Faculty affiliated with the Natural Resources and Environmental Science program represent a wide range of disciplines at Purdue. The following faculty members teach in the NRES program, provide research opportunities and mentor NRES students.

Agricultural & Biological Engineering

Keith Cherkauer

Keith Cherkauer

Professor Agricultural & Biological Engineering
Area of expertise: Environmental and Natural Resources; Data Science and Digital Agriculture

Click to learn more about Keith Cherkauer and their area of interest.

PHIG Research 

Ankita  Raturi

Ankita Raturi

Assistant Professor of Agricultural & Biological Engineering
Area of expertise: Data Science and Digital Agriculture

Click to learn more about Ankita Raturi and their area of interest.

Agricultural Informatics Lab

Halis Simsek

Halis Simsek

Assistant Professor of Agricultural & Biological Engineering
Are of expertise: Biological Engineering; Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering
Click to learn more about Halis Simsek and their area of interest.
Shweta Singh

Shweta Singh

Associate Professor of Agricultural & Biological Engineering
Are of expertise: Food, Pharmaceutical, and Biological Process Engineering

Click to learn more about Shweta Singh and their area of interest.

Shweta Singh Lab

Agricultural Economics

Michael Delgado

Michael Delgado

Professor of Ag Economics, Agricultural Economics
765. 494.4211

Click to learn more about Michael Delgado and their area of interest.

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Thomas Hertel

Thomas Hertel

Distinguished Professor
Area of expertise: Economics and global agriculture, environment and trade

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Jing Liu

Jing Liu

Senior Research Economist & GLASSNET Science Coordinator

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Carson  Reeling

Carson Reeling

Associate Professor of Agriculture Economics
Click to learn more about Carson Reeling and their area of interest.
Juan Sesmero

Juan Sesmero

Professor of Agricultural Economics
Click to learn more about Juan Sesmero and their area of interest.
Gerald Shively

Gerald Shively

Assc Dean/Director IPIA/Prof AGEC, International Programs in Agriculture
Area of expertise: Agricultural and applied economics Research interests: Connections and interactions between poverty and environmental degradation to make global food production more environmentally sustainable.

Click to learn more about Gerald Shively and their area of interest.

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Agricultural Sciences Education & Communication

Linda Pfeiffer

Linda Pfeiffer

Associate Professor of Agricultural Sciences Education and Communication
Research interests: Systemic factors that affect the construction and effective translation of messages to engage the public in scientific issues.
Click to learn more about Linda Pfeiffer and their area of interest.


Shalamar  Armstrong

Shalamar Armstrong

Associate Professor of Agronomy
Areas of expertise: Soil Conservation & Management
Click to learn more about Shalamar Armstrong and their area of interest.
Laura Bowling

Laura Bowling

NRES Director & Professor of Agronomy
Area of expertise: Land management on water quality and quantity
Click to learn more about Laura Bowling and their area of interest.
Sylvie Brouder

Sylvie Brouder

Wickersham Chair/Professor of Agronomy
Area of expertise: Crop Nutrition, Soil Fertility
Click to learn more about Sylvie Brouder and their area of interest.
Richard Grant

Richard Grant

Professor of Agronomy
Area of Expertise: Applied Meteorology Group
Click to learn more about Richard Grant and their area of expertise.
Beth  Hall

Beth Hall

Indiana State Climatologist
Areas of expertise: Applied climate, weather, and/or earth science research that contributes to the advancement of understanding of environmental relationships, data acquisition and product development.
Click to learn more about Beth Hall and their area of interest.
Cliff Johnston

Cliff Johnston

Professor of Agronomy & EAPS
Area of expertise: Soil Chemistry
Click to learn more about Cliff Johnston and their area of expertise.
Eileen Kladivko

Eileen Kladivko

Professor of Agronomy
Area of expertise: Soil Physics, Soil Health and Management
Click to learn more about Eileen Kladivko and their area of expertise.
Linda Lee

Linda Lee

Professor of Agronomy & EEE/Interim Assistant Dean of Agriculture
Area of expertise: Environmental Soil Chemistry and Environmental Organic Chemistry
Click to learn more about Linda Lee and their area of expertise.
Yichao Rui

Yichao Rui

Assistant Professor of Agronomy
Area of Expertise: Agroecosystem
Click to learn more about Yichao Rui and their area of expertise.
Darrell Schulze

