynamics: A case study in Changbaishan Biosphere Reserve. Chin. of Applied Ecology. 2(2):103–107 (in Chinese with English abstract).

Tian, L., F. Liu, and G.F. Shao. 1990. Remote sensing technologies in agriculture and forestry. Shenyang Publication House, China (in Chinese). 236 pp.

Shao, G.F. 1989. Review on computer models of forest growth and succession. J. Ecology (2): 13–18. (in Chinese with English abstract)

Shao, G.F. 1985. Individual tree growth models for Korean pine plantations. NE. For. Univ., (3):38–46 (in Chinese with English abstract).