Site Archive

Cat and dog with remote worker during coronavirus pandemic

Managing your “fur-workers”: Supporting your pets while working from home

March 31, 2020

A downside of working from home is that many of my important work conversations are interrupted by what I have begun to refer to as my fur-workers,” said Candace Croney fondly describing her cat, Bernie, and Havanese mix Desi. “They like to help me out by announcing the end of the world is coming because a delivery arrived or walk across my keyboard to end a web conference without my consent.”

McCoy under lights in lab

Plant science focus makes Purdue ideal for grad student’s research

March 18, 2020

I love trying to figure out things that nobody knows,” said Rachel McCoy, a doctoral candidate in Horticulture and Landscape Architecture who will defend her dissertation next month.

McCoy’s search for a postdoc is underway as she works toward her goal of becoming a professor at a small university.

Greenhouses at night

Message from the Glenn W. Sample Dean of Agriculture

March 13, 2020

Dear Purdue Agriculture Community,

Purdue University leaders have made important strategic decisions regarding our campus response to the outbreak of the newly identified coronavirus, COVID-19. I invite you to read more about those decisions and how they will be impacting classes on this site, which will be updated daily.

For Purdue Agriculture, these important guidelines have several implications that I want to share with you. We will be updating information regularly on this page and through our Twitter feed @PurdueAg.

Brandon Hunter smiling in research lab

MANRRS helps groom entrepreneur for life after Purdue

February 26, 2020

“I didn’t want to come to Purdue. I just wanted to get out of the Midwest,” said Brandon Hunter, who grew up in southern Illinois. “I saw myself moving somewhere far away like California, Georgia or Pennsylvania.”

Hunter first heard about the MANRRS-Purdue chapter through Pamala Morris, assistant dean and director of multicultural programs, and Myron McClure, assistant director of student recruitment and retention.

Popcorn in a movie theater bucket

What’s under the shell of this popular snack?

February 7, 2020

No country grows or consumes more popcorn than the United States and only one state, Nebraska, produces more popcorn than Indiana. Consequently, it’s surprising that in 2019, only 75,000 of Indiana’s 5 million corn acres contained popcorn.

The hard outer hull of popcorn, called the pericarp, explains why 1.5 percent of the state’s corn pops while none of the rest can.

Sara Cloutier smiling in a lab

Behind the Research: Sara Cloutier

February 7, 2020

About the feature Many people are involved in the remarkable range of programs, services and facilities that undergird research in the College of Agriculture. Collectively…


Graduate Ag Research Spotlight: Aishwarya Chandrasekaran

February 3, 2020
Men speaking in front of a tractor

AgrAbility gets farmers back to work worldwide

January 22, 2020

To Bill Field, professor of agricultural and biological engineering, a man who suffers a head injury falling from a grain bin in Indiana is no different than a woman who loses a foot to snakebite near Bangkok. “They have the same mechanical needs,” he explains — “how to get to where they need to be and do the things they’ve always done.”

Field directs the national AgrAbility Project, a USDA-NIFA-sponsored program that helps farmers, ranchers and other agricultural workers with disabilities meet those needs. His work focuses on three main areas: the health and well-being of farm families; enhancing emergency response in rural communities; and helping farmers rehabilitate after they’ve experienced a disability. The last priority taps Field’s ongoing research on assistive technology in agricultural workplaces.


Graduate Ag Research Spotlight: Omar Zayed

January 17, 2020

OMAR ZAYED “Understanding plant tolerance mechanisms to overcome abiotic stress — and providing a new technique to help plants to be more resistant to salinity…


Graduate Ag Research Spotlight: Jing Huang

January 6, 2020

JING HUANG “Accurately collecting plant vasculature is very challenging. We are establishing plantains as a model species to study vasculature-specific physiology and responses due to…

Various images from the years top stories

Purdue Agriculture’s 19 Most Read Stories of 2019

January 2, 2020
Graduate Ag Research Spotlight Banner

Graduate Ag Research Spotlight: Jonathan Knott

December 16, 2019

JONATHAN KNOTT “In understanding how human-related impacts are changing the world, I’m working toward helping future generations.” — Jonathan Knott, PhD candidate, Forestry and Natural…

Mosier in front of the new ABE building

Top ABE department appoints new leader for new century

December 10, 2019

By Chad Campbell In 1998, Nathan Mosier thought he was looking for the best graduate school when he chose Purdue’s Department of Agricultural and Biological…

Niki De Armond

Behind the Research: Niki De Armond

December 9, 2019

About the feature Many people are involved in the remarkable range of programs, services and facilities that undergird research in the College of Agriculture. Collectively…

A Corn Leaf with Tar Spot

New field crops pathologist hits the ground running

December 6, 2019

By Chad Campbell “The hardest part for me,” said Darcy Telenko, “is being from a farm and knowing the impact. Knowing what it feels like…

Graduate Ag Research Spotlight Banner

Graduate Ag Research Spotlight: Derico Setyabrata

December 2, 2019

DERICO SETYABRATA “I personally enjoy food — cooking and eating. Sometimes the dry-aging process can really improve the products. It’s interesting for me to figure…

Karcher's Classroom full of students

National Teaching and Student Engagement award winner explores learning opportunities with students

December 2, 2019

By Chad Campbell From a distance, Elizabeth Karcher kept an interested eye on her dozen students while they explored a bustling market in Ho Chi…

Graduate Ag Research Spotlight Banner

Graduate Ag Research Spotlight: Shelby Gruss

November 22, 2019

SHELBY GRUSS “High-throughput phenotyping is a huge field with new opportunities, and just to be part of it is exciting. You get to see new…

Cover Crop Harvest

Long-term study will offer more data on cover crop benefits

November 18, 2019

By Brian Wallheimer The popularity of cover crops has reemerged in recent years with farmers looking to a variety of grasses, brassicas and legumes to…

Graduate Ag Research Spotlight Banner

Graduate Ag Research Spotlight: Josh Kraft

November 13, 2019

JOSH KRAFT “One of the interesting things about plants is how they deal with different stressors in their environments. They can’t just leave when things…


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