Picture of the Week
April 18, 2022
Spring Has Sprung and Mowing Has Begun!
John Orick, Purdue Master Gardener State Coordinator, Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
April temperatures have led to the beginning of the mowing season for homeowners and turf managers.
Here are few tips as you begin mowing turf areas this spring:
- Prepare your mower by sharpening blades for improved mower performance, a better looking lawn, and less stress on turfgrass plants. Consult a mechanic or owner's manual for additional routine maintenance for your make and model of mower.
- Mow cool-season turfgrasses at a height of 3-4 inches. Mowing turf at higher heights encourages deep root growth and helps prevent weed infestations.
- Mow turf based on growth rate rather than on a schedule. Lawns mowed according to turf growth tend to be thicker with less bare areas.
- Return grass clippings to the lawn rather than collecting them for removal. This practice recycles nutrients, adds organic matter to soil, saves time, and decreases costs. If excess grass clippings remain after mowing, disperse clippings by mowing the area again or using a blower or rake to spread out clippings to prevent damage to plants underneath.
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Related Articles and Publications:
Mowing, Dethatching, Aerifying, and Rolling Turf (AY-8-W)
Spring Mowing Tips
Taking Care of Your Yard: The Homeowner's Essential Guide to Lawns, Trees, Shrubs, and Garden Flowers (HO-236-W) https://www.extension.purdue.edu/extmedia/HO/HO-236-W.pdf