
All reporting for FSIL-funded projects will use the Piestar DPx platform. Reports are collected semi-annually in March and September of each year.

Piestar Log-in


All complete datasets produced by FSIL-funded projects will be deposited and openly shared in Harvard Dataverse and USAID’s Data Development Library.




All public communications should include the Feed the Future and USAID logos. Branding guidelines and logos are available for Feed the Future and USAID on their respective websites.

Branded FSIL templates are available on the Piestar DPx dashboard for project use, including:

  • PowerPoint template
  • Fact sheet template
  • Poster template

Acknowledgement Statement

All public communications, program materials, and events funded in whole or in part by FSIL must acknowledge USAID and FSIL in all publications, videos, web pages, or other information/media products. The following statement should be used for acknowledgement:

“This [specify: study/report/video/event, etc.] is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under Cooperative Agreement No. 7200AA19LE00003 awarded to Purdue University, in partnership with Cornell University, as the management entity for the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Safety. The contents are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.”

Anti-Trafficking Plan

Purdue University has developed an Anti-Trafficking Compliance Plan in alignment with the U.S. government’s zero-tolerance policy regarding trafficking in persons by government contractors and award recipients. An anti-trafficking compliance program must be in place for all subcontractors and subawardees.