Approved List of Student Teaching Sites
To become eligible to host a Purdue Agricultural Education teacher candidate, an Indiana Agricultural Education Teacher must complete and return the following information no later than September 30 of the current school year to:
Dr. Allen Talbert
Purdue University
915 W State Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907
1. Complete and return a copy of the Excel summary sheet.
2. Complete Self-Study of Standards and Quality Indicators.
3. Read the Cooperating Teacher Handbook, then complete and return pages 26-29.
These documents will be reviewed by the Purdue Agricultural Education faculty/staff and the Indiana Team AgEd. If approved, your school will appear on the approved list of student teaching sites for the following school year (Example: September 30, 2024 apply for Spring 2026). It will remain on the list until a change in agriculture teacher occurs or the teacher/school requests it be removed.
The process for Purdue Agricultural Education students to select a student teaching site is explained in the Steps in Placement at a Student Teaching Center document.
Student Teaching Forms