Darrell Schulze

Professor of Agronomy
Are of expertise: Pedology/Soil Mapping/Soil Mineralogy/Soil Chemistry
Click to learn more about Darrel Schulze and their area of expertise.
Gary Steinhardt

Gary Steinhardt

Professor of Agronomy
Research interests: Long term tillage plots; strip preparation plots; crop residue studies
765.494.8063 (cell)
Click to learn more about Gary Steinhardt and their area of expertise.
Jeffrey Volenec

Jeffrey Volenec

Professor of Agronomy
Research interests: Aims to understand how crop plants adapt to stress and to develop strategies that enhance plant productivity and resilience.
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Diane Wang

Diane Wang

Assistant Professor of Agronomy
Research interests: Genotype-by-Environment Modeling
Click to learn more about Diane Wang and their area of expertise.
Roland Wilhelm

Roland Wilhelm

Assistant Professor of Agronomy
Area of expertise: Soil Microbiome
Click to learn more about Roland Wilhelm and their area of expertise.

Animal Sciences

Paul  Ebner

Paul Ebner

Professor of Animal Sciences
Area of expertise: Microbiology
Click to learn more about Paul Ebner and their area of interest.
Marcos Fernandez

Marcos Fernandez

Professor of Animal Sciences
Area of expertise: Small Ruminant Production (Goats and Sheep); Nutritional Physiology
Click to learn more about Marcos Fernandez and their area of expertise.


Jennifer Wisecaver

Jennifer Wisecaver

Assistant Professor of Biochemistry
Research interest: Genomic Basis of Evolutionary Innovation
Click to learn more about Jennifer Wisecaver and their area of expertise.

Botany & Plant Pathology

Morgan  Furze

Morgan Furze

Assistant Professor of Botany and Plant Pathology
Research interests: physiology, ecology, and evolution of plants; nonstructural carbohydrate reserve dynamics; global change biology

Click to learn more about Morgan Furze and their area of expertise.

The Furze Lab

Anjali Iyer-Pascuzzi

Anjali Iyer-Pascuzzi

Associate Professor of Botany and Plant Pathology
Area of expertise: Plant development and disease resistance

Click to learn more about Anjali Iyer-Pascuzzi and their area of expertise.

The Iyer-Pascuzzi Lab

Scott McAdam

Scott McAdam

Assistant Professor of Botany and Plant Pathology
Research interests: The evolution of plant water use and drought tolerance.
Click to learn more about Scott McAdams and their area of expertise.
Chris Oakley

Chris Oakley

Assistant Professor of Botany and Plant Pathology
Research interests: Ecological and evolutionary genetics of plants
Click to learn more about Chris Oakley and their area of expertise.

Earth Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences

Nathaniel  Lifton

Nathaniel Lifton

Associate Professor and Associate Head
Area of Expertise: Geomorphology and Quaternary geology
Click to learn more about Nathaniel Lifton and their area of interest.


John Couture

John Couture

Associate Professor of Entomology
Research areas: Host Plant / Insect / Nematode Interactions & Environmental & Evolutionary Entomology
Click to learn more about John Couture and their area of interest.
Matthew Ginzel

Matthew Ginzel

Professor of Entomology and Forestry and Natural Resources
Research interest: Chemically-mediated host colonization and mating behaviors of wood-boring beetles
Click to learn more about Matt Ginzel and their area of interest.
Laura Ingwell

Laura Ingwell

Assistant Professor of Entomology
Research Areas; Host Plant / Insect / Nematode Interactions / Insect Science Education / Pest Management
Click to learn more about Laura Ingwell and their area of interest.
Ian Kaplan

Ian Kaplan

Professor of Entomology
Area of Expertise: Insect ecology
Click to learn more about Ian Kaplan and their area of interest.

Environmental & Ecological Engineering

John Howarter

John Howarter

Associate Professor Materials Engineering /Environ And Ecological Engineering
Research interest: centered around reducing the operational energy footprint of polymer membranes through material design. This includes a focus on material improvements of polyamide membranes used in desalination and functional composite membranes for targeted separation of industrial wastewater.
Click to learn more about John Howarter and their area of interest.

Food Science

Yaohua (Betty) Feng

Yaohua (Betty) Feng

Assistant Professor of Food Science
Area of expertise: Human Perception and Behavior of Food
Click to learn more about Yaohua (Betty) Feng and their area of interest.
Jen-Yi Huang

Jen-Yi Huang

Associate Professor of Food Science
Area of expertise: Food process sustainability
Click to learn more about Jen-Yi Huang and their area of interest.

Forestry & Natural Resources

Paris Collingsworth

Paris Collingsworth

Research Assistant Professor
Research interests: Ecosystem dynamics in the Laurentian Great Lakes
Click to learn more about Paris Collingsworth and their area of expertise.
John (Barny) Dunning

John (Barny) Dunning

Professor of Wildlife Ecology
Areas of expertise: Avian ecology, conservation biology
Click to learn more about Barny Dunning and their area of expertise.
Elizabeth (Liz)  Flaherty

Elizabeth (Liz) Flaherty

Associate Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Habitat Management
Area of expertise: Wildlife habitat management
Click to learn more about Liz Flaherty and their area of interest.
Reuben Goforth

Reuben Goforth

Associate Professor of Forestry and Natural Resources
Research interests: Aquatic animals and their habitats
Click to learn more about Reuben Goforth and their area of interest.
Jacob Hosen

Jacob Hosen

Assistant Professor of Forestry and Natural Resources
Area of Interest: high frequency sensors to study how microbes and environmental change influence ecosystem functions and water quality.
Click to learn more about Jacob Hosen and their area of interest.
Doug Jacobs

Doug Jacobs

Professor of Forest Biology and Associate Head of Extension
Research interests are in the reforestation and restoration of forest trees
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Michael Jenkins

Michael Jenkins

Professor of Forestry and Natural Resources
Area of Interest: Forest Ecology
Click to learn more about Mike Jenkins and their area of expertise.
Zhao Ma

Zhao Ma

Professor of Forestry & Natural Resource
Area of expertise: Natural resource decision making; human dimensions of natural resources Research interest: Natural resource decision-making processes of individuals and organizations.
Click to learn more about Zhao Ma and their area of expertise.
Bryan Pijanowski

Bryan Pijanowski

Professor of Human-Environment Modeling & Analysis Laboratory
Area of expertise: Socio-ecological systems
Click to learn more about Bryan Pijanowski and their area of interest.
Michael Saunders

Michael Saunders

Associate Professor of Ecology and Natural Resources
Research interests: Sustainable management of Central Hardwood forests; natural disturbance-based silviculture; fire ecology of oak-hickory forests; effects of silvicultural practices on wood quality and timber value.
Click to learn more about Mike Saunders and their area of interest.
Maria (Marisol) Sepúlveda

Maria (Marisol) Sepúlveda

Professor of Ecology and Natural Systems and Associate Head of Research
Area of expertise: Ecotoxicology
Click to learn more about Maria (Marisol) Sepúlveda and their area of interest.

Horticulture & Landscape Architecture

David Barbarash

David Barbarash

Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture
Area of expertise: Urban design and urban ecology
Click to learn more about David Barbarash and their area of expertise.
Steve Hallett

Steve Hallett

Professor of Horticulture
Area of expertise: Plant ecology
Click to learn more about Steve Hallett and their area of expertise.
Peter Hirst

Peter Hirst

Associate Director, IPIA/Professor, Horticulture
Area of Expertise: Pomology
Click to learn more about Peter Hirst and their area of expertise.
Lori Hoagland

Lori Hoagland

Professor of Horticulture
Area of expertise: Microbial ecology of horticultural systems
Click to learn more about Lori Hoagland and their area of expertise.
Yiwei Huang

Yiwei Huang

Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture
Research interest: Focuses on the relationships between people and the outdoor environment
Click to learn more about Yiwei Huang and their area of expertise.
Liz Maynard

Liz Maynard

Clinical Engagement Professor of HLA
Area of Expertise: Vegetable Production
Click to learn more about Liz Maynard and their area of expertise.
Linda Prokopy

Linda Prokopy

Horticulture and Landscape Architecture Department Head
Research interests: Understanding how to motivate individuals to adopt environmentally-friendly practices
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Aaron Thompson

Aaron Thompson

Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture
Area of Expertise: Using applied social-ecological science to achieve better decision making at the interface of land use planning and natural resource management
Click to learn more about Aaron Thompson and their area of interest.
Ariana Torres

Ariana Torres

Assistant Professor and Marketing Specialist
Area of Expertise: Agricultural economics – decision-making modeling
Click to learn more about Ariana Torres and their area of interest.

Liberal Arts

Robert Marzec

Robert Marzec

Professor of English
Specialization: Environmental Humanities, Environmental Ethics, Justice, Policy, and Literature.
Click to learn more about Robert Marzec and their area of interest